How do you live as a follower of Jesus if Jesus isn't here? On the night before Jesus died, he sat down with his disciples to prepare them for that moment. They were scared, confused and frustrated, but Jesus knew what he was doing. The words he spoke on that night not only shaped their lives, but the lives of all who have followed Jesus since. Join Dave as he explores these profound words in John 13-14.
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G'day and welcome to Stories of a Faithful God.
Speaker A:I'm Dave Whittingham.
Speaker A:Welcome to everyone who's listening and welcome to everyone who's watching as well.
Speaker A:I've started recording videos for these podcasts for those that like that.
Speaker A:You can find them on YouTube.
Speaker A:Have you ever felt just a little bit envious of the disciples?
Speaker A:We get to read Jesus words, they actually got to hear them spoken.
Speaker A:We hear about Jesus miracles, but they actually saw them.
Speaker A:We know Jesus through the Bible, but they actually hung out with him for three years.
Speaker A:Do you ever have that feeling of if only, if only I could see him, if only I could talk directly to him face to face, if only I could have that time with Jesus in the flesh, then maybe following him would be easier, maybe choosing to serve him in a way that you know is right, but the world hates.
Speaker A:Maybe that wouldn't be so scary.
Speaker A:Maybe it wouldn't be so hard.
Speaker A:In those dark hours of fear and anxiety and loneliness, the disciples certainly were blessed to spend those three years with Jesus.
Speaker A:But even their time with him came to an end.
Speaker A:And I'm sure that their time felt way too short.
Speaker A:Especially when the thought of Jesus leaving them, the thought of him dying, the thought of him going away, seemed so different to what they expected him to do.
Speaker A:In kindness, though, Jesus doesn't just suddenly disappear.
Speaker A:He prepares them for his departure.
Speaker A:And in preparing them, he also prepares us with words of love, words of command, words of comfort.
Speaker A:And so let's dive into his words as I present to you our next episode of stories of a faithful God.
Speaker A:At the end of our last episode, Jesus realised that his hour had come.
Speaker A:It was time for his greatest act of suffering that'll lead to the greatest glory for God and the greatest salvation for humans.
Speaker A:After three years of public ministry, so many people still didn't believe in him.
Speaker A:And even those who did, many still preferred to be praised by people rather than God.
Speaker A:And so they kept quiet.
Speaker A:Jesus gave one last warning and encouragement to believe.
Speaker A:And then he went into hiding.
Speaker A:His public ministry was suddenly at an end.
Speaker A:Jesus focus now shifts very specifically to his disciples.
Speaker A:He knows he's about to leave them.
Speaker A:He knows it's going to be hard for them.
Speaker A:And because he loves them, he wants to prepare them as much as possible.
Speaker A:John tells us in verse 1 of chapter 13, before the Passover festival, Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart from this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.
Speaker A:When you think about what Jesus is about to face the pain and suffering of taking the judgment that we deserve.
Speaker A:It's remarkable that his thoughts still fly to what are other ways that I can serve and care for other people?
Speaker A:Throughout the Gospel there's been growing tension that something drastic is about to happen.
Speaker A:In the last chapter, John introduced us to Judas Iscariot by calling him the one who was about to betray him.
Speaker A:Well, now it's crunch time, John tells us in verse two.
Speaker A:Now when it was time for supper, the devil had already put it into the heart of Judas, Simon Iscariot's son, to betray him.
Speaker A:We mustn't think though that the devil suddenly has all the power.
Speaker A:We mustn't think of the world as a tussle between Satan and God where sometimes God's winning and sometimes Satan's winning.
Speaker A:That's not what happens in general and it isn't what's happening here.
Speaker A:Just remember what we've seen of Jesus throughout the Gospel.
Speaker A:He heals the sick, he controls the water, he changes people's hearts and lives, and he gives life to the dead.
Speaker A:Satan likes to think that he has the great power, but his power is always subordinate to God's will.
Speaker A:So even as we hear of Satan's plans with Judas, we're told in verse three, Jesus knew that the Father had given everything into his hands, that he had come from God, and that he was going back to God.
Speaker A:The cross is no surprise to Jesus or his Father.
Speaker A:His plans aren't suddenly thrown into chaos because of the actions of the devil.
Speaker A:Jesus holds all the cards and Satan's evil intentions and actions are simply tools in God's good plans.
Speaker A:So if the Father's given everything into his hands, if Jesus really has all that power, what's he going to do with it?
Speaker A:How is he going to use it?
Speaker A:Well, he uses it to care for other people.
Speaker A:He degrades himself and does the job of a lowly slave or servant so that other people can be helped.
Speaker A:He uses his power and greatness and authority not to lift himself up, but but to lift others up.
Speaker A:We're told in verse 4 that because Jesus knows that everything's been given into his hands and that he's going back to his Father, this is what he does.
Speaker A:It says, so he got up from supper, laid aside his outer clothing, took a towel and tied it around himself.
Speaker A:Next he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples feet and dry them with the towel tied around him.
Speaker A:In the last chapter we saw Mary lower herself to serve Jesus by washing his feet.
Speaker A:And although the way she did it was quite shocking, there was still an appropriateness to it, right?
Speaker A:Jesus is the king of the world.
Speaker A:He raises the dead.
Speaker A:Of course he deserves to have people serve him, but for that to be reversed, it's almost unbelievable.
Speaker A:The disciples sit in stunned silence as all this happens until Jesus gets to Simon Peter.
Speaker A:Peter's having none of it.
Speaker A:Remember, out of everyone we've met in the gospel, Peter's one of the people who's understood and believed in Jesus most completely.
Speaker A:He knows that Jesus is the Holy One of God who brings eternal life.
Speaker A:He's not going to have this king suddenly become his servant.
Speaker A:He knows and understands his own place before this king.
Speaker A:And so he says in verse six, lord, are you going to wash my feet?
Speaker A:Jesus is really patient and he's playing the long game.
Speaker A:So he replies, what I'm doing, you don't realize now, but afterward you will understand.
Speaker A:Peter, though, can't imagine a universe now or anytime in the future where what Jesus is doing makes sense.
Speaker A:He tells Jesus, you will never wash my feet.
Speaker A:Now there's real tension in the room, especially as Jesus ups the ante.
Speaker A:He says to Peter, if I don't wash you, you have no part with me.
Speaker A:As much as Peter hates the role reversal that's going on, he knows that all his hope is in Jesus.
Speaker A:When most other people left Jesus, he's the one who spoke up and said, where else should we go?
Speaker A:When you've found the one from God who gives eternal life, you hold onto him and you never let go.
Speaker A:And so, even though he doesn't understand what Jesus is doing, he's not going to do anything to jeopardize his relationship with him.
Speaker A:So he goes all in.
Speaker A:He says, lord, not only my feet, but also my hands and my head.
Speaker A:You've got to love that earnest, passionate faithfulness and dedication to Jesus.
Speaker A:Along with a lot of people, I used to give Peter a really hard time.
Speaker A:He's the butt of so many jokes, but actually he's the most passionate and dedicated disciple who we get to see.
Speaker A:In the face of Peter's enthusiasm, Jesus is like, whoa, there, don't panic.
Speaker A:I've got you covered.
Speaker A:You're not going to miss out.
Speaker A:He's very aware, though, that there is a traitor in his midst.
Speaker A:In verse 10, he says to Peter, one who has bathed doesn't need to wash anything except his feet.
Speaker A:But he is completely clean.
Speaker A:You are clean, but not all of you.
Speaker A:For he knew who would betray him.
Speaker A:This is why he said, not all of you are clean.
Speaker A:How remarkable that as Jesus washes his disciples feet, he even washes the feet of the man he knows is plotting his death.
Speaker A:Once he's finished, Jesus gets up, he gets dressed again and he takes his place at the table, reclining as they did in those days.
Speaker A:All their heads in towards the table and feet pointing out towards the walls.
Speaker A:And then he explains what he wants them to learn from what he's done.
Speaker A:He's not saying, hey guys, you've been treating me as too important.
Speaker A:I'm actually a bit of a nobody and that's why I've served you like this.
Speaker A:That's not it.
Speaker A:That's how the world thinks.
Speaker A:The more important you are, the less messy your job is.
Speaker A:The less important you are, the more messy your job is.
Speaker A:That's not how Jesus sees it though.
Speaker A:He says, yes, you've got me right, I really am super important.
Speaker A:And notice how that hasn't stopped me doing this dirty job.
Speaker A:I've served you and that's what I want you to do for each other.
Speaker A:In verse 12 he says to them, do you know what I've done for you?
Speaker A:You call me teacher and Lord and you are speaking rightly since that is what I am.
Speaker A:So if I, your Lord and teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet.
Speaker A:For I have given you an example that you also should do just as I have done for you.
Speaker A:How different is that to the way that the world thinks?
Speaker A:The world thinks I have power and I'm going to use my power to make other people serve my interests and my goals and my prestige.
Speaker A:You see it in really big ways and in really small ways.
Speaker A:You see it on the world stage.
Speaker A:Both Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are trying to do it to Ukraine.
Speaker A:We have the power, we call the shots.
Speaker A:You do what we want.
Speaker A:You see it in the workplace.
Speaker A:The higher up the chain you are, the more power you have, the more people are expected to serve you and the more ability you have to get away with evil at their expense because you matter more is the unconscious rule.
Speaker A:Sometimes very sadly you see it in families too often you see it in churches where power is used to make people work for my vision, my goals, my agenda and those without power are squashed rather than served.
Speaker A:Speaking as a middle aged man, this is a massive danger for middle aged men where we can have a sense of entitlement.
Speaker A:We've served long enough, done the hard yards.
Speaker A:People should listen to us and give us all the information we want and let us run the things we want.
Speaker A:It's so destructive.
Speaker A:Saying that isn't a reason not to go to church.
Speaker A:It's a reason not to be like that in our church.
Speaker A:Outsiders should be able to look at us as a group and say, wow, look at the way they love and serve and care for each other.
Speaker A:I've never seen anything like that.
Speaker A:Jesus calls us, and especially calls leaders to be humble servants, to not stand on our rights, our experience, or our ideas, even if they're really, really good.
Speaker A:No matter how good we are, we're not as good as Jesus.
Speaker A:In verse 16, Jesus says to his disciples, truly, I tell you, a servant is not greater than his master, and a messenger is not greater than the one who sent him.
Speaker A:If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them.
Speaker A:He's saying this just after he's washed their feet, something an important person would never do in that culture.
Speaker A:But he's also saying it just before he goes to the cross.
Speaker A:Philippians 2 highlights how Jesus lived out this humble service that he's talking about.
Speaker A:How he went from the highest position in the universe to the lowest position in the universe, all in the greatest act of service in the universe.
Speaker A:It says that Jesus, existing in the very form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be exploited.
Speaker A:Instead, he emptied himself by assuming the form of a servant, taking on the likeness of humanity.
Speaker A:And when he had come as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even to death on a cross.
Speaker A:Jesus wants his followers to be like that.
Speaker A:As Jesus prepares to leave his disciples, he's showing them how they and we need to be completely different to the world, how we need to follow him in his service of others, how we must never think of ourselves as above others or beyond caring for others.
Speaker A:What should mark our Christians and the church as wonderful and different is our absolute commitment to care for each other no matter the cost.
Speaker A:Just like our Master has served us.
Speaker A:Jesus words are not for everyone.
Speaker A:There, as we've already seen, he knows that Judas is not going to be a part of the church.
Speaker A:And as we've already said, it's not first and foremost because of Satan's power or Judas evil heart.
Speaker A:First and foremost, it's because of God's plan.
Speaker A:Jesus has chosen who's going to be the first preachers in the church, who's going to teach everyone else what Jesus said and did, and Judas isn't one of them.
Speaker A:Also, God said in the Old Testament that Jesus would be betrayed.
Speaker A:And this plays into the ongoing theme of evidence we've seen in the whole Gospel of John, God said this would happen.
Speaker A:So when the other disciples see it happen, that'll be evidence that'll help them believe that Jesus really is the Christ.
Speaker A:In verse 18, Jesus says, I'm not speaking about all of you.
Speaker A:I know those I have chosen.
Speaker A:But the scripture must be fulfilled.
Speaker A:The one who eats my bread has raised his heel against me.
Speaker A:I am telling you now before it happens, so that when it does happen, you will believe that I am he.
Speaker A:And just in case you haven't picked it up yet, Jesus spelled out why that's so important.
Speaker A:Believing in Jesus, accepting Jesus, receiving Jesus is the way to honour and serve and receive God the Father.
Speaker A:So Jesus says, truly I tell you, whoever receives anyone I send receives me.
Speaker A:And the one who receives me receives him who sent me.
Speaker A:Now it's easy to sit here from 2,000 years away and speak very matter of factly.
Speaker A:God planned it, Satan wanted it.
Speaker A:Judas was an evil thief.
Speaker A:Jesus knew he was going to betray him.
Speaker A:Of course, we all know Jesus is going to win in the end anyway.
Speaker A:But go back to that room 2,000 years ago and there's nothing matter of fact about it.
Speaker A:The betrayal is real.
Speaker A:The pain of the betrayal is real.
Speaker A:Jesus isn't just unemotionally doing a maths problem here.
Speaker A:In verse 21 we're told when Jesus had said this, he was troubled in his spirit and testified, truly, I tell you, one of you will betray me.
Speaker A:When Jesus has loved and cared for these guys so closely for three years, the burden of knowing what Judas is going to do, how he's going to repay Jesus kindness is heartbreaking.
Speaker A:For the rest of the disciples, it's a complete shock.
Speaker A:Can you imagine the tension in the room as they all look around at each other wondering, who is it?
Speaker A:That's got to be awkward, right?
Speaker A:John's reclining next to Jesus.
Speaker A:He refers to himself as the disciple Jesus loved.
Speaker A:And Peter's kind of making faces and hand gestures at him.
Speaker A:You know when you're trying to send a subtle message to someone across the table at a dinner party, Peter's trying to get John to ask Jesus who he's talking about.
Speaker A:John gets the message.
Speaker A:He leans back and he asks quietly in verse 25, Lord, who is it?
Speaker A:Jesus replied, he's the one I give the piece of bread to after I have dipped it.
Speaker A:When he had dipped the bread, he gave it to Judas, Simon Iscariot's son.
Speaker A:After Judas ate the piece of bread, Satan entered him.
Speaker A:So Jesus told him what you're doing, do quickly.
Speaker A:Judas is a dead man walking.
Speaker A:Jesus knows that it has to happen, but he doesn't want to have to wait around for it.
Speaker A:Just get it over with.
Speaker A:Judas, this is one of those most heartbreaking events in all of human history.
Speaker A:And it's a moment that the disciples miss.
Speaker A:They don't get it.
Speaker A:There's a stark contrast between Jesus absolute clarity on what's going on and, and the disciples ignorance.
Speaker A:In verse 28 we read, none of those reclining at the table knew why he said this to him.
Speaker A:Since Judas kept the money bag, some thought that Jesus was telling him buy what we need for the festival or that he should give something to the poor.
Speaker A:After receiving this piece of bread, he immediately left and it was night.
Speaker A:Jesus whole ministry has been inviting people into the light that only he could give.
Speaker A:The light of truth, the light that exposes what's real and what's not.
Speaker A:What's good and what's evil, what gives life and what takes it away.
Speaker A:Judas has tasted that light and he's chosen to head back out into the blackness of night.
Speaker A:With Judas gone, Jesus gets on with the task of helping his disciples.
Speaker A:They need to understand what's about to happen.
Speaker A:They need to realize that everything's about to change.
Speaker A:They need to recognize that the greatest turning point of all of history is about to take place.
Speaker A:In verse 31 he says, now the Son of man is glorified and God is glorified in him.
Speaker A:If God is glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself and will glorify him at once.
Speaker A:Little children, I am with you a little while longer.
Speaker A:You will look for me.
Speaker A:And just as I told the Jews so now I tell you where I am going.
Speaker A:You cannot come.
Speaker A:Imagine the shock and worry that this must cause in the room.
Speaker A:In the last chapter they'd heard Jesus saying similar things to the crowds.
Speaker A:But that was to people who rejected him, right?
Speaker A:The people who have chosen not to follow, not to believe.
Speaker A:Of course Jesus would leave those people.
Speaker A:But why would he leave his disciples?
Speaker A:Why would he stop them from following him wherever he's going?
Speaker A:Before they can ask anything, Jesus lays out how he wants them to live when he's gone.
Speaker A:It's a principle that flows on from the foot washing.
Speaker A:In verse 34 he says, I give you a new command.
Speaker A:Love one another.
Speaker A:Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another.
Speaker A:By this everyone will know that you are my disciples.
Speaker A:If you love one another, it makes total Sense, doesn't it?
Speaker A:Jesus shows the greatest act of love and care and kindness in the universe.
Speaker A:How do you show that you're one of his disciples?
Speaker A:A word that literally means followers.
Speaker A:How do you follow Jesus?
Speaker A:Well, you do it by following, following in his footsteps, doing what he does, loving like he loves.
Speaker A:It's so hard when our world reduces the word love to mean a romantic feeling.
Speaker A:You care for someone when you feel warm and fuzzy towards them.
Speaker A:And when you don't feel that way, you don't have to care for them.
Speaker A:It's the cause of so much evil and pain.
Speaker A:That's not what Jesus is saying here.
Speaker A:He's telling them and us, set your mind and your heart and life and direction on caring for your Christian brothers and sisters, no matter how you're feeling.
Speaker A:Jesus is feeling pretty rubbish as he prepares for the cross and as he sends away his betrayer.
Speaker A:But he still washed their feet.
Speaker A:He still spends all this time preparing them for when he's gone.
Speaker A:He still goes to the cross.
Speaker A:Jesus wants his followers to be obvious to the world by their display of this kind of love for one another.
Speaker A:Peter can't really engage with that idea right now.
Speaker A:You know how someone drops a bombshell and then just keeps talking and you're like, whoa, hang on, hang on, back up a second.
Speaker A:Peter asks, lord, where are you going?
Speaker A:And Jesus response is just as unclear as what he said before.
Speaker A:He says, where I am going, you cannot follow me now, but you will follow later.
Speaker A:It's like they're not ready to hear or understand what's about to happen.
Speaker A:Jesus just gives them the bare bones, the key things they need to know for now.
Speaker A:I don't know if Peter's response to that comes out of frustration or anger or fear or desperation, maybe a little bit of everything.
Speaker A:He says, lord, why can't I follow you now?
Speaker A:I will lay down my life for you.
Speaker A:And Jesus is like, hmm, really?
Speaker A:Really, Peter?
Speaker A:He understands that Peter's just not ready to follow him.
Speaker A:With all of Peter's good intentions, with all the great words and keenness to stick with Jesus, there's still something missing, and that's going to lead to disastrous results.
Speaker A:Jesus asks him in verse 38, will you lay down your life for me?
Speaker A:Truly, I tell you, a rooster will not crow until you have denied me three times.
Speaker A:Can you imagine what a blow those words must be to Peter?
Speaker A:It's like a slap in the face.
Speaker A:It says everything you believe about yourself and your willingness to follow is wrong.
Speaker A:Your words of bravado are going to melt away in the face of danger.
Speaker A:Jesus words aren't meant to be a cause for despair.
Speaker A:Though he isn't saying the same thing he said about them as he said about Judas.
Speaker A:In fact, as soon as he said these words to Peter that must have been so hard to hear, he comes back with words of comfort and hope.
Speaker A:They shouldn't think of his going away as some kind of rebuke or rejection.
Speaker A:He isn't abandoning them, far from it.
Speaker A:His going away is actually the best news in all the world.
Speaker A:They're going to benefit hugely from means that they'll be able to rest for eternity in the household of God.
Speaker A:He'll leave, do what needs to be done and get everything ready and then come back to take them home to be with them forever.
Speaker A:So Jesus says, trust me.
Speaker A:Believe in me.
Speaker A:Whatever's about to happen, don't give up.
Speaker A:In chapter 14, verse 1, he says, don't let your heart be troubled.
Speaker A:Believe in God.
Speaker A:Believe also in Me.
Speaker A:In my Father's house there are many rooms.
Speaker A:If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?
Speaker A:If I go away and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to myself, so that where I am you may be also.
Speaker A:You know the way to where I'm going.
Speaker A:The disciples are all thinking, umm, no we don't.
Speaker A:Thomas says, lord, we don't know where you're going.
Speaker A:How can we know the way?
Speaker A:Their problem is that they're thinking about an earthly place, a location, somewhere you can find on a map.
Speaker A:And Jesus has talked about a place, this house, with many rooms.
Speaker A:But that isn't the most important thing that he's talking about.
Speaker A:What's most important, what's at the heart of why Jesus came and what he's about to do isn't first and foremost to get people to a place.
Speaker A:It's to get people to a person, to get people to God.
Speaker A:Jesus.
Speaker A:God the Son wants to take people to His Father and he's been talking about that through his whole ministry.
Speaker A:The whole time he's been inviting people back into relationship with His Father.
Speaker A:And how do you get to the Father?
Speaker A:By believing in Jesus.
Speaker A:Jesus is going to the Father and by now they should know how to get to the Father.
Speaker A:In verse six he says, I am the Way, the Truth and the life.
Speaker A:No one comes to the Father except through Me.
Speaker A:If you know Me, you will also know my Father from now on.
Speaker A:You do know him and have seen Him.
Speaker A:That's a profoundly exclusive Statement, isn't it?
Speaker A:No one comes to the Father except through Me.
Speaker A:You don't get to God through Buddha or Muhammad.
Speaker A:You don't get to him by doing the right tasks or fulfilling certain obligations.
Speaker A:You don't get to God by being good enough or by visiting certain holy sites or by donating money.
Speaker A:You don't get to God through your own spiritual journey where you find your own path.
Speaker A:You don't get to God through the church or by a church pastor or priest or minister.
Speaker A:You don't get to God by doing the sacraments or being baptized as an adult or as a child.
Speaker A:The only way to get to God is through Jesus.
Speaker A:Because Jesus is God the Son.
Speaker A:He came into the world as a light revealing God, showing God, doing everything His Father told Him to do, so that in him we can see a perfect reflection of His Father.
Speaker A:If you know Jesus, you know His Father.
Speaker A:If you know Jesus, you know God.
Speaker A:If you want to get to God and enjoy eternity with God and live forever in the household of God, you must know and trust and believe in Jesus.
Speaker A:But the disciples still don't get it.
Speaker A:Philip speaks up and he says, lord, show us the Father and that's enough for us.
Speaker A:It's always weird when someone says, oh, the idea of the Trinity, of God being three and one at the same time.
Speaker A:That was made up later by the early church.
Speaker A:Just listen to these guys.
Speaker A:They don't get it at all.
Speaker A:The only person in the room talking about a trinity is Jesus himself.
Speaker A:And he's like, show us the Father.
Speaker A:Show us the Father.
Speaker A:What do you think I've been doing for the last three years, guys?
Speaker A:They do think that Jesus has a close relationship with God.
Speaker A:They just haven't crossed the line yet into thinking that Jesus is God.
Speaker A:That the Father and Son are in lockstep with each other.
Speaker A:That when you hear the words of Jesus, you're hearing the words of the Father.
Speaker A:That they're both God, both one, and both Father and Son at the same time.
Speaker A:Jesus says in verse nine, have I been among you all this time and you do not know me?
Speaker A:Philip, the one who has seen me has seen the Father.
Speaker A:How can you say, show us the Father?
Speaker A:Don't you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me?
Speaker A:The words I speak to you, I do not speak on my own.
Speaker A:The Father who lives in me does his works.
Speaker A:Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me.
Speaker A:Otherwise, believe because of the works themselves.
Speaker A:Just think back to the works that Jesus has done.
Speaker A:Walking on water.
Speaker A:Only God has that power over the water.
Speaker A:Feeding thousands in the wilderness.
Speaker A:Well, that's exactly what God did for the Israelites back in Exodus, raising the dead.
Speaker A:There's only one person with the power of life and death.
Speaker A:Only one person who can speak a word and have life return to a corpse.
Speaker A:God.
Speaker A:The things Jesus has done prove that he is in the Father and that the Father's in him.
Speaker A:If you know one, then you know the other.
Speaker A:Having just talked about the works that he's done, Jesus says that those works are going to be copied.
Speaker A:And if you can believe it, bettered.
Speaker A:Jesus says in verse 12, truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do.
Speaker A:And he will do even greater works than these, because I am going to the Father.
Speaker A:Of all the weirdest things that Jesus says in the Gospel, that's got to be up there as one of the weirdest, right?
Speaker A:How can believers do greater works than Jesus?
Speaker A:How do you beat raising someone from the grave just by calling them out?
Speaker A:Lots of Christians have missed the true power of what Jesus is saying here, and they chase after spectacular miracles.
Speaker A:But you can't do more spectacular miracles than Jesus has already done.
Speaker A:So what are these greater works?
Speaker A:Well, it comes back to the purpose of Jesus ministry.
Speaker A:The aim has always been to take people to the Father.
Speaker A:Anyone who believes in him has eternal life and will become children of God.
Speaker A:But we just read in the last chapter, most people haven't believed in him from the outside.
Speaker A:His ministry looks like a failure.
Speaker A:It hasn't been a failure.
Speaker A:The plan never was to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth while Jesus was on the earth that comes after he leaves.
Speaker A:The success of seeing people put their trust in Jesus, of seeing people saved on every continent of the planet, that's what we get to be a part of after Jesus has gone.
Speaker A:We get the fun bit.
Speaker A:It's even the most miraculous bit.
Speaker A:A person putting their trust in Jesus is way more miraculous than healing a spine or turning bread into more bread, or even raising Lazarus to life.
Speaker A:When someone puts their trust in Jesus, they've been raised from death to eternal life.
Speaker A:It doesn't happen by our power, though.
Speaker A:We aren't more powerful than Jesus, it happens by God's power, by Jesus power.
Speaker A:That's why Jesus encourages his disciples to pray.
Speaker A:In verse 13, he says, Whatever you ask in My name, I will do it so that my Father may be glorified in the Son.
Speaker A:If you ask me anything in My name, I will do it.
Speaker A:Ultimately, It's Jesus who's still doing the work, except now he's doing it through his disciples.
Speaker A:And the goal of his work hasn't changed.
Speaker A:He's still doing it for the glory of His Father.
Speaker A:What has changed though, is that Jesus now draws his disciples into his work in a way that he hasn't before.
Speaker A:In a way they haven't been ready for before.
Speaker A:Just an aside.
Speaker A:When Jesus says, if you ask me anything in My name, I'll do it.
Speaker A:His words are not a blank check there.
Speaker A:The apostles prayers don't always receive a yes and neither will ours.
Speaker A:But if our prayers are truly in Jesus name, if they fit with his plans and his goal of bringing glory to the Father, then He will do it.
Speaker A:Which shouldn't make us all worried about whether we should pray something or not.
Speaker A:Pray.
Speaker A:Pray boldly.
Speaker A:Jesus is comforting his disciples and welcoming them into his mission and giving them confidence that he's still working on that mission.
Speaker A:He also comforts them by saying that they won't be left alone.
Speaker A:Remember the pain and worry flying around the room about Jesus saying he was going to leave?
Speaker A:Jesus wants them to know he's not abandoning them.
Speaker A:He tells them about how he'll ask the Father to send the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, who He calls the counsellor.
Speaker A:Not counsellor, like psychologist, but like an advice giver, a guide.
Speaker A:Jesus says in verse 15, if you love me, you will keep my commands and I will ask the Father and He will give you another counselor to be with you forever.
Speaker A:He is the Spirit of truth.
Speaker A:The world is unable to receive him because it doesn't see him or know Him.
Speaker A:But you do know him because he remains with you and will be in you.
Speaker A:A couple of things there.
Speaker A:Firstly, this counsellor does the same thing that Jesus does.
Speaker A:He shows them the truth.
Speaker A:Secondly, he'll be with them forever.
Speaker A:There'll never be a sad dinner in an upper room where the Spirit suddenly announces, sorry guys, I have to leave you.
Speaker A:No.
Speaker A:If you're a believer in Jesus, you are never alone.
Speaker A:Ever.
Speaker A:When you're worried, when you're sad, when you fail, when you succeed, when things seem so dark, it's hard to believe there's anything good up ahead.
Speaker A:When you're tempted to think, where is God?
Speaker A:Where's Jesus?
Speaker A:Why has he left me?
Speaker A:When people are angry at you or don't like you for trusting Jesus, the answer to where he is is he hasn't left you.
Speaker A:God, the Father and Son are with you.
Speaker A:By God the Spirit, you're never abandoned you're never without help.
Speaker A:You're never alone if you trust Jesus.
Speaker A:As Jesus keeps working to comfort his disciples, he wants them to know that even though he's leaving them, it's not that they won't see him again.
Speaker A:They will get to see him.
Speaker A:He won't appear publicly to large crowds again, but he will appear to them.
Speaker A:He says in verse 18, I will not leave you as orphans.
Speaker A:I am coming to you.
Speaker A:In a little while, the world will no longer see me, but you will see me.
Speaker A:Because I live.
Speaker A:You will live, too.
Speaker A:On that day, you will know that I am in my Father.
Speaker A:You are in Me, and I am in you.
Speaker A:On the day that they see Jesus again, they will receive two amazing things.
Speaker A:They will get life, and they will get understanding.
Speaker A:Understanding of the relationship between the Father and the Son.
Speaker A:But it goes further than that.
Speaker A:Right back at the beginning of the Gospel, John told us that every, everyone who believes in Jesus will become children of God, drawn into the family of God.
Speaker A:And so Jesus can start to use the language that he usually uses for his relationship with his Father to describe his relationship with his disciples.
Speaker A:You are in me and I am in you.
Speaker A:That's not to say that believers actually become God, but we are in some wonderful way welcomed into the relationship that makes up God.
Speaker A:Jesus says, the one who has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me.
Speaker A:And the one who loves me will be loved by my Father.
Speaker A:I also will love him and will reveal myself to Him.
Speaker A:This is a massive privilege.
Speaker A:But the disciples still don't get it.
Speaker A:They won't really understand it until after the resurrection.
Speaker A:Another disciple named Judas asks a question, and John makes it very clear here that this poor disciple, absolutely, definitely, categorically is not Judas Iscariot.
Speaker A:Different guy, good guy.
Speaker A:Verse 22 says, Judas, not Iscariot, said to him, lord, how is it you're going to reveal yourself to us and not to the world?
Speaker A:The answer, again, has more to do with the relationship between Jesus and his disciples than the physical location of Jesus.
Speaker A:I mean, after the resurrection, Jesus does only physically reveal himself to his disciples.
Speaker A:He doesn't go on the big public tours again.
Speaker A:But that's not what Jesus focuses on here.
Speaker A:What he focuses on is how people relate to him and how he relates to people.
Speaker A:He says in verse 23, if anyone loves me, he will keep my word.
Speaker A:My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with Him.
Speaker A:The one who doesn't love me will not keep my words.
Speaker A:The word that you hear is not mine, but it's from the Father who sent me.
Speaker A:Right about now, their heads are swirling.
Speaker A:They have no idea what all this means.
Speaker A:They have no idea what's about to happen.
Speaker A:They have no idea what Jesus is planning to do.
Speaker A:And so again, Jesus comforts them.
Speaker A:He's like, don't panic.
Speaker A:This is why I'm sending the Spirit.
Speaker A:He'll help you with all this stuff.
Speaker A:In verse 25, he says, I have spoken these things to you while I remain with you.
Speaker A:But the counsellor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you.
Speaker A:And then he invites them to trust him, to rest in Him.
Speaker A:Jesus knows he said some big stuff.
Speaker A:He knows that it's all pretty overwhelming.
Speaker A:But he wants them to pull back to the big picture.
Speaker A:Even though he's leaving, he isn't abandoning them.
Speaker A:Even though they won't see him after that, they will see him.
Speaker A:Even though they don't understand, they will understand.
Speaker A:And so they need to trust and not be afraid.
Speaker A:Jesus is working for their good.
Speaker A:In fact, he is telling them all this to help them.
Speaker A:Even though they may not feel like it at the moment, they feel lost and alone and afraid.
Speaker A:But soon, because of what Jesus has told them, it'll all click into place.
Speaker A:Suddenly they'll understand.
Speaker A:Suddenly they'll rejoice.
Speaker A:Suddenly they'll believe.
Speaker A:Jesus says, peace, I leave with you.
Speaker A:My peace I give to you.
Speaker A:I do not give to you as the world gives.
Speaker A:Don't let your heart be troubled or fearful.
Speaker A:You've heard me tell you I am going away and I am coming to you.
Speaker A:If you loved me, you would rejoice that I am going to the Father because the Father is greater than I.
Speaker A:I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen, you may believe.
Speaker A:So what about for us?
Speaker A:While we can feel the pain of not being physically with Jesus, I want to reflect on the fact that we actually have things much better than those guys in that room at that time.
Speaker A:Does that feel weird?
Speaker A:It's true.
Speaker A:We have it so much better.
Speaker A:They are totally confused.
Speaker A:And the things that Jesus says will happen to help them believe they haven't happened yet.
Speaker A:All their hopes, all their expectations, all their ideas of how they thought things would go are being thrown out the window.
Speaker A:And they're not going to get any better until they have much of what we have.
Speaker A:Not until after Jesus has gone to the cross and suffered like he said he would.
Speaker A:Not until the resurrection where they see that Jesus has been victorious not until the Spirit comes and leads them in truth and understanding.
Speaker A:The only difference for us is that we actually haven't physically seen Jesus, but thanks to their testimony, we can be confident that he's alive.
Speaker A:If you trust Jesus, you have access to the big picture of God's plans for the world.
Speaker A:If you believe in Jesus, you have the Holy Spirit living in you, leading you, helping you, guiding you.
Speaker A:If you have faith in Jesus, you are never alone in the hard times and dark times.
Speaker A:Remember what Jesus has done.
Speaker A:Remember what he's given you.
Speaker A:Remember that the Father and Son have made their home in you by their Holy Spirit.
Speaker A:Let that give you courage to pray and ask God to glorify Himself.
Speaker A:Let it give you courage to love like Jesus loved.
Speaker A:To care for people, like Jesus cared for people.
Speaker A:To show the world Christ's love in how you love other Christians, so that together we can reflect our Lord and Saviour who's with us forever.
Speaker A:Back in Jerusalem, the moment of darkness is closing in.
Speaker A:The forces of evil are gathering their strength.
Speaker A:Of course, their strength counts for nothing.
Speaker A:Jesus isn't going to the cross because Satan forces him there.
Speaker A:He's going in obedience to his Father's will.
Speaker A:But it's all about to kick off.
Speaker A:So what final words will Jesus squeeze in for his disciples just before that rapidly approaching inevitable moment?
Speaker A:Well, that's a story for next time.
Speaker A:Thank you for listening.
Speaker A:Thanks for listening to this episode.
Speaker A:I hope you enjoyed it.
Speaker A:Please hit the five star review button or the like button or whatever your app wants.
Speaker A:If you want to help me keep making these episodes, please consider making a financial donation.
Speaker A:Making this show takes time and money buys time and frees me up to do it.
Speaker A:Small or large, one off or ongoing.
Speaker A:No matter what country you're in, it all helps.
Speaker A:Please go to the website and head to the donate page.
Speaker A:Keep trusting Jesus.
Speaker A:Bye for now.