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Mindset and Messaging Check-up for Strategic Planning in 2022 - Ep. 40
Episode 4017th November 2021 • Flourish and Grow to CEO • Pam Ivey & Jane Garee
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We are getting ready for the new year so the next thing we need to do is check up on our foundations. Is there something we can improve in our mindset and messaging for 2022? 

In this episode, Pam and Jane talk about the importance of mindset, which we also discuss in our episode with Anita Heidema, and messaging. Strategic planning is much more than setting up some goals, so take this opportunity to review all your foundations before the new year comes.


Today we discuss:

  • [01:38] Planning for success in 2022. Mindset check and limiting beliefs 
  • [07:20] Improving Marketing and Strategy. Letting your personality shine through your messaging!
  • [14:42] Training and learning for next year. Tips to organize information!


Resources mentioned in this episode:


Strategic planning is the job of a CEO, but not many know how to do it. Improve your CEO skills with our assessment now!v

Take our free assessment and tell us, do you think like a CEO? 

If you want to listen to a more in-depth conversation about mindset and limiting beliefs, head out to our foundational pillars episode and our interview with Anita Heidema.


Thank you for listening to this episode of Flourish+Grow to CEO! We hope this short and sweet episode has given you a solid foundation on strategic planning to help you achieve your goals. 


Don’t forget to rate and subscribe to this podcast on the platform you prefer and leave us a comment in the comment section of this episode’s post telling us what was your favorite part from today’s episode. We would love to hear from you!


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Pam Ivey (:

You're listening to the flourish and grow to CEO podcast. This is episode 40



Pam Ivey (:

Are you a lady boss making 50, do a hundred thousand in your business, and you're ready to break through that six figure barrier.

Jane Garee (:

Have you done a great job of creating a nice life as the ultimate gig master, but know your inner CEO is calling you to greater Heights. You're in the right place. If you want to create and implement solid fundamentals in your business without sacrificing fun.

Pam Ivey (:

I'm Pam Ivey, I'm certified in small business management and I concentrate in the areas of training and certifying real estate assistance, coaching and mentoring entrepreneurs in online business, marketing growth and profit acceleration. And I take men and women business owners aged 40 plus to bucket-list destinations around the world for a month at a time to work, explore, and live in community.

Jane Garee (:

And I'm Jane Garree known as the sales strategist for the non sales person. And I work with business owners who want to increase their conversion rate, shorten their sales cycle and have more impact and influence with the work they do all while having more fun with selling.

Pam Ivey (:

Hello everyone. And welcome back to the flourish and grow to CEO podcast. I'm your co-host Pam Ivy with

Jane Garee (:

Jane, Gary.

Pam Ivey (:

Woo. Your other cohost. And it's so much fun. We haven't done this before, but we use a software called Zencaster to record our podcasts. And we're looking at each other, recording these, you know, as we're thinking, we're not recording the video, but we can see each other. So this is kind of cool. Last week we talked about starting to plan for a successful 2022. So let's carry on with that, but let's kind of move around our seven success pillars from flourish and grow to CEO. So the first one is mindset and you want to start us off there, Jane?

Jane Garee (:

Yes. Mindset. Everybody's favorite topic and listed as your least favorite topic. So mindset can not be overrated as far as the importance of a, one of the major components of making sure that you have a successful business. If you are somebody who tends to be a self-development junkie for the most part, that will probably hold you in very good stead, unless you're spending all of your time on self-development and not enough on implementation and your business, I can tend to be guilty of a little bit sometimes. So your mindset is really mindset is just a fancy way of saying, are you really doing everything you can in your favor to create a healthy, happy mind that really believes that a you can run a successful business and B we'll go in search of what you need very practically to have a successful business. And then C create the discipline in your mindset and the determination to get up and actually do the implementation.

Jane Garee (:

So if you have it, and this is, this is all backed by science. So if you believe that you can have a successful business and then you do the things that are needed to have a successful business, guess what? You'll have a successful business. If you believe you can have a successful business and you don't do the work, then you're not going to have a successful business. This is the, you know, the law of attraction goes awry. It just, you're going to sit on the couch and manifest a successful business. No, you're not. You have to get up off the couch and do what you need to do to make sure that you have a successful business. So have a great mindset. Do the work. You'll have a successful business, great mindset, not doing the work. You're not going to have a successful business. Also, if you really don't believe that you're going to be able to have a successful business, but you are doing all the work.

Jane Garee (:

That's going to be a struggle on. You're probably not going to be that successful. So successful business owners will tell you time and time and time again and again, the science bears all this out. You, you really do need to have this lockdown on your mind. That is 100% believing that you can do what it is that you want to do. And then you're going to have to put your legwork in. So you've got to get up and do what needs to be done without the belief though, guess what? It becomes very difficult to do what needs to be done and, or you're not doing it enough, or even with the right kind of energy, that's going to yield results. So you definitely want to get your mindset straight to be able to have a successful business. The other thing is in the current climate, in which we are living, it's more important than ever my personal belief to make sure that you were staying on top of your mindset. It's just too easy. Now, a days to get derailed, to get frustrated, to get discouraged, to just kind of get off track and your mind starts wandering. And the next thing you know, it's in the gutter. So you really want to stay on top of this, particularly in this, in this climate that we're in. So what about Pam? If we talk a little bit about how they can actually do that? Absolutely.

Pam Ivey (:

And one thing I was going to bring up for the how episode 17, cause I just looked it up. We interviewed Anita high-demand, she's a mindset expert. And she gave us some amazing tips on how to overcome limiting beliefs, because that's the things that really hold us back. And she, I mean, affirmations, she's very big on affirmations. She had some really concrete things that you can do to really move past that because we've got to believe in ourselves. The other thing that drives me bananas, and I find myself do it. I think we all do it is we call ourselves names. It's so dumb, but you say, see, there you go. I just did it. But I'll say to yourself, to myself, you know, oh, you're so stupid. Yeah. Something like that. Don't do that. It's not good. You're not stupid. Darn it. And you don't need your subconscious to hear that because what I understand is your subconscious and your conscious being, it's not distinguishable to your brain. So you don't want to be calling yourselves names or Bolivia belittling yourself, or, I mean, so many people say to themselves, oh my God, you're so stupid. Don't do that. So that's another part of mindset. Yeah.

Jane Garee (:

The self-talk is really important. We, I think about that all the time, because when somebody asks me and this was years ago, they were listening to me talk about myself to myself. It was just kind of this conversation. I don't, I I'm sure. I probably just started going off and not really paying attention that my friend was listening to me. And then she finally said, wow, you would never talk to me the way that you just talk to yourself. And I always think about that. And so the question that, all that I asked myself, if I'm starting a me, me, me, me, me to myself is, is it, would you talk to any of your friends that way? Not even your closest friends, just friends, just Facebook friends. Is that even something that you would ever say to another human being? And the answer is always no way, man.

Pam Ivey (:

So don't do it to yourself. it. All right. In the last episode we talked about vision and strategy. So I don't feel we need to go back over that one. That one was pretty clear, but I think it's really important that we talked about branding and messaging because there's still a lot of people out there who have been in business for years and years. I got to tell you that still they're not allowing their personality to shine through. And people work with people and that's where we're marketing too, right? It's not just like a client. It's a dollar sign. People work with people. So they got, they have to know that you're a good fit for them, that who you are and what you represent, how you stand, what you stand for and how you present yourself. You know, your personality is really gonna mesh with them.

Pam Ivey (:

So let it shine through. There's a number of people that I know that as I say, I've been in business for a long, long time, and they're still so freaking formal with the writing. And that's so important if your client or your target market is say a corporation or somebody that expects very formal language, but in our industries and a lot of the people we target more casual, personal, conversational style will come across so much better. You'll you'll connect a lot better. Hey lady, boss, do you think like a CEO when your business starts taking off, you're ready to scale up at this point, you've got to stop thinking of yourself as a solo preneur and start thinking yourself as the CEO of your company. If you remain in the mindset of a one person operation, then you won't be able to grow. You'll never have the time, energy or expertise to do everything by yourself and your business. Won't be the success that it has the potential to be. So are you thinking like a CEO take our free assessment to find out you can find forward slash think that's F L O U R I S H dot B I Z Ford slash T H I N K. Once again. That's for slash think. All right, lady boss, let's get back to the show.

Jane Garee (:

So one of the things that you want to look at when you're communicating with your, with your community is how, how are you genuinely and authentically? So if you are somebody who tends to be pretty formal and more of a corporate persona, then the way that you speak in the way that you write and any interaction somebody has with you, it should match. Otherwise, it's going to get them confused because it'll feel off-brand. So if you speak in an ad and there's nothing wrong with any style, just to, just to make sure everybody understands that, so tend to speak as you would in a boardroom. And this is really, for the most part, how you speak to your business, associates, how you speak to other people. Obviously it's not going to be quite as formal if you're with your friends, but I think you all know what I'm talking about.

Jane Garee (:

Like, you know, people that just they're they're serious, they deliver a message that sounds as if they can say it in a boardroom or say it in front of a company, company, people to people in the company. And then you've got other people that communicate. It's like, yo, what's up, what's happening. What's going like California surfers here with the message. However it is that you communicate, you just want to make sure that that's consistent because if you don't do that, it will confuse your audience. So the moral of the story is if you're somebody that speaks more formally, don't try to be cute and funny. If you're somebody that's naturally cute and funny, don't all of a sudden try to be really serious and use seven syllable words on purpose. Like you're jamming it in there. You know, it's just, it's, it's going to get, it's going to get people very confused as to who you are. So communicate in the way that you would communicate authentically if you weren't being recorded. If you weren't on video and for some of you, that's probably a mix. I know for me, it is,

Pam Ivey (:

That's very true. I used to be quite formal in my writing. That is not who I am at all as a person, you know, Jane, I like to giggle and I'm very laid back. So when I, once I started writing the way I talk, so a lot of what do you call those? Like haven't and we've instead of we have, and that kind of stuff. Yes. Contractions. I use a ton of contractions cause that's how I speak. So when I'm writing an email, say to my community, it's exactly the way I would speak. And I might even add in brackets, a giggle in there too, but that's so my personality and that really allows people to get to know who you are and choose you if that's the right person that they resonate with. So you see branding is so much more than a symbol. It is not your logo. It's the feeling. It's the thought that people have when your name is mentioned or your company name is mentioned. So it's, it's your whole persona personality. Cause most of us are solopreneurs. Um, some of us have teams, but we're still the voice and the face of the business. So that's the personality that we want to see shine through. And that'll allow you to attract more of the people that you want to work with too.

Jane Garee (:

Yeah. Be yourself. I mean be the best version of yourself. Yeah,

Pam Ivey (:

Yeah, yeah. So that's what we'd like to leave you with today. They're really nice and short episodes so that we can get you moving into action is, think about your mindset. What are you saying to yourself? So that self-talk go back and listen to episode 17 with Anita Heidema again, who is our mindset expert for some really cool tools that you can use. If you need some work on your mindset, which all of us do. And next, think about your branding. When you say the name of your company or your name, how do people think about you? And you can even, you know, on social media or something, you can even ask them when you hear my name, what's the first word that pops into your head and that'll give you an indication of what, you know, the brand that's coming across to people. So what do you think Jane? That's a, that's a couple of good kind of takeaways for them to get moving in and implementing anything else you want to add while the,

Jane Garee (:

The thing that I would say is if you, one of the things that I love doing at the end of the year is taking a look at any books or audible or any material that I have purchased that I didn't get to in the current year and just make a plan to listen or read that in the coming up year. So that way you've always got something that's kind of on deck for a particular topic.

Pam Ivey (:

That's such a good idea. And that just reminded me about training. Cause I'm, I'm, we're both Jane and I are both lifelong learners. And I think if there's areas that you feel that you could really bone up on or brush up on, um, put them in your calendar, start doing some research now so that you can budget for them in your yearly financial budget and you can get all trained on them. I think that's such a great thing to leave us with. So I hope once again, that you found this episode helpful in planning for 2022 and we wish you a fantastic week. Bye everybody. Well, that's a wrap everyone. Thanks for joining us this week on the flourish and grow to CEO podcast. Be sure to visit our website at [inaudible] dot biz. That's F L O U R I S, where you can subscribe to the shows in iTunes, Stitcher, or via RSS. So you'll never miss an episode. You can also find our show notes and resources there too. And while you're at it, if you found value in this show, we'd love for you to leave a rating on iTunes. Or if you'd simply tell a friend about the show that would sure help us out too. Now get out there and flourish.



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