Episode 31 – The Brexit & Environment Episode
22nd November 2018 • LawPod • Queen's University - School of Law
00:00:00 00:29:31

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LawPod coordinator Dr Rachel Killean talks to Dr Mary Dobbs (Queen’s School of Law) and Dr Viviane Gravey (Queen’s School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics, co-chair of Brexit & Environment) about their work on Brexit, environment and agriculture policy. The discussion covers a variety of issues – why is Brexit also an environmental matter, why the Northern Irish situation is most challenging, and how to engage with policy debates in a country ‘tired of expert’s. To find out more: Read their report (co-authored with Dr Ciara Brennan & Attracta Ui Bhroin) on Environmental Governance after Brexit in Northern Ireland https://www.brexitenvironment.co.uk/policy-briefs/#nigov Read the House of Commons Northern Ireland Affairs Committee report on Agriculture to which they both participatedhttps://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201719/cmselect/cmniaf/939/939.pdf



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