Talk: A civilisation without violence - Owen Lynch
Talk: Trinity - overflowing love - Claire Lynch
Talk: What is love? - Kyle Henderson-Begg
Talk: Remain in my love - David Jennings
Talk: How the revolution spreads - Owen Lynch
Talk and meditation: What unites us? - Owen and Claire Lynch
Talk: Journeys - what can we learn from the Magi?
Talk: Is our emotional and spiritual health in balance? - Owen Lynch
Talk and reflection: Jesus, our Christmas gift - Liz Nixon
Talk: A story of trust - Owen Lynch
Talk: Am I willing for Jesus to change my mind? - Owen Lynch
Talk: Has the gospel made us more inclusive, progressive and hopeful? - Owen Lynch
Talk: The woman who washed Jesus’ feet - Dan Green
Talk and meditation: Is God male? - Claire Lynch
Talk: Revelationship - Phil Joiner
Talk: Experiencing the love of God - David Jennings
Talk: A God who blesses - Claire Lynch
Talk: I lift my eyes to the mountains
Talk: What shapes our sense of identity? - Owen Lynch
Talk: Peter - wanting more of Jesus - Dan Green
Talk: How to join the revolution? - Owen Lynch
Talk: There is something more - David Jennings
Talk: Do we need to fall into a trance like Peter? - Owen Lynch
Talk: Prophecy - Claire Lynch
Talk: Expansive and inclusive - Owen Lynch
Talk: Forgiveness - Rossie Henderson-Begg
Talk: What the hell? - Claire Lynch
Talk: A new kind of empire - Owen Lynch
Talk: Things get out of hand - Owen Lynch
Talk: Deny yourself and follow me - Kyle Henderson-Begg
Talk: How does Jesus save? Part 2 - Claire Lynch
Talk: How does Jesus save? Part 1 - Claire Lynch
Talk: Preparing for Government - Owen Lynch
Talk: Fostering and adoption - Anna Simmons
Talk: From Judea and Galilee to the ends of the Earth - Owen Lynch
Talk: Waiting for a revolution - Owen Lynch
Talk and meditation: Relating, reflecting and representing God - Claire Lynch
Severn Vision Sunday, 28 January 2024
Talk: Hope in Jesus - Owen Lynch
Talk and meditation: Thankfulness brings joy - Claire Lynch
Talk and meditation: Advent - Starstruck - Owen Lynch
Talk: Advent - A story of trust - Owen Lynch
Talk: What the gospel means to me - Bern Leckie
Talk: What the gospel means to me - David Jennings
Talk: Rethinking wrath - Claire Lynch
Talk: Embracing weakness and vulnerability - Owen Lynch
Talk and prayer time: Embracing pain and loss - Owen Lynch
Talk and meditation: Embracing our limitations - Owen Lynch
Talk: Family history - Owen Lynch
Talk: Stop before you hit the bottom - Owen Lynch
Talk: What the gospel means to me - Owen Lynch
Talk: What the gospel means to me - Liz Nixon
Talk: What the gospel means to me - Jack Saunders
Discussion: What the gospel means to me - Caleb Pedersen
Talk: What the gospel means to me - Caleb Pedersen
Discussion: What the gospel means to me - Joanna Moss
Talk: What the gospel means to me - Joanna Moss
Discussion: What the gospel means to me - Jess Pedersen
Talk: What the gospel means to me - Jess Pedersen
Interview: Seeing Christ in serving
Talk: A moment (that could change everything)
Talk and meditation: Welcoming the stranger
Talk and meditation: Whose king is Christ Jesus?
Talk: Staying in the game
Talk and meditation: Which gate would you have gone to?
Talk and meditation: Why does God let bad things happen?
Talk: Who do you say I am?
Talk: Waiting for renewal
Talk and meditation: Seeing Christ in the inner place
Talk and meditation: Seeing Christ in love
Talk and meditation: Seeing Christ in nature
Talk and interviews: Don’t let fear stand between you and your dreams
Talk and meditation: Seeing Christ in you
Interview: 'Where do you see Christ?' with Dan Morrice
Talk and meditation: What is God like? Part 3 - A strange kind of King
Talk and meditation: Seeing Christ in everyone and everything
Talk and meditation: He often withdrew
Talk: What is God like? Part 2 - Father of love, revealed in Jesus
Interview: 'Where do you see Christ?' with Sam Sayer
Talk and meditation: Do not be afraid
Talk and meditation: Christ is not Jesus’ last name
Talk and meditation: What is God like? Part 1 - Who do you say I am?
Talk: Encounters With God - Stories from the Old Testament, part 13 - Moses
Talk: Encounters With God - Stories from the Old Testament, part 12 - Jacob
Discussion: Encounters with God, Daniel and Bern Leckie
Talk: Encounters With God - Stories from the Old Testament, part 11 - Elijah
Discussion: Encounters with God, Moses and Jess Pedersen
Talk: Encounters With God - Stories from the Old Testament, part 10 - Deborah
Discussion: Encounters with God, Hagar and Liz Nixon
Discussion: Encounters with God, Joseph and Dan Green
Talk: Encounters With God - Stories from the Old Testament, part 9 - Daniel
Talk: Encounters With God - Stories from the Old Testament, part 8 - David
Discussion: Encounters with God, Joshua and Jack Saunders
Talk: Encounters With God - Stories from the Old Testament, part 7 - Moses
Talk: Encounters With God - Stories from the Old Testament, part 6 - Hagar
Talk: Encounters With God - Stories from the Old Testament, part 5 - Joseph
Talk: Encounters With God - Stories from the Old Testament, part 4 - Joshua
Discussion: Encounters with God, Rahab and Joanna Moss
Talk: Encounters With God - Stories from the Old Testament, part 3 - Rahab
Discussion: Encounters with God in Genesis
Discussion: Encounters with God through boxset bingeing the Bible
Talk: ‘Stand firm’ by Eleanor Mumford - 29 May 2022
Discussion: Encounters with God, Hannah and Rebecca Kishtainy
Talk: Encounters With God - Stories from the Old Testament, part 2 - Hannah
Discussion: Encounters with God, Ruth and Dan Green
Talk: Encounters With God - Stories from the Old Testament, part 1 - Ruth
Talk: Who Is Jesus? Part 16 - What does it mean that Jesus will return?
Talk: Who Is Jesus? Part 15 - What were Jesus’ ethics?
Talk: Who Is Jesus? Part 14 - What was the meaning of Jesus’ death and resurrection?
Talk: Who Is Jesus? Part 13 - What is resurrection?
Meditation: Good Friday Lectio Divina, Colossians 1
Talk: Who Is Jesus? Part 12 - What does victory look like?
Discussion: Fasting part 2
Talk: Who Is Jesus? Part 11 - Can we experience Jesus firsthand?
Talk: Who Is Jesus? Part 10 - Where are you getting stuck?
Talk: Who Is Jesus? Part 9 - Why was Jesus killed?
Talk: Who Is Jesus? Part 8 - How do you approach God?
Talk: Who Is Jesus? Part 7 - Jesus brings hope: feeding the 5,000
Discussion: What is Lent and why might fasting be good?
Talk: Who Is Jesus? Part 6 - How dare we believe?
Talk: Who Is Jesus? Part 5 - Was Jesus divine?
Talk: Who Is Jesus? Part 4 - Did Jesus intend to start a religion?
Talk: Who Is Jesus? Part 3 - How can I live fulfilled, today?
Talk: Who Is Jesus? Part 2 - What story am I living in?
Talk: Who Is Jesus? Part 1 - Where does love come from?
Talk: New Year - a time for reflection
Talk: Life-giving Habits - Thanksgiving
Talk: For unto us a child is born - Prince of Peace
Talk: For unto us a child is born - Everlasting Father
Talk: For unto us a child is born - Mighty God
Talk: For unto us a child is born - Wonderful Counsellor
Talk: Why does God feel distant?
Talk: Is God bothered about climate change?
Talk: Doubts, anchors and life
Talk: A Crisis of Faith and Identity
Talk: The Miracle of the Loaves & Fishes (and the same again)
Talk: What was Jesus like? And would you have become his disciple?
Talk: The Parable of the Prodigal Son
Talk: The Parable of the Talents
Talk: Psalm 139 part 4 - The journey from rage to restoration
Talk: Psalm 139 part 3 - I am wonderful (and here’s how I know)
Talk: Modern Family? Part 4 - Creating culture + being spiritual
Talk: Psalm 139 part 2 - Fleeing from guilt, met by grace
Meditation: Psalm 139 Lectio Divina
Talk: Psalm 139 part 1 - Being searched and known
Talk: Emotionally Healthy Church part 6 - Which self are you today?
Talk: Modern Family? Part 3 - Consistent, predictable, reliable
Discussion: Mending the Divides bonus episode - Finding the Peacemakers
Meditation: Hebrews 12 Lectio Divina
Talk: Modern Family? Part 2 - Living in family
Talk: Mending the Divides part 4 - Contend and Restore
Talk: Running With The Spirit
Talk: Emotionally Healthy Church part 5 - Embracing vulnerability and weakness
Talk: Modern Family? Part 1
Talk: Mending the Divides part 3 - Difference, Division and Jesus
Talk: Emotionally Healthy Church part 4 - Embracing pain and loss
Discussion: Mending the Divides part 2 - Connect and Engage (extended version)
Discussion: Mending the Divides part 2 - Connect and Engage (edited version)
Talk: The Middle - life at Easter
Meditation: Good Friday Lectio Divina
Meditation: Good Friday Lord's Supper
Talk: Mending the Divides part 1 - We need to (keep) talk(ing) about race
Talk: Emotionally Healthy Church part 3 - Limits and responsibilities
Talk: Emotionally Healthy Church part 2 - Family of origin
Talk: Emotionally Healthy Church part 1 - Stop before you hit the bottom