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Leveraging Summit Host Testimonials with Jordan Aspen
Episode 433rd May 2022 • Virtual Summit Success • Jenn
00:00:00 00:16:49

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Don't just say bye to a host after speaking at their summit! Jordan is sharing her revolutionary method for getting stand-out testimonials from the summit hosts you work with so you can book even more amazing summit speaking opportunities. This could help you get in-person speaking engagements, too, so don't miss this one!

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Boost your summit speaking strategy even more with all the other amazing Sell With a Summit: Speaker Edition presentations! Go to to get access to all of the sessions

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Welcome to Virtual Summit Success.


I'm Jenn, founder of Virtual Summit Search, and you're in the right place


if you want to make the most of your virtual summit experience, whether


you're a host or virtual summit speaker.


Let's get going with your next step to virtual summit success.


You're listening to another fantastic session from Sell

With a Summit:

Speaker Edition.

With a Summit:

In this episode, Jordan is sharing her revolutionary method for getting stand-out

With a Summit:

testimonials from the summit hosts you work with so you can book even more

With a Summit:

amazing summit speaking opportunities.

With a Summit:

And without further ado, I'm going to let Jordan take it away!

Jordan Aspen:

I'm Jordan Aspen, summit speaker and three-times summit host.

Jordan Aspen:

I put together our first summit in 2020 to help parents

Jordan Aspen:

navigate the crazy school year.

Jordan Aspen:

No one knew whether schools would even open and, well...

Jordan Aspen:

we all know 2020 was crazy.

Jordan Aspen:

I pulled together friends that I knew had encouragement to offer

Jordan Aspen:

those panicking parents, and the summit was a huge success.

Jordan Aspen:

The second summit, I took a different approach to finding speakers.

Jordan Aspen:

Instead of simply bringing together people I already knew and telling

Jordan Aspen:

them simply encourage these parents, I started with a list of topics that I

Jordan Aspen:

wanted to be sure to cover at our event.

Jordan Aspen:

And because of this, I ended up inviting a decent number of speakers

Jordan Aspen:

that were new acquaintances.

Jordan Aspen:

I found them through Jenn's Virtual Summit Search, recommendations, putting

Jordan Aspen:

out invitations to pitch me in Facebook groups - with permission, of course.

Jordan Aspen:

And honestly, whether those people were actually quality speakers was hit or miss.

Jordan Aspen:

Based on that experience, I'm going to share some general tips for getting

Jordan Aspen:

summit hosts to notice and remember you, but I'm also going to reveal the

Jordan Aspen:

number one most effective - yet most forgotten - way to make summit hosts like

Jordan Aspen:

me want you to speak at their summit.

Jordan Aspen:


Jordan Aspen:

I wish that speakers would do this when they pitch me.

Jordan Aspen:

It would make me so much more confident that they will be standout

Jordan Aspen:

speakers that I can count on.

Jordan Aspen:

As a host myself, my favorite way to find people to speak at my events is

Jordan Aspen:

definitely through my personal network.

Jordan Aspen:

Thatis, I generally invite people I already know and love.

Jordan Aspen:

I guess that means that your first takeaway is always

Jordan Aspen:

be building relationships.

Jordan Aspen:

But sometimes, no one I know personally is available to fill a particular gap,

Jordan Aspen:

and a lot of summit hosts are eager to have speakers pitch or submit applications

Jordan Aspen:

to speak, especially summit hosts who are repeat summit hosts and want to

Jordan Aspen:

expand and have people speak who have never spoken before at their summits.

Jordan Aspen:

So how can you stand out and make summit hosts want you to speak?


it has nothing to do with the size of your email


list or social media following.


Start with making sure that you aren't making any of these mistakes.


The first mistake keeping you from speaking opportunities


is waiting for invitations.

I get it:

it's hard to talk about yourself.

I get it:

Pitching is uncomfortable, but the reality is that summit hosts are eager to have

I get it:

experienced speakers in their lineup.

I get it:

We summit hosts are so much more likely to invite you if we know you are a speaker.

I get it:

I get so excited when I find out that someone I already have a friendship

I get it:

with is also a summit speaker.

I get it:

It makes my job so much easier.

I get it:

I'm also always looking for new speaker friends to add to my network.

I get it:

Even if I never invite you to speak, knowing that you are a reliable speaker

I get it:

makes me 100% more likely to recommend you to my friends who are also summit

I get it:

hosts when I think your expertise is going to be a good fit for their summit.

I get it:

So ready for the easy solution to this mistake?

I get it:

Show your work!

I get it:

Post about summits on social media, not just to fulfill your contractual

I get it:

obligation, but to create social proof that will let summit hosts

I get it:

know that you have experience.

I get it:

Post during the summit and the promotional period, but also after the event is

I get it:

over, especially if you can highlight ways that you helped the attendees.

I get it:

What do I mean by highlight ways that you help the attendees?

I get it:

Okay, here's just one example.

I get it:

Many summits have pop-up Facebook groups with designated posts

I get it:

for each presentation, right?

I get it:

Check that post for comments that you can interact with, but also watch for

I get it:

attendees to leave comments that talk about how grateful they are for what

I get it:

they learned, takeaways from your presentation, that they took note of, etc.

I get it:

Screenshot those and share them on social media.

I get it:

Don't include their names unless you have permission, but you can

I get it:

screenshot the comments, at least.

I get it:

This shows that what you have to offer as a summit speaker is valuable.

I get it:

Do you actually bring value to the table?

I get it:

But this brings me to my next mistake: not collecting social proof.

I get it:

Those Facebook posts can be a goldmine of social proof for you.

I get it:

Don't make the mistake of ignoring them.

I get it:

Instead, save those screenshots, because the reality is a file full of

I get it:

testimonials, screenshots, voice memos.

I get it:

This isn't just social proof for prospects, this isn't just

I get it:

to use in your marketing to put out there for other people.

I get it:

This file is a mine of encouragement for you.

I get it:

Our second summit kind of bombed.

I get it:

We had a fraction of the attendees that we expected and I got really discouraged.

I get it:

But the small number of people who did attend were super engaged.

I get it:

And because I chose to notice that, the comments they left publicly

I get it:

and the feedback that I got in my email inbox kept me going.

I get it:

So when I was planning my third summit, I had discouragement over and over.

I get it:

I was afraid that this third summit was going to bomb like my second summit did...

I get it:

until I opened that testimonial for.

I get it:

Reading the screenshots and saved emails reminded me that even if the

I get it:

numbers weren't as high as I'd have liked at the second summit, the people

I get it:

who did show up were super impressed with the events that I put on.

I get it:

I was able to read about how I benefited them, the action steps

I get it:

that they took that they wouldn't have taken otherwise, the tools that

I get it:

they were starting to implement.

I get it:

That encouragement made it so much easier to dive back into planning again.

I get it:

It made me enthusiastic instead of apologetic about pitching speakers.

So here's your solution:

start a file today to collect social proof.

So here's your solution:

Take screenshots every time someone leaves a comment or sends you a message sharing a

So here's your solution:

takeaway or win from something you shared, whether a summit presentation, a coaching

So here's your solution:

session, paid class, social media post.

So here's your solution:

With their permission, you can share these as a part of your marketing, but you don't

So here's your solution:

need their permission to add it to that personal encouragement file, saved for

So here's your solution:

those down days when you need a reminder of how awesome people think you are.

So here's your solution:

'Cause they do, they think you're awesome.

So here's your solution:

This is proof - social proof.

So here's your solution:

Once again, not just for the people you're marketing to the

So here's your solution:

people you want to sell to.

So here's your solution:

This is social proof for you that you put value out into the world.

So here's your solution:

Imagine having a whole file of testimonials that you can read through

So here's your solution:

right before you pitch a summit host or fill out an application to speak.

So here's your solution:

How much more enthusiastic are you going to be?

So here's your solution:

Well, if you're thinking, "well, the comments people have left me

So here's your solution:

just aren't really that great."

So here's your solution:

Then you're probably making this third mistake.

So here's your solution:

The third mistake is waiting for people to send awesome testimonials

So here's your solution:

without prompting or help.

Here's the thing:

even the most well-meaning people can provide

Here's the thing:

the most lackluster testimonials.

Here's the thing:

They need help knowing how to say something more useful than,

Here's the thing:

"she was a great speaker" or "he was really great to work with."

Here's the thing:

I want to jump straight to the solution on this one: have a process in place

Here's the thing:

that makes submitting testimonials easy and painless, both for you and

Here's the thing:

the person submitting the testimonial.

Here's the thing:

Provide a questionnaire with prompts that inspire detailed stories instead of

Here's the thing:

shallow praise, and then ask people to use the questionnaire that you've created.

Here's the thing:

The number one question that you can ask in order to gather the best testimonials

Here's the thing:

super painlessly it was based off one that I got from Sean McCabe of Seanwes Media.

Here's the thing:

Ready to write this down?

Here's the thing:

"What would you say to a summit host who is on the fence about

Here's the thing:

having me speak at their summit?"

Let me say that again for you:


"what would you say to a summit

Let me say that again for you:


host who's on the fence about having me speak at their summit?"

Let me say that again for you:


You can ask this question casually over Messenger, or by sending

Let me say that again for you:


an email to a summit host after you've spoken at their summit.

Let me say that again for you:


You can also ask summit attendees this question if you build a

Let me say that again for you:


relationship with them first.

Let me say that again for you:


Say someone comments, a whole list of takeaways from your presentation.

Let me say that again for you:


Reach out to them, get to know them a bit.

Let me say that again for you:


If you click and a relationship grows, ask them this question:" what would you

Let me say that again for you:


say to a summit host who's on the fence about having me speak at their summit?"

Let me say that again for you:


And ask if you can use their answer as a testimonial when you're looking

Let me say that again for you:


for more speaking opportunities.

Let me say that again for you:


Now, messenger and email can be okay ways to gather text testimonials and even

Let me say that again for you:


audiograms, but don't forget about video.

Let me say that again for you:


That's the fourth mistake, is shying away from asking for video testimonials.

Let me say that again for you:


The reality is that certain kinds of social proof are

Let me say that again for you:


more provable than others.

Let me say that again for you:


A typed in quote with a picture could be a stock photo and words you made up

Let me say that again for you:


for all I know, but a video testimonial?

Let me say that again for you:


That's harder to fake.

So here's what I recommend:

get VideoAsk - it the free tool created

So here's what I recommend:

by Typeform - get VideoAsk and start collecting video testimonials.

So here's what I recommend:

Include them when you pitch summit hosts, share them on social media

So here's what I recommend:

when promoting yourself as a speaker.

So here's what I recommend:

You can use VideoAsk to collect text testimonials, audiograms, and

So here's what I recommend:

video messages, but keep in mind that video is the most powerful.

So here's what I recommend:

I recommend VideoAsk so highly because it automates this process for you.

So here's what I recommend:

Plus, it's free.

So here's what I recommend:

Instead of you juggling messages on multiple social media platforms, plus your

So here's what I recommend:

email, and trying to keep track of who you've asked and what you've said to whom

So here's what I recommend:

and where the testimonials are, you can set up a single place for summit hosts and

So here's what I recommend:

attendees to easily submit testimonials to one place that you can always find them.

Here's a bonus tip, too:

if you start with a video testimonial,

Here's a bonus tip, too:

you can create just about every other kind of testimonial with it.

Here's a bonus tip, too:

For example, pull a short written quote from the longer video response

Here's a bonus tip, too:

and include the video or a link to the video right alongside it.

Here's a bonus tip, too:

The typed up quote is for skimmers and the video serves as an

Here's a bonus tip, too:

opportunity to read more or hear more.

Here's a bonus tip, too:

Plus, it provides the proof that you didn't just make up this quote.

Here's a bonus tip, too:

Alright, let's recap what I've gone over here.

Here's a bonus tip, too:

First, be proactive about landing these speaking opportunities,

Here's a bonus tip, too:

build relationships - always be building relationships - watch

Here's a bonus tip, too:

for connections that you can make.

Here's a bonus tip, too:

If you're self-conscious about pitching yourself, let others

Here's a bonus tip, too:

speak for you through testimonials.

Here's a bonus tip, too:

Use those testimonials to encourage yourself with reminders of what people

Here's a bonus tip, too:

think of you they think you're awesome and include them wherever summit hosts

Here's a bonus tip, too:

will stumble across them, like on social media or directly in pitches.

Here's a bonus tip, too:

Ask for these testimonials and have an easy way for people to submit

Here's a bonus tip, too:

them, whether they're summit hosts you've worked with before or people

Here's a bonus tip, too:

who've heard you speak, aim to get video testimonials whenever possible.

Here's a bonus tip, too:

They're the most versatile and the most believable and therefore the

Here's a bonus tip, too:

most powerful kind of social proof.

Here's a bonus tip, too:

Now, the catch is getting a collection of video testimonials together, right?

Here's a bonus tip, too:

We've got you covered.

Here's a bonus tip, too:

Inside the Summit Speaker Launch Kit is a workshop showing you the

Here's a bonus tip, too:

exact steps that we use at Civilized Animal Productions to create a

Here's a bonus tip, too:

testimonial harvester in VideoAsk.

Here's a bonus tip, too:

Remember, this is a free app that makes this sort of thing super

Here's a bonus tip, too:

easy for both you and the people providing you with testimonials.

Here's a bonus tip, too:

If you don't have the Launch Kit, you can still check out VideoAsk.

Here's a bonus tip, too:

In fact, there's a link in the free download that goes along with this

Here's a bonus tip, too:

presentation, and there's a coupon in there in case you decide you want

Here's a bonus tip, too:

to try the paid features in VideoAsk.

Here's a bonus tip, too:

But I want to emphasize you do not need a paid plan to start collecting

Here's a bonus tip, too:

basic testimonials using VideoAsk.

Here's a bonus tip, too:

It's an incredible app you can do so, so much with it for free.

Here's a bonus tip, too:

It's only if you want to use that to really, really scale and do some fancy

Here's a bonus tip, too:

things that you need the paid features.

Here's a bonus tip, too:

So if you do nothing else after walking away from this presentation, do this:

Here's a bonus tip, too:

set up a free VideoAsk account, create a video questionnaire asking just one


"what would you say to a summit host who is on the fence about


having me speak at their summit?"


and then send that questionnaire to summit hosts you've worked with before.


Having even one video testimonial from a summit host saying what an amazing


speaker you are will make you stand head and shoulders above other applicants.


I say this to you as a summit host.


If someone were to pitch me and say, "here's what the last summit host


I worked with had to say about the experience," that it's just going to


set you way far beyond in my mind than the handful of people that I've gotten


before, who just show up in my DMs and say, "Hey, you're running a summit.


Can I speak?


Here's my website."


Just think about the difference there.


I don't know what that second person is actually going to provide,


but if I hear another summit host saying, "oh yeah, she was amazing.


She did a bunch of promotion" or "she got her presentations all in on time"


or "his value that he brought to the summit and the presentation just blew


me away," I don't care what they say.


If it's a positive testimonial, it is going to stick with me and really


make you come to the top of my list.


Hopefully this sparks some ideas for you on how you can leverage testimonials


from the summit hosts you work with.


If you want even more strategies for upping your summit speaking game, go


to to get access to all of the sessions,


and let me and Jordan know your biggest takeaway by leaving a review too!


We'd love to hear how you're going to use summit testimonials


in your speaking strategy.


Thanks for listening to Virtual Summit Success.


Don't forget to leave a review and let others know your biggest


takeaways from this episode.


Every review helps others find us, and the more successful virtual


summits there are, the more tips we'll have to share with you.


For show notes, links, and other resources, go to



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Welcome to Virtual Summit Success