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Environmental wellbeing - What more can you do for the planet?
Episode 2527th September 2023 • I've Got Your Back • Michelle Sutherland
00:00:00 00:39:59

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Hello everyone, and welcome to episode eight, Season three of I've Got Your Back The podcast. This season has been all about wellbeing, and today I’m going to be speaking to you about environmental wellbeing.

My intention with this episode today is to share with you things that I've implemented into my life over the last six years that has made me feel less shame & guilt, to feeling more inspired and passionate about things that I can do to help make a more positive impact on our environment.

These things have empowered me to take personal responsibility for my actions and for the impact that I have on the environment everyday. Even though I'm one person, I have an impact on the environment, we all do. 

Essentially humans are part of nature, we have evolved from nature, we are one. 

There seems to be this disconnect that's happened over many generations where humans have completely ruined the environment and our planet so… 

I want you to take note of these questions: 

  • What more can I do for myself to improve my own wellbeing?
  • What more can I do for my family?
  • What more can I do for the community?
  • What more can I do for the planet? 

Really ask yourself those questions every single day. That's what I've done for the last three years. I wake up every day asking myself those questions because when I listen to the answers, they take me to a place that takes my wellbeing to a whole other level, and I know that it can do it for you too.

I've got your back!

Love, Michelle x 

All the good stuff 🙌

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