Tracking Net Worth with Ashley Micciche
Faith and Science with Dr. Scott French: Human Flourishing
Football Food: 2nd Cup for February 7
Keeping Up With Ken: St. Scholastica
A Time Of Change for Mater Dei Radio
A Place of Healing: Mind, Body and Spirit
American Catholic History: Fr. Agustus Tolton
A Knight at the March for Life
Homily Highlight from Fr. Tim Mockaitis
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Human Existence with Dr. Scott French
Two Hearts Devotion with Fr. Niall O'Riordan
A Musical Education with Alex McCune
St. Vincent de Paul Church: Parish of the Week
Sacred Liturgical Music With Terry Ross
Financial Outlook for 2025 with Ashley Micciche
Shop to Support: SVdP Thrift Store
Vocation Discernment with Fr. Peter Julia
Homily Highlight from Fr. John Henderson
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Great Things about Catholic Schools: 2nd Cup.
The Mission of Catholic Education: Elias Moo
In Kind Love: Meet Brother Columba O'Neill, CSC
A Saint for Communications with Ken Hallenius
Consecrated to St. Joseph with the Knights
Word of the Week with Colleen Vermeulen
St. Therese Church and School: Parish of the Week
Christ Calls Us To Conversion with Fr. Dan Pattee
American Catholic History: Bernard Nathanson
The Life of Cardinal George Pell by Tess Livingstone
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Homily Highlight from Fr. Sean Weeks
A Place to find Hope: Our Lady of Peace Retreat
Human Existence with Dr. Scott French
Pro-life Activities in the Archdiocese of Portland
Sacred Liturgical Music With Terry Ross
The Do's and Don'ts When In Line for Confession
A Vision of the Divine with Miriam Marston
Catholic Education for Mind, Body, and Spirit: Chesterton Academy
The Names of Jesus in the Mass: 2nd Cup for Jan 16
Treasures of the Church: Blessings From Heaven
American Catholic History: Snowshoeing Priest
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Homily Highlight from Msgr. Gerard O'Connor
Online Women's Support with Julie Onderko
Near-Death Experience with Dr. Scott French
Retiree Regrets with Ashley Micciche
Just A Guy in the Pew, John Edwards
Baptism of the Lord with Ken Hallenius
Grow in Faith in 2025 with Dina Marie Hale
We Are Pilgrims of Hope with Fr. Cedric Pisegna
Celebrate January 2025: 2nd Cup
The Complete Ignatius Study Bible with Mark Brumley
Homily Highlight from Fr. Mike Walker
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi: January 7
God's Doorkeeper: St. Andre Bessette
The Shroud of Turin: Connecting The Dots
Stay Productive this Winter: 2nd Cup for January 6
Catholic New Year Resolutions: 2nd Cup for December 30
Sacramental and Family Blessings: Fr. Justin Echevarria
Silent Holy Night-Christmas with Fr Dan Pattee, TOR
Like Mother, Like Daughter: 2nd Cup for December 26
St. Thomas More Kindergarten Christmas
Ad Lucem Christmas Concert with Alison Seeber
Jubilee Year in the Archdiocese of Portland
St. Wenceslaus: Parish of the Week
Christ Child Society: American Catholic History
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Homily Highlight from Fr. Tim Mockaitis
Pilgrimage Walk with Anthony Reich
What Makes a Just Society: Common Sense on Social Justice with Michael Davis
Gaudete Sunday Preview of The Glory of the Mass
Catholic Christmas Gifts: 2nd Cup for Dec 13
Become a Knight Before Christmas with Ken Anderson
End of Year Tax Planning with Ashley Micciche
2024 Festival of Lights with Chris Blanchard
Vocation Discernment with Fr. Peter Julia
American Catholic History: It's A Wonderful Life
Happy Anniversary to Mater Dei Radio
Homily Highlight from Fr. Randy Hoangpham
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Eucharist Consecration with Brian Walsh
Near-Death Experience with Dr. Scott French
Steps to Forgiveness and Healing with Patricia Mackie
Find Peace in Advent with Gary Zimak
Ascend: Portland Catholic School Endowment
Celebrate December: 2nd Cup for December 6
The Real St. Nicholas: Keeping Up With Ken Hallenius
Fr. Ralph Recker: St. Mary's Church in Mount Angel
Set the Stage for Advent: Julie Onderko
Patroness of the Americas: American Catholic History
The Saints Pray for You: Karlo Broussard
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Homily Highlight from Fr. John Henderson
She Said Yes! Advent Retreat with Mary Sharon Moore
Faith and Science with Dr. Scott French
Sanctifying Time- Advent is Coming with Fr. Dan Pattee, TOR
Advent Conference for Men
American Catholic History: Squanto
Sacred Liturgical Music With Terry Ross
Homily Highlight from Archbishop Alexander Sample
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Led by Immaculata with Joshua Mazrin
Faith and Science with Dr. Scott French
Pray Through Advent with Fr. Looney
Young Catholic Professionals Advent Retreat
The Martyrdom of Bl. Miguel Pro
The Way Of Love with Marie Miller
The Advent of Rescue with Sr. Teresa Harrell
American Catholic History: The Knights of Columbus
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Kingdom Builders: Gathering for Women
Homily Highlight from Fr. Ralph Recker
Faith and Science with Dr. Scott French
Box of Joy Gifts for Children
The Saints Pray for you: Karlo Broussard
How Much Car Can You Afford with Ashley Micciche
The Catholic Company Man: Eric Meyer
How To Pray When You Are Too Busy: Mount Angel Institute
St. Francis Catholic Church: Parish of the Week
Men's Daily Devotional: Fr. Wade Menezes
American Catholic History: Mother Cabrini
Catholic Charities of Oregon
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Aching for Greatness with Tanner Kalina
Homily Highlight from Msgr. Gerard O'Connor
Message of Peace from Medjugorje
Faith and Science with Dr. Scott French
Sacred Liturgical Music With Terry Ross
All Souls Day Mass at our Catholic Cemetery
Celebrate November: 2nd Cup for November 1
A Catholic Halloween with Miriam Marston
The Catholic Company Man: Eric Meyer
Knights of Columbus ACE Program
Saints and Souls with Fr. Dan Pattee
American Catholic History: Edgar Allen Poe
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Homily Highlight from Fr. Tim Mockaitis
Christ the King Catholic School
Sharathon 2024 Recap with Pat Ryan
Medjugorje Evening of Prayer
Get Ready for Fall Sharathon
Sacred Liturgical Music With Terry Ross
Mass of Candidacy: Mount Angel Seminary
The Catholic Company Man: Eric Meyer
Stop, Cover, and Hold: 2nd Cup for Oct 17
Return from Pilgrimage with Fr. Randy Hoang
The Holy Angels with Fr. Wolfgang Seitz
Common Sense on Social Justice with Michael Davis
Homily Highlight from Fr. Gary Zerr
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Rosary Quiz: 2nd Cup for October 14
The Shroud of Turin with Dr. Scott French
Images of The Cross: Dr. Helen Hoffner
Keeping Up With Ken: Pope John XXIII
Lebanese Rite with Abuna Peter Zogbi
The Catholic Company Man: Eric Meyer
40 Days for Life Fall Campaign
The Woman In The Well: Barbara Hettwer
American Catholic History: Rosary Museum
Contemplative Rosary Evening
Tech Tuesday: Parish of the Week Announcement
Homily Highlight from Archbishop Alexander Sample
Alzheimer's Disease with Dr. John Oertle
Faith and Science with Dr. Scott French
How To Keep From Overspending with Ashley Micciche
The Pilgrimage Continues: Fr. Peter Julia
A Final Year In Rome with Fr. Justin Echevarria
Celebrate October: 2nd Cup
The Catholic Company Man: Eric Meyer
St. Rita Catholic Church: Parish of the Week
A Servants Heart: Dina Marie Hale
American Catholic History: St. Therese of Lisieux
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Discalced Carmelite Spirituality
Homily Highlight from Fr. Sean Weeks
Steps To Let Go Of Anger: 2nd Cup
Pilgrimage to Italy with Fr. Peter
2nd Cup for September 27: Forgiveness
Sacred Liturgical Music With Terry Ross
Keeping Up With Ken: St. Vincent de Paul
A Vocation Story: Fr. John Mosier
Jesuit High School Open House
The Catholic Company Man: Confession
St. Alice Catholic Church, Parish of the Week
American Catholic History: California Missions
Rosary Bowl 2024 with Dina Marie
Great Things About Being Catholic
Homily Highlight from Fr. John Henderson
Healing the Deepest Wounds with Fr. Ben Cameron
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
The Shroud of Turin with Dr. Scott French
Getting Into Your Fall Routine with Patricia Mackie
The Catholic Company Man: Eric Meyer
St. Cecilia Catholic Church: Parish of the Week
White Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral
College Fund For Children and Grandchildren
Neighbor in Need: St. Maria Pregnancy Home
Website Wednesday with Sarah Kuenzi
American Catholic History: Clara Barton
Society of St. Vincent de Paul: Brian Ferschweiler
St. Patrick's in Independence: Parish of the Week
American Catholic History: Holy Cross
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Homily Highlight from Fr. John Marshall
A Summer of Serving: Fr. Brent Durschmidt
Examine The Shroud of Turin
Mt. Angel Oktoberfest 2024
A New Altar for Mater Dei Radio
The Catholic Company Man: Eric Meyer
Eucharistic Revival with Fr. Donald Calloway
Homily Highlight from Fr. Matt Libra
Celebrate September: 2nd Cup for September 4
American Catholic History: Fr. Capodanno
CYO Fall Sports with Liz Lloyd
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
St. John the Baptist: Parish of the Week
Sacred Liturgical Music With Terry Ross
The Catholic Company Man: Eric Meyer
Specialized Health Management with Dr. John Oertle
Blazing the Trail with Miriam Marston
Celebrating and Adoring Christ in the Eucharist
Get Ready To Go To School
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Homily Highlight from Fr. Mike Walker
Faith in Action: CYO Update, Boy’s Volleyball
Magis Center Monday with Dr. Scott French
Faith and Service: Knights of Columbus
Live the Message of Fatima
Discerning God's Will: 2nd Cup For August 23
Keeping Up With Ken: St. Bartholomew
President-Rector at Mount Angel Seminary: Very Rev. Jeff Eirvin
Catholic Charities of Oregon
The Catholic Company Man: Eric Meyer
Organ Recital: St. Therese Church
Contemplating the Seven Sorrows of Mary
Homily Highlight from Fr. Matthew Knight
Tech Tuesday for August 20
St. Jude Relics Tour: Jenna Slotnic
Sacred Liturgical Music With Terry Ross
The Catholic Sobriety Coach: Christie Walker
Faith, Hope and Kinship: Meet Heidi Frederick, Volunteer
Immaculate Conception Church: Parish of the Week
St. Maximillian Kolbe: A Saint for Radio
A Patron Saint for Mater Dei Radio
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Widows of Prayer: Susanne McKenzie
CYO Fall Sports with Liz Lloyd
Homily Highlight from Fr. Aaron Stettler
St. Jean Frances de Chantal with Julie Onderko
Faith and Science with Dr. Scott French
A Downtown Parish: St. Andre Bessette
Tips To Fall Back to Sleep: 2nd Cup
Back to School, Back to Health with Ivonne Heath
Keeping Up With Ken: St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
New Year of Faith Formation with Miriam Marston
The Catholic Company Man with Eric Meyer
Four Levels of Happiness with Fr. Robert Spitzer
Led By The Spirit: Sr. Anne Marie Warren
Back To School Saints: 2nd Cup for August 7
Homily Highlight from Fr. John Boyle
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Faith and Science with Dr. Scott French
Common Sense on Social Justice
Sharing Peace Forming Faith- Holy Family Supply
Queen of Peace: Parish of the Week
Celebrate August: 2nd Cup
Sacred Liturgical Music With Terry Ross
The Catholic Company Man: Eric Meyer
Faithful Citizens Retreat with Yohan Garcia
Homily Highlight from Msgr. Gerard O'Connor
Website Wednesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Four Levels of Happiness with Fr. Robert Spitzer
Lessons You Learn From Your Siblings: 2nd Cup for July 29
Faith and Science with Dr. Scott French
Benefits of Grandparents: 2nd Cup for July 26
Office of Vocations Update with Fr. Peter Julia
Keeping Up With Ken: Sts. Joachim and Anne
The Catholic Company Man: Eric Meyer
Organizing Financial Records with Ashley Micciche
Website Wednesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Homily Highlight from Msgr. Cihak
Summit to Mt. Hood with Br. Ambrose
Faith and Science with Dr. Scott French
Archbishop Sample at the National Eucharistic Congress
Live from the National Eucharistic Congress with Todd Cooper
The Catholic Company Man: Eric Meyer
Eucharistic Mission of the Church with Miriam Marston
Encountering Jesus Conference in Bend, OR
Website Wednesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Dr. John Oertle: Solidarity HealthShare
Homily Highlight with Fr. Gary Zerr
Faith and Science with Dr. Scott French
A Summertime Cultural Festival with Michael Kissinger
Keeping Up With Ken: Eucharistic Mission of the Church
The Life Of Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin with Julie Onderko
Summer Events with the Chesterton Academy
Holy Hour with the Knight of Columbus
Faith in the Corporate World: Eric Meyer
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Homily Highlight from Fr. John Henderson
Summer Events at Our Lady of Peace Retreat
Volleyball Time for CYO Sports
Feasts of our Fathers with Mike Aquilina
Happy Birthday Idaho: 2nd Cup Quiz
St. Benedict Festival with Br. Thomas Buttrick
Faith and Science with Dr. Scott French
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Retirement Planning In Your 40's
Homily Highlight from Fr. Brent Durschmidt
The Catholic Company Man: Eric Meyer
Summer Concert at St. Michael's in Sandy
Summertime Health with Ivonne Heath
How To Resolve Conflict: 2nd Cup for June 28
Keeping Up With Ken Hallenius
Letters From The Saints with David Ward
Sacred Liturgical Music With Terry Ross
The Catholic Company Man: Eric Meyer
Celebration Life Month with Lois Anderson
Catholic Places to Visit in Oregon: 2nd Cup for June 26
CYO Fall Sports with Becky Kaelin
Homily Highlight from Fr. Peter Julia
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Celebrate Ordinations: 2nd Cup for June 24
Faith and Science with Dr. Scott French
Knights of Columbus National Convention with Ken Anderson
Solidarity HealthShare with Chris Faddis
Catholic Charities of Oregon
Faith Formation Friday: Catholic Statistics
Grow In Faith This Summer with Dina Marie Hale
Parish of the Week Spotlight on St. Rose of Lima Church
Catholic Answers Host Cy Kellett
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Road to Ordination with Deacon Justin Echevarria
homily Highlight from Fr. John Marshall
Summer Camp Opportunity at Camp Howard
Faith and Science with Dr. Scott French
Office of Vocations with Fr. Peter Julia
Lexie Lane: Faith in the Summertime
Immigration Discussion Event Hosted by Catholic Charities of Oregon
The Peace Mass with Fr. John Marshall
Homily Highlight from Fr. Tim Furlow
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Retirement Planning In Your 30's
Website Wednesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Encounter Summer Intensive with Kevin Monette
Adventure of Fatherhood with Bear Woznick
Homily Highlight from Fr. Efrain Razo
Season of Love with Fr. Dan Pattee
Eucharistic Pilgrimage with Ken Anderson
30 Day Eucharist Retreat with Fr. Donald Calloway
Keeping Up With Ken: Corpus Christi
Texas Comes to the Oregon Coast: 2nd Cup for May 31
Young Adult Events at St. Michael's
Men's Leadership Summit with Dan Donaldson
Celebrate 100 Years at The Grotto
Homily Highlight from Msgr. Gerard O'Connor
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Mt. Angel Institute: Applied Thomistic Psychology
Healthcare and Spirituality with Chris Faddis
Memorial Day at Mt. Angel
Ignite NW with Lauren White
Take With You On Vacation: Miriam Marston
St. Peter’s Catholic Church: Parish of the Week
Memorial Day Mass: Daniel Serres
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Homily Highlight from Fr. Bill Moisant
Celebrate Hope: 2nd Cup for May 20th
Pretty Over Perfect with Michelle Waters
Jewish and Catholic Relations with Alexander Roth
Keeping Up With Ken: Pentecost
Sacred Music with Terry Ross
Eucharistic Procession with Ken Anderson
Common Sense on Social Justice with Michael Davis
Healing Conference with Dr. Mary Healy
Healthy Living with Ivonne
Living Authentically Catholic with Kenneth Craycraft
Homily Highlight with Fr. Matt Libra
Padre Pio and the Holy Spirit with Susan De Bartoli
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Office of Vocations with Fr. Peter Julia
Highlight on St. Joseph Church in Vancouver with Frances Farrell
Celebrate Moms: Second Cup for May 10
Mount Angel Commencement with Abbot Jeremy
Legacy of Catholic Hospitals with Chris Faddis
Getting Ready for First Communion with Miriam Marston
On Pilgrimage with Msgr. O'Connor
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Celebration May 2024: Second Cup
Sacred Liturgy Conference with Dr. Lynne Bissonnette-Pitre
Emma Seiler, Fr. Bernard Youth Center
Keeping Up With Ken: St. Phillip and St. James the Less
Parish Of The Week Spotlight: St. Paul's Catholic Church
Women's Day Retreat at St. Anthony's Church
Website Wednesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Homily Highlight from Msgr. Cihak
Parish of the Week: St. Paul Church and School
Welcome Back Brenda: Second Cup for April 29
Celebration of Hope: Ed Langlois, Catholic Charities of Oregon
Adalee Hude and Teaching Children the Seven Sorrows
Terry Ross and the Music of Johannes Ockeghem
Stephen Garbitelli and Defending the Sacraments
Monastic Vocations with Fr. Odo Recker
Visiting Montecassino with Br. Ignatius
Discerning Vocations with Dcn. Brian Diehm
CYO Camp Howard Open House with Bob Jaquis
Dr. Tom Harmon and the Word on Fire Institute
Homily Highlight from Fr. Tim Furlow
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Eric Meyer, the Catholic Company Man
David Phillips and the Mysterious Lighthouse
Marchelle Carl & Lacie Baumer with Northwest Catholic Counseling Center
Missa Pfauenschwanz with Terry Ross
Confirmation Season with Ken Hallenius
Easter with Miriam Marston
From Rome - On Pilgramage with Fr. Israel
St. Catherine of Siena with Fr. Dan Patee
Daniel DiSilva and the Original Divine Mercy Institute
Homily Highlight from Fr. Tim Mockaitis
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
CYO Faith in Action with Bob Jaques
Social Concern Podcast by Michael Davis
Summer Assignments for Seminarians
Invitation to the Seminary Tea with Gail Wilhelms
Healthy Habits for Spring with Ivonne Heath
Easter in Italy with Deacon Justin
Spring Sharathon Guest Host
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Retirement Planning In Your 60s
Homily Highlight from Archbishop Alexander Sample
Celebrate April: Second Cup
Celebration of Hope: Catholic Charities of Oregon
Divine Mercy Sunday with Julie Onderko
Holy Thursday: Keeping Up With Ken
Holy Hour at St. Rose of Lima Church
Tech Tuesday with Sarah Kuenzi
Homily Highlight from Fr. Mark Bentz
The True Value of Suffering: Pope's Prayer Network
Fr. Jeff Meeuwsen: St. Joseph's, Salem
Chesterton Academy of Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati
40 Years of Social Justice, A Lookback
Holy Week with Dina Marie
St. Joseph Church in Salem: Parish of the Week