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Focus - What you bring to it matters! | DFS 339
Episode 33924th March 2025 • Destined For Success • Jennifer Takagi
00:00:00 00:16:36

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Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease.  What you focus on grows/multiplies.  When you decide to focus, the intention you bring to it matters!

In this episode you will learn:

  • Eliminating Internal and External Distractions – Recognizing what pulls your attention away, whether it's self-doubt, external noise, or limiting beliefs, allows you to create an environment that supports deep focus and productivity.

  • Alignment Creates Momentum – When your focus aligns with your values and goals, progress feels effortless. Small, intentional actions—like the 12-minute method—help build consistency and transform focus into lasting success.

If you are ready to start reaching your goals instead of simply dreaming about it, start today with

Buy your copy of the the Best Selling Book, 12 Minutes to Success on Amazon:  

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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, International Inspirational Speaker, and 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, shares the invaluable lessons she’s learned along the way. Each episode is crafted to provide tools, insights, and inspiration to lead with integrity.

As a masterful energy healer, Jennifer combines an extraordinary range of transformative certifications and modalities, including Emotion Code, Body Code, Belief Code, Energetic Magic, DISC Behavioral Analysis, Change Style Facilitation, Law of Attraction, and advanced coaching techniques. Her unique expertise enables her to guide clients through profound shifts, unlocking energy, mindset, and belief patterns to achieve deep alignment and lasting success. Known for her humor, Jennifer brings a dose of fun to each session, so expect some puns and perhaps a bit of sarcasm!

Tune in for motivational guests, impactful stories, and actionable tips that bring you closer to the success you’ve been striving coveting.

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I look forward to connecting with you soon,  Jennifer

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at


Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to Destin for success. I'm your

Jennifer Takagi:

host, Jennifer Takagi, and this week I want to expand a little

Jennifer Takagi:

bit on Chad Austin's conversation last week around

Jennifer Takagi:

focus, like that was part of his talk, and focus always jumps out

Jennifer Takagi:

to me, because focus is such an important thing. If we're not

Jennifer Takagi:

focused on what we're doing, we make mistakes. We don't get the

Jennifer Takagi:

best out of it, of whatever we're doing. So focus and

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focusing your mindset on where you want the conversation to go,

Jennifer Takagi:

how you want the meeting to turn out, whatever work product

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you're working on. If you're focused on it, and you step in

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to that activity, your mindset impacts it greatly. So are you

Jennifer Takagi:

walking in with a negative mindset? Is it something you

Jennifer Takagi:

don't want to do? Are you walking in just like, I'm just

Jennifer Takagi:

going to do this because I have to get it done, chances are the

Jennifer Takagi:

product that outcome will really reflect that so your intention,

Jennifer Takagi:

your mindset, whether you're positive or negative, is going

Jennifer Takagi:

to impact that outcome. I love that book that talks about and I

Jennifer Takagi:

don't, I don't have the information in front of me.

Jennifer Takagi:

Maybe I'll add it to the show notes. But this, I believe he

Jennifer Takagi:

was a scientist. Took jars of water. All the jars were clean,

Jennifer Takagi:

cleaned all the same way, filled with water from the same source,

Jennifer Takagi:

and he talked very negatively to some of these jars of water, and

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over time, those jars of water developed all kinds of fungus

Jennifer Takagi:

and bacteria they they were not even potable, which I was pretty

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impressed when I learned the word potable. That's where you

Jennifer Takagi:

can't drink it. It's not fit for consumption. But the jar that he

Jennifer Takagi:

talked to, lovingly and kindly remained clean and pure. So our

Jennifer Takagi:

thoughts, our intentions, the words we use, really impact the

Jennifer Takagi:

internet interaction, the activity that we're going to

Jennifer Takagi:

have. So if you're going to speak to an employee, let's say,

Jennifer Takagi:

and you walk in with a laundry list of mistakes they've made,

Jennifer Takagi:

things they've done wrong, that conversation is going to go

Jennifer Takagi:

downhill quickly, and there may not be room for recovery. It may

Jennifer Takagi:

not be able to heal, but if you find the things that they do

Jennifer Takagi:

well the skills that they bring to the table, then you can have

Jennifer Takagi:

a conversation around how to improve those areas that aren't

Jennifer Takagi:

up to par. But if you walk in with an attitude of, gotcha, I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

going to get you, I'm going to destroy you, you probably are

Jennifer Takagi:

and it's not going to be a good thing. But if you walk in with

Jennifer Takagi:

the attitude of, I want to give you this tools, you need to do

Jennifer Takagi:

your job better to have a better outcome, it's going to be a

Jennifer Takagi:

whole different ball game. And if you've already focused on

Jennifer Takagi:

what they do well and what they bring to the party, it's going

Jennifer Takagi:

to be a much easier conversation than walking in focused and your

Jennifer Takagi:

intent being on everything they did wrong. Any type of

Jennifer Takagi:

disciplinary conversation is really supposed to change the

Jennifer Takagi:

behavior. It is not a preamble to firing. I'm going to say that

Jennifer Takagi:

again, any disciplinary conversation should be to change

Jennifer Takagi:

behavior, not a preamble to fire someone. I'm an entrepreneur. I

Jennifer Takagi:

have to do things. I may not love doing, but I love what they

Jennifer Takagi:

bring me. I love that outcome. Sometimes, coming up with a

Jennifer Takagi:

social media post can be difficult. I don't know why, but

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm like, What am I going to talk about? Not that I don't

Jennifer Takagi:

have 40,000 topics, but sometimes it's a little bit

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harder. But I have to have a little chit chat with myself and

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be like, oh, I want to do this social media post. Because why

Jennifer Takagi:

do I want to do this? How is it going to impact me and whomever

Jennifer Takagi:

happens to see it like, how is that going to work out?

Jennifer Takagi:

Sometimes distractions are the killer of our focus. Talk about

Jennifer Takagi:

car wrecks with people texting and driving, right? You're not

Jennifer Takagi:

paying attention to what you're doing and what's going on around

Jennifer Takagi:

you. The same thing happens in any other area of your life,

Jennifer Takagi:

whether it is a home project, a work project. If you don't

Jennifer Takagi:

eliminate the distractions holding you back, the outcome

Jennifer Takagi:

and the product are not going to be what you wanted. They're not

Jennifer Takagi:

going to be at the best. There are people who are very specific

Jennifer Takagi:

that their work area has to be. Clean, neat and tidy, or they

Jennifer Takagi:

cannot concentrate, they cannot do the work for me. That's not

Jennifer Takagi:

really case. That's really not the problem. I just need a deaf

Jennifer Takagi:

space around me that I could do the work. I have not really

Jennifer Takagi:

completely embraced the whole paperless society yet, and in my

Jennifer Takagi:

last job, I really hadn't either. I had papers everywhere.

Jennifer Takagi:

However, I pretty much knew where the stuff was. Could I

Jennifer Takagi:

have done things quicker if things had been all filed and

Jennifer Takagi:

put away, maybe, but when I knew what stack they were in, and

Jennifer Takagi:

then I had to dig through drawers to find it once I filed

Jennifer Takagi:

everything, um, that, in the end, made it a little bit harder

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for me. So all kinds of questions and possibilities on

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the outcome of that, like, what is your environment? If you know

Jennifer Takagi:

there's something broken in your house and you work from home,

Jennifer Takagi:

your mind might just continually go back to that, like, Gosh, I

Jennifer Takagi:

really need to call somebody. I really need to get that fixed.

Jennifer Takagi:

Is it distracting you and holding you back from doing what

Jennifer Takagi:

you really want to do and or need to do it? Really can those

Jennifer Takagi:

things, kind of things can really drive you insane. I have

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a friend who really has to have everything perfect before any

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work gets done, and a lot of times that that outer world, the

Jennifer Takagi:

world around us, if it's not in order, our inner world, can be

Jennifer Takagi:

in turmoil and not quite right. Not everybody has the ability to

Jennifer Takagi:

cut out those distractions. I recently had a conversation with

Jennifer Takagi:

somebody in a a workman was at their house repairing an

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appliance, and as I'm hearing all the drama unfold with the

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appliance, I thought, just buy a new one. Like, it's not that

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expensive to have just replaced this small appliance. And I

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learned that firsthand. We bought a refrigerator with a

Jennifer Takagi:

freezer, and it had an ice maker in it, and the ice maker kept

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going out, like, I don't know how many times it went out, and

Jennifer Takagi:

at one point they sent somebody from a different company,

Jennifer Takagi:

because this was through the warranty. And the guy said,

Jennifer Takagi:

Ma'am, like, for $50 I can just put a new ice maker in, and the

Jennifer Takagi:

labor will be about 20 because it's not going to take me any

Jennifer Takagi:

time at all. And I was like, do that. I had taken off work

Jennifer Takagi:

literally four times to come home to get this ice maker

Jennifer Takagi:

fixed. I had to take leave 30 minutes before I needed to be

Jennifer Takagi:

home. And then all the time I was home. And then, you know,

Jennifer Takagi:

you get a window of when they come that was the biggest

Jennifer Takagi:

distraction all the way around. And the first time the person

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came out, they could have just put in a whole new ice maker. It

Jennifer Takagi:

cost them more money to buy the part to put in there and fix it

Jennifer Takagi:

than a brand new ice maker would have been. That seems simple,

Jennifer Takagi:

but that was distracting me from getting my work done, because

Jennifer Takagi:

now I had fewer hours in the day multiple times. I'm telling you,

Jennifer Takagi:

multiple times it was at least four till we got it fixed, and I

Jennifer Takagi:

couldn't get my work done, or I had a much shorter period of

Jennifer Takagi:

time to get it done. This is in the times when when you had to

Jennifer Takagi:

physically go into the office all the time. You weren't given

Jennifer Takagi:

the opportunity to work from home at all. You were either at

Jennifer Takagi:

work or on leave. So what distractions are out there? Are

Jennifer Takagi:

you fighting with your computer? Is it not working correctly?

Jennifer Takagi:

That is a distraction from your focus. If your things aren't

Jennifer Takagi:

working right, you can't get the job done. Jack Canfield, in his

Jennifer Takagi:

book The success principles, really talks about things that

Jennifer Takagi:

he calls incomplete. What is incomplete or undone in your

Jennifer Takagi:

life that is distracting you from doing the work you're

Jennifer Takagi:

really meant to be doing. And one of the exercises is to make

Jennifer Takagi:

a list. And there was someone. It might have been him, I can't

Jennifer Takagi:

remember now, but someone's garage door didn't open, and

Jennifer Takagi:

whenever he came home, he had to park the car, get out of the

Jennifer Takagi:

car, open the garage door, get in the car, pull the car in,

Jennifer Takagi:

turn it off, get out and physically pull the garage door

Jennifer Takagi:

down. And he had picked up someone that was coming to stay

Jennifer Takagi:

at their house from the airport. And he pulls up, and he stops

Jennifer Takagi:

and gets out and goes through his whole production of the

Jennifer Takagi:

garage door up and car moved, and all that, and the visitors

Jennifer Takagi:

said, So, how long have you been tolerating that? How long have

Jennifer Takagi:

you been tolerating that? So, what is it that you are

Jennifer Takagi:

tolerating in your life that is causing the distraction from

Jennifer Takagi:

having the focus? Need to have to show up the way you want to

Jennifer Takagi:

show up.

Jennifer Takagi:

We always take out our frustrations on the ones we

Jennifer Takagi:

love. We shouldn't, but that's what we do. That's what we do.

Jennifer Takagi:

That's how this runs. So eliminate as many distractions

Jennifer Takagi:

as possible. Get the things that are broken fixed, get them

Jennifer Takagi:

thrown away if they just need to be thrown away, but make your

Jennifer Takagi:

environment physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Jennifer Takagi:

Make those environments as tidy as you need them to be, so that

Jennifer Takagi:

you can be as productive as possible. You can have that

Jennifer Takagi:

focus, and it's in the right area. Another piece, the last

Jennifer Takagi:

piece I want to talk about on this today is alignment creates

Jennifer Takagi:

momentum. Alignment creates momentum. I have spent so many

Jennifer Takagi:

hours, I don't even want to say how many hours that probably led

Jennifer Takagi:

to weeks, that probably led to months, working on things that

Jennifer Takagi:

really weren't in alignment with me, what I wanted to do, how I

Jennifer Takagi:

wanted to show up in the world. And it's time that's lost time

Jennifer Takagi:

is that one commodity that we can't replace in any way, shape

Jennifer Takagi:

or form. So are you aligned with what you want to be doing? I

Jennifer Takagi:

know there are people probably listening who are like, I have

Jennifer Takagi:

this job. I have to keep this job. So, I mean, I'm just going

Jennifer Takagi:

through the motions. I have to have this job. Well, if you're

Jennifer Takagi:

new to me, you may not have heard this. If you've heard it

Jennifer Takagi:

before, maybe it will land differently for you. You made a

Jennifer Takagi:

choice to take that job. Nobody forced you to take that job.

Jennifer Takagi:

Nobody forced you to take that job. If you said yes to that

Jennifer Takagi:

position, then you're saying yes to showing up as your full best

Jennifer Takagi:

self and do that job to the best of your ability. Brendon

Jennifer Takagi:

Burchard often calls it summoning your best. He's he

Jennifer Takagi:

uses that in a lot of his books and podcasts. Summon your best

Jennifer Takagi:

to do your job the best you can and identify the ways that job

Jennifer Takagi:

is fulfilling you is the pay good so you're able to have the

Jennifer Takagi:

lifestyle that you want. Do you enjoy the clientele that you

Jennifer Takagi:

serve? Do you feel good having the answers? I heard somebody

Jennifer Takagi:

say the other day, man, I feel really great when I'm able to

Jennifer Takagi:

answer somebody's question and it's the right answer and it

Jennifer Takagi:

helps them move further along. What is it about that job, that

Jennifer Takagi:

career, that field you've chosen that brings purpose? I didn't

Jennifer Takagi:

always do tasks that I loved in my career in housing as an

Jennifer Takagi:

entrepreneur, there are tasks I do that, I don't love either,

Jennifer Takagi:

but they're part of the bigger picture. So is there alignment

Jennifer Takagi:

with what you're doing, the task you're doing that fulfills a

Jennifer Takagi:

bigger purpose? Because finding that alignment, which is not

Jennifer Takagi:

always hard to do, sometimes it is, but mostly people can find

Jennifer Takagi:

that alignment pretty quickly, you find that alignment and your

Jennifer Takagi:

momentum is just it's going to be off the charts. When I made

Jennifer Takagi:

this shift from doing strictly black and white, very strategic

Jennifer Takagi:

leadership development training, and got more into the woo space

Jennifer Takagi:

and the energy healing and clearing the blocks that are

Jennifer Takagi:

holding people back. It's so much easier to show up and do

Jennifer Takagi:

what I want to do, because I love it. I enjoy it. I was in an

Jennifer Takagi:

event recently in Miami, and because people are amazing and

Jennifer Takagi:

they make wonderful referral recommendations, I was referred

Jennifer Takagi:

to several people that they needed to work with me, and at

Jennifer Takagi:

the end of those few days of Miami, it was like, I can't quit

Jennifer Takagi:

doing what I'm doing, even if I want to, because I love this. I

Jennifer Takagi:

love doing what I do. I love impacting people's lives in a

Jennifer Takagi:

positive way, and I love being able to sit back and watch them

Jennifer Takagi:

flourish, doing what they want to do. So when it comes to your

Jennifer Takagi:

focus, check your thoughts and your mindset before you start

Jennifer Takagi:

the project. Eliminate those internal and external

Jennifer Takagi:

distractions that are going to keep you from really giving it

Jennifer Takagi:

your all and then align what you're doing with your calling,

Jennifer Takagi:

having that clarity that this is what you want to be doing, or

Jennifer Takagi:

it's a piece of a bigger picture. Even if you don't love

Jennifer Takagi:

this little piece, it feeds a bigger piece. And the momentum

Jennifer Takagi:

comes and the shifts come and things happen most. Faster. I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

Jennifer Takagi with destin for success, I would love to have a

Jennifer Takagi:

chat with you. Click the link, book a call, and let's see

Jennifer Takagi:

what's going on in your world. And if there's any way that I

Jennifer Takagi:

can possibly make it better, I look forward to connecting with

Jennifer Takagi:

you soon.

Jennifer Takagi:

Okay, and, and.




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