Well, today I'm going to share with you five powerful mindset resets that you need to have in order to just crush and enjoy flourish in 2025. I read a lot of Facebook posts recently where many women were saying, I just need to take a shower and wash off 2024. What? Wasn't that a great year for you? Let's not end another year by saying, Oh, I can't wait to get out of this year. This is your year. Why don't you claim that right now and say, that's mine. I am going to boldly ascertain that 2025 is going to be my greatest year. I'm going to grow. I'm going to thrive. We're going to talk about it. So grab your journal, grab a cup of coffee, just chill, take time to just absorb this and see if any of these resonate with you.
ing to reclaim your spark. in:
Now, I'm not going to lie to you and say we're not in the second half of life, but studies show that in midlife often people experience the greatest significance, creativity, and productivity in their lives. When they challenged the belief that It's too late. When they say, no, I don't believe that they flourish in incredible ways.
According to research from Stanford University, purpose and passion significantly contribute to longevity and overall happiness. And we know that, right? When you're living on purpose, you're a happy person. Think of women like Vera Wang, who is a great designer. She didn't have her first design until she was 40 years old. What about Julia Childs? She didn't write her first cookbook until she was 50. I didn't write my first book until I was 50. So this year we're going to stop saying it's too late. I'm too old. My best years are gone. No. We're going to challenge that belief and you're going to be amazed at how you're going to grow and flourish because every chapter of your life is filled with opportunity. Believe that.
Here's the second mindset, stop prioritizing everyone else over yourself. Schedule weekly time, maybe even twice a week, weekly time just for you. It gets to be all about you.
So often midlife women like myself and a little bit beyond. Like me, we put everybody else first. We've lived a life like that. That's part of a woman's DNA, quite honestly. We've been the role of caregivers and nurturers. Perhaps you're taking care of aging parents or a partner who's not feeling well, or maybe you still are taking care of adult children or concerned with them in the life that they're living.
According to AARP's:
So this year you've got to take time to make yourself a priority. Pour into yourself what feeds you, what just fills your tank, what satisfies your soul and blesses you and brings you joy. Do more of that. Make sure you schedule it. Don't accidentally think it's going to happen. It's not selfish. It's necessary. It's self-care and that's very important.
Here's the third mindset we're going to shift, we're going to tweak. Stop clinging to outdated beliefs about aging. Ditch them. They're wrong. It's time for you to reimagine your life. Reimagine midlife.
Society has indeed conditioned us to think about midlife in ways that, you know, youth equals value. We don't do a very good job in this country of honouring and giving value to our seniors, but that narrative is crumbling. It is time to understand that in midlife we have the most wisdom. The truth is that midlife women are thriving. Did you hear me? Thriving. In fact, they are starting businesses and running marathons. They're leading movements.
Do you know that women over 50 are among the fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs? That's right. Do you still have a dream in you? Do you have a business idea in you? Do you have an innovation or something that you want to invent? Guess what? Women over 50 We are the fastest-growing group of these amazing successful entrepreneurs. So what am I saying? Your age is not a liability. Not at all. It is your superpower. Your age is your power. So let go of the idea that you have to be younger to be valuable or that you need to act younger to be relevant. Be you. Embrace the depth and the confidence that you have as an incredible midlife woman. Okay, a woman with experience and that means something.
Here we go, number four. This is a mindset, we have to get past this one. Stop comparing yourself to others. If you have to compare, compare yourself to yourself, be a better you this year, this month, this week, than you were last week, last month, last year. But we know that social media is often the worst offender. We all know that the lives that you see others living are indeed the highlight reels of their lives.
A study by the Pew Research Center found that excessive social media use is indeed linked now to feelings of inadequacy, particularly among women. Did you catch that? Now when we are on social media, we are connecting a sense of dissatisfaction in our heart and our brain that leaves us feeling like our life isn't good enough. We're inadequate. We're not enough. But here's the truth. No one's life is perfect. No one's life has a problem-free existence. And comparison is indeed the thief of joy. So don't do it. No, don't look sideways.
If you want to look intently in the mirror at your own life and your own journey and make some adjustments by all means, but celebrate you, celebrate what you've learned. Even your failures can be reframed into understanding how you grew, how you were challenged, and how you developed grit and resistance. So celebrate, all your wins, big and small. Also, practice gratitude for where you are right now.
And finally, I want to say this, stop ignoring, number five, ready for this mindset? Stop ignoring your health and your wellness and specifically how you think. You know, it is tempting to ignore the signs that our body is giving us, the aches and the pains. How about those mood swings? How about that fatigue?
Sometimes we just push through, but I want you to be a little bit more curious about yourself this year. It is time to listen and take action. Studies show from the Mayo Clinic that midlife is when women are most likely to be at risk for conditions like osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, and those hormonal shifts that can cart start creating fatigue, energy loss, and drain taking care of yourself. It's not just about the physical either. It is about the emotional and the mental health as well. Pay attention to whether you've lost joy if you feel discouraged regularly. You may be battling some depression.
Here's the fix. Regular exercise, prioritizing sleep, and mindfulness practices. We just already talked about gratitude. These make a world of difference, but if you find yourself not being able to get over some of those hurdles. Think about a therapist, perhaps a coach, someone can help you and nudge you and move you forward and at the very least reflect back to you what they're observing about what you're saying, your effect, your moods, and what you're feeling. Maybe as you express that to them, your coach or your therapist can help you find some discovery and insight.
All right, so what am I saying to you today? Midlife is not the end. It's a powerful beginning. So here's your challenge. I want you to pick one, just one. If you're feeling really robust, you can pick two. But I want you to declare one of these behaviours that you're going to stop doing, you're going to flip the script and you're going to add a powerful, positive mindset and outlook instead of the negativity. Maybe you stop saying, it's too late. You take one step, one small baby step towards doing something that activates a dream that you've had in your heart for a long time. Something that you have been putting off or maybe you carve out the future. 30 minutes of guilt-free time just for you. Whatever it is, make your commitment today.
I'd love to hear about your journey. So email me or DM me at dawndamonlive. You'll find my Facebook, Twitter X, and Instagram. Let's cheer each other on.
no matter what comes my way,:
So for me, I'm going to help you. I have an offer for you. You go to braveheartedwoman.com. You're going to find the Brave Vision BlastOff for 2025 for $7.99 That's it. So that you can reclaim your spark. I'm going to help you. I'm going to guide you. I'm going to give you prompts and you can start off your year in a powerful way. Reignite yourself, set yourself some goals, and give yourself a launch pad for the best year of your life. It's time for you to take control.
All right, everybody, Dawn Damon, your Braveheart Mentor, is back with you again this year, and I pray that you will have the most amazing year. I'm going to leave you like I always do, signing off. It's time for you to find your brave and live your dreams!