When there’s no more room in Hell…THE DEAD WILL PODCAST!
This week on *The Rotten Horror Picture Show*, Clay and Amanda are taking a trip to the Monroeville Mall to talk about George A. Romero’s 1978 horror classic *Dawn of the Dead*, a movie that changed Clay himself, and zombie cinema, forever. It’s got biting social satire, gruesome practical effects, and an absolutely relentless sense of dread. And, of course, it takes place in a shopping mall—one that might as well be *Hell on Earth* as far as I’m concerned. You think I’m walking into a mall after watching zombies shuffle through JC Penney? Not a chance. I don’t even do curbside pickup.
I know people love *Dawn of the Dead*. I know it’s a classic. I know it’s one of the most important horror films ever made. But let me tell you something—I saw this movie when I was way too young, and I have *never* set foot in a shopping mall since. Not once. Not a single store. No supermarkets, no corner shops, nothing. You think I’m being dramatic? Try watching hordes of gray-skinned, dead-eyed freaks stumbling through a shopping center at the age of eight and tell me it doesn’t rewire your brain forever.
Oh, and it’s not just malls. You think I’m walking into a grocery store? Have you *seen* what happens when the looting starts in this movie? Absolute chaos. Nope. I grow my own vegetables. I raise my own chickens. I trade with my neighbor for whatever else I need. You can keep your fluorescent-lit zombie death traps.
Anyway, Clay and Amanda are braver than me, so they’re diving deep into this horror masterpiece. If you’ve got the guts to listen, tune in. Just don’t invite me shopping afterward. I’ll be staying *far* away.
And be sure to hit up patreon.com/thepenskyfile to hear their companion coverage of the Zack Snyder remake!