It is true that "As a man thinketh," so does he create his environment. James Allen's book with that title was published in 1903. Today, we have many pieces written around the idea that our collective thoughts deliver our world. Paul Levy's website, "Awaken in the Dream" is one to check out on this topic.
These are challenging times. Just as things looked a bit more hopeful during a global health crisis that brought us to our knees, a black man was murdered by a white police officer, while three others stood by. How can anyone not see that as wildly unacceptable and outrageous? Yes, we desperately need to address this, but is that achieved with violence? I think that 's at minimum a distraction to the cause and how can that make sense? Worse, how can one justify violence in the protestation of violence?
I ask our audience to consider coming from love to create the circumstances for love (not fear/hate) to be our guiding principle for change.