Dana Williams-Johnson, or DWJ is a doctoral student and professor of marketing at Howard University. She is also a passionate knitter of colourful sweaters for humans and very small dogs! She also writes a column for Modern Daily Knitting.
Dana and I speak about how her love of learning brought her to a knitting class and how she keeps on building on that knowledge year after year. She also speaks about how in the past year she has been recovering from multiple serious pulmonary embolisms, and how she has managed periods of not knitting.
View the transcript for this episode on the Captivate Player
You can follow Dana's blog at her website Yards of Happiness – A blog about knitting and things that bring me joy.
Instagram Dana/DWJ (@callmedwj) • Instagram photos and videos
Find out more about Dr Mia Hobbs, the Why I Knit Podcast and read the blog: Creative Restoration
Instagram: Dr Mia Hobbs (@knittingistherapeutic) • Instagram photos and videos
Yarns and Patterns mentioned in this episode:
a_simmetrie pattern by cecilia flori
Angelina pullover Ravelry:
Angelina Pullover pattern by Mary Anne Benedetto
La bien Aimee La Bien
Hello, and welcome to the why I knit podcast. My name
Mia Hobbs:is Dr. Mia Hobbs, and I'm a clinical psychologist who's
Mia Hobbs:passionate about knitting and its benefits for our mental
Mia Hobbs:health. Each week on the podcast, I interview a different
Mia Hobbs:knitter about why they knit and how it benefits their well
Mia Hobbs:being. This is the last episode of Series one, and I'm very
Mia Hobbs:lucky to be joined by Dana Williams Johnson or DW J, who is
Mia Hobbs:a Professor of Marketing and a passionate knitter of sweaters
Mia Hobbs:for humans and very small dogs. You can find out more about Dana
Mia Hobbs:by reading her blog at www dot yards of happiness.com. She's
Mia Hobbs:also on Instagram at call me DW J. You can find a link to Dana's
Mia Hobbs:blog, and any of the yarns and patterns we discussed in the
Mia Hobbs:show notes.
Mia Hobbs:Hi, Dana, welcome to the podcast.
DWJ:Hello, hello.
Mia Hobbs:So I always start with asking about where your
Mia Hobbs:story with knitting began.
DWJ:Um, so I learned it's only been about 11 years I think. I,
DWJ:I've always been crafty. And but never I've never done anything
DWJ:really with yarn before I can sew, a big papercraft person, I
DWJ:paint place for a long time. And, but I didn't know anybody
DWJ:who knit that or crochet. In fact, actually, I didn't know
DWJ:someone crochet but she never crochet in front of me. And so I
DWJ:just never my best friend I find out later on crochet. Like,
DWJ:what, um, so I started this new job. And I kind of needed I was
DWJ:at that phase in my life where I hadn't figured out 100% still
DWJ:what I really wanted to do, I think I was, I'm a late bloomer,
DWJ:in terms of career, I'm good at lots of things. But there was
DWJ:nothing that like my husband is an engineer has always known and
DWJ:wanted to be an engineer and absolutely loves his job, and I
DWJ:never had that in my life. Until I started teaching. And so I was
DWJ:like, Well, I'm doing this job. And it's pay is great. hours are
DWJ:easy, like, I'm learning some new stuff, but I need something
DWJ:really creative. So I got one of those Groupon deals were like,
DWJ:discounted to get. And it was for Knitting Lessons in a
DWJ:knitting shop in DC that doesn't exist anymore. And I said to my
DWJ:mom, like, I think I'm gonna take Knitting Lessons. And I
DWJ:always tell the story, because she said to me, you don't need
DWJ:another craft. You don't need to learn nothing. You don't need to
DWJ:spend money, on anything. I was like rude. And then, like a week
DWJ:after I said that, she was like, Can You knit me this hat? You
DWJ:literally just said to me, like, I assume you ignore me like
DWJ:always. Okay. So I signed up for lessons.
DWJ:And it took a little bit for me to kind of get it. But once I
DWJ:got it, I was hooked. And that was kind of it for me. And I had
DWJ:a teacher who really like, like, I was an intro knitting class,
DWJ:but it learned very quickly how to do cables and knitting in the
DWJ:round. Like, she was kind of really aggressive.
DWJ:But I think it kind of helped give me a little bit of
DWJ:confidence, because you just kind of go into like, well, I
DWJ:guess I can do this, like, I can do anything. Um, but I also took
DWJ:it upon myself to like, usually once a year, I take class
DWJ:because of that. So every year for the last year, usually at my
DWJ:local yarn shop, I sign up for some type of class, to learn
DWJ:some new skills, some new thing, or if I want, like when I wanted
DWJ:to get into sweater knitting, I took a intro sweater knitting
DWJ:class, I can ask all the questions.
DWJ:And so for because I'm realised I'm nerdy in that way. And then
DWJ:I love education. I mean, um, and so if that's what knitting
DWJ:is, for me, it's there's a, like, before you started
DWJ:recording we were talking about, there's always something that
DWJ:you can learn. So I don't feel bad when I'm like, Oh, I haven't
DWJ:learned that yet. Because I'm like, I'll get there. Like I've
DWJ:been saying forever. I really want to do something with
DWJ:intarsia it hasn't happened yet, will it? Yeah.
DWJ:I think it would just be I have to find the right project that
DWJ:has excited me to say
Mia Hobbs:it's such a great idea to do a class of something
Mia Hobbs:new once a year. So is it always knitting related? Or could it be
Mia Hobbs:something completely random that you've never done before? Like,
Mia Hobbs:ceramics or
DWJ:For me it's always been knitting, okay. Like when I took
DWJ:a class a year, but I am also one of those people who
DWJ:encourages people to take classes. So like
DWJ:be away from me for four to six hours. So he was like, learn to
DWJ:play golf with me. So I signed up into Clemson. So I play golf.
DWJ:Um, so anytime there's something we're like, Hmm, I love Creole
DWJ:food. I love to cook. So when we travelled to New Orleans, I take
DWJ:cooking lessons.
DWJ:It's the thing of, I don't know how to do it. But there's
DWJ:usually somebody out there who can teach me Yeah.
Mia Hobbs:So you love to learn.
DWJ:I love to learn. So like, lets take advantage of that.
DWJ:Like if somebody is willing, someone, I'm not the best Sewer.
DWJ:And I have a follower who is in the area, an older woman who I
DWJ:see all the time and help her out with stuff. And she's an
DWJ:amazing Sewer. And I happen to say one day on Instagram, like,
DWJ:I would love to make a quilted coat. Like, I wish my skills are
DWJ:up to par. And she was like, I have a long arm quilting machine
DWJ:at my house. So it's just like, I'm 100% can make that with you.
DWJ:She's like, I can help you. So I'm all about like, Oh, if
DWJ:you're willing to teach me. I'm all for it.
Mia Hobbs:Yeah. Oh, that's great. And was there something
Mia Hobbs:special about knitting that this? I mean, I don't know if it
Mia Hobbs:is your main craft now. But was there something particular that
Mia Hobbs:you think that hooked you in to it?
DWJ:I think I am a person who I enjoy being alone. And I can do
DWJ:it my by myself. And I don't, you can literally just be me in
DWJ:a ball yarn and needles, and I can take it anywhere.
DWJ:And so for me, I think that was the thing that hasn't made it my
DWJ:main craft that I always have some knitting with me. Yeah. And
DWJ:I can whip out a hat or cowl. Or maybe I'm working on a sweater
DWJ:or you know, like, so it's constantly with me, my students
DWJ:know when I'm proctoring exams, I walk around the room while I'm
DWJ:knitting. And it's, it's soothing for me, it calms
DWJ:nerves, it helps.
DWJ:I think I've always had anxiety since I was a kid. So I think
DWJ:for me, it can also be um and a good way to kind of relieve some
DWJ:of my anxiety.
DWJ:I talked once about how when my dad died I was knitting
DWJ:something, when you know, people come to your house and like pay
DWJ:their respects and all that. And instead of asking the obvious
DWJ:questions about how are you feeling and loss when you know
DWJ:you feel horrible. So they asked me about what I was knitting.
DWJ:And it made it a little bit easier to have conversations and
DWJ:to be present with people instead of focusing on that
DWJ:thing that was kind of weighing you down.
Mia Hobbs:Yeah. And does it matter what you knit? Like, is
Mia Hobbs:all knitting equal? Or does it make a difference? What it is?
DWJ:I don't think it matters. I mean, I have an affinity for
DWJ:Like thats My you know, I mean, I tell you, every knitter has a
DWJ:thing. I don't get people who knit socks like that. Just, I
DWJ:have absolutely zero.
DWJ:But what is
Mia Hobbs:it about socks? Is it the process or the end result?
DWJ:I love and here's the thing I love a knit sock? Yeah. And I
DWJ:have friends who knit me thought and I'm giving it five gifts. I
DWJ:have absolutely zero desire to knit a sock for myself. I just
DWJ:don't. And as much as I knit and make. I think it's the tiny
DWJ:needles and the tiny yarn.
DWJ:It's not appealing. I would buy a sock machine before I would
Mia Hobbs:Okay, that's interesting. So is a bit about
Mia Hobbs:the process?
DWJ:Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I would totally like I've looked at
DWJ:whenever I see somebody was really gorgeous sock knitting
DWJ:machines I wanna do that. She's like well, my not gonna knit a
DWJ:sock. Okay. fortunately, I have a really good girlfriend who has
DWJ:given me like a couple pairs of socks. Yeah, like, as long as I
DWJ:have good friends. It's fine.
Mia Hobbs:dYeah, you don't need to knit them yourself. Yeah, so
Mia Hobbs:sweaters are your main love. Would you say
DWJ:sweaters are my main love? Yeah. And I associate you with
DWJ:some with some bright coloured like combinations of colours
DWJ:it. I think it's that colour is such a mood booster and so like
DWJ:this is the audio podcast but you can see me in . You can See
DWJ:my house? And there's a lot of artwork, um, and growing up, my
DWJ:parents always encouraged that in me, because I always would
DWJ:draw and paint. And, you know, I remember being a kid and getting
DWJ:to pick the paint colours and the carpet colours for the wall.
DWJ:My mom was like, I hate it. And my dad was like, but it's her
Mia Hobbs:so they encourages that form of self expression for
Mia Hobbs:you.
DWJ:Yeah. He was always like, but it's her room. It's her one
DWJ:little space. And it really makes her happy. So let us just
DWJ:let her have that. Um, and I know, my mom. Never. It was
DWJ:always just a minor I parent and it's funny because I grew up in
DWJ:a house. I think my parents have really great taste, but it's
DWJ:very classic and very, like neutral than me. I'm like, I
DWJ:want to paint this wall teal. Yeah. And my ceilings are mint
DWJ:and it's, um, fortunately, my husband kind of just goes with
DWJ:it like, sure. Dana loves colour. Um, but I think wearing
DWJ:all black, like, when I wear all black to work people have asked,
DWJ:Are you okay, whats wrong.
DWJ:Because it is so rare. I went years not owning a pair of black
DWJ:I can't get through this. Um, and I just think it makes you
DWJ:your wardrobe way happier. I am sometimes envious of like people
DWJ:who have like, a colour palette and are like, I wear like these
DWJ:five colours, because my wardrobe is essentially a
DWJ:rainbow. I'm always like, I'll figure out some combos today.
DWJ:But I just think it makes me way happier to knit things.
DWJ:Especially rainbows. Like I love a good rainbow. So to knit
DWJ:things that have so much kind of joy and levity to them.
Mia Hobbs:So it sounds like that affects your mood while
Mia Hobbs:you're making the garment. But also when you then get to wear
Mia Hobbs:it.
DWJ:Yeah yarn is beautiful, I think Yeah. Especially indie
DWJ:dyed skeins are like little works of art. And I got recently
DWJ:I bought myself a sweater quantity for Christmas of the La
DWJ:Bien Aimee confetti yarn that
Mia Hobbs:yeah.
DWJ:Whoa, a little bit. Yeah. And I, I asked people for like
DWJ:suggestions for patterns and stuff online. I know when I
DWJ:think about it in the day, like, I just want something that's
DWJ:gonna showcase how beautiful that yarn is. And and that you
DWJ:can see all the little flecks and I don't want that to get
Mia Hobbs:Yeah. Did you decide on a pattern?
DWJ:I'm not 100% I'm also like, I have so much yarn and so many
DWJ:patterns and projects that I'm considering or thinking about
DWJ:and my hand is a little academic life in all my typing is not
Mia Hobbs:Oh, okay.
DWJ:So I'm trying to get my hand a little bit of rest, as
DWJ:I'm like halfway through a sweater from my husband. I just
DWJ:want to make this the body on this sweater but my hand like no
DWJ:mam, we're not doing it
Mia Hobbs:That must be quite difficult, then if you can't
Mia Hobbs:knit as much as you'd like to.
DWJ:I think there's well this year I have knit the least in
DWJ:that and learn and a lot of it was I've been I've been ill. And
DWJ:then because I'd had illness. And I had I had multiple
DWJ:pulmonary embolisms, um, and because of that, I, I have
DWJ:insane fatigue sometimes. And so I literally will get through the
DWJ:day. And it's like, I'm just glad that I made it home and I'm
DWJ:still standing. And then I tell my husband like I'm just a
DWJ:potato on the couch like I can't do anything because I haven't
DWJ:knit as much. I had a bit of a brief moment in November where I
DWJ:felt super like knitting energised. And then once
DWJ:Thanksgiving hit. And I had multiple papers. And then I just
DWJ:finished comps so much typing and I know every year all the
DWJ:typing affects my joints and all that so I have to be mindful of
DWJ:that because I tell people like it isn't necessarily about being
DWJ:an academic writing. I want to be able to knit.
Mia Hobbs:Yeah, yeah, does it. I mean, I feel like I would find
Mia Hobbs:it difficult to not be able to do the, the thing that like you
Mia Hobbs:said, kind of gives me joy and makes me feel calmer. If I'm
Mia Hobbs:stressed Maybe you're more used to managing that.
DWJ:Um, I'll say that. So this year has changed my perspective
DWJ:on a lot of things. I mean, I'm fairly young, I'm 43. And you
DWJ:don't expect to have a major life event at 43.
Mia Hobbs:mmmm
DWJ:And, I mean, I was essentially told, what I came in
DWJ:with is what most people die from. When you find out we hear
DWJ:people die from pulmonary embolism, and disability because
DWJ:of the level of embolisms, that I had had a massive one,
DWJ:restricting blood flow right out of my heart, so my body wasn't
DWJ:getting enough oxygen. And then my lungs were riddled with clots
DWJ:like, riddled. So for me to have made it as far as I had before
DWJ:being hospitalised was kind of miraculous. And so I'd say about
DWJ:two weeks before I went to hospital,
DWJ:I'd stopped knitting. And I also stopped talking as much which is
DWJ:hard to do when you're a professor but I talked only when
DWJ:I had to, and found ways to really engage students in my
DWJ:classroom to do the talking so that I wouldn't have to. And so
DWJ:I kind of switched over a little bit and had started working in
DWJ:polymer clay.
DWJ:And which is a medium that I worked on before. But I had seen
DWJ:some fun things on Instagram, I wanted to make like jewellery
DWJ:and things like that. So I kind of switched over, because I
DWJ:realised, now I did not have enough oxygen in my body. So I
DWJ:did not have the brainpower to read a knitting pattern.
DWJ:Which I couldn't, I didn't know that at the time. Um, and
DWJ:Polymer Clay don't follow patterns, or you don't, I could
DWJ:just sit down at the table and make whatever. And so when you
DWJ:realise after going through all that, like when I was in
DWJ:hospital, I legit was just trying to survive, and, and
DWJ:you're just kind of there. And, you know, people are like, Oh,
DWJ:I'm terrified of needles, and I hate all that. You, when you
DWJ:have someone slice into your neck artery while you're awake,
DWJ:anything is possible.
DWJ:And you stop being afraid of certain things. And so I had to
DWJ:I had to come to the realisation when I came out of hospital, how
DWJ:sick I was, and how long the recovery I had had. So they give
DWJ:you about a year before you are expected to feel normal. And I
DWJ:spent three months of the summer, essentially waiting for
DWJ:my heart to go back to normal, which meant a lot of rest. A lot
DWJ:of naps. And so my husband I think was the person who noted
DWJ:like, a couple weeks out of the hospital, I finally picked
DWJ:Polymer clear. And so I saw him like grinning, and I'm like what
DWJ:he goes, you're just being creative. And I'm happy about
DWJ:that. Like, I haven't seen this in weeks. he's like, so this is
DWJ:positive. And I would look at my knitting and I would want to do
DWJ:Your blood oxygen levels aren't still normal. So clearly, you're
DWJ:not. And like if people were like, how are you in grad school
DWJ:and teaching? And I was like, Well, things, I stopped doing
DWJ:certain things because I couldn't, I wasn't functioning.
DWJ:So I think this year, I realised like, I have to have patience
DWJ:with myself. Yeah, i'm a fairly patient person. But I'm also
DWJ:very efficient and like I do things for myself. So learning
DWJ:to be more patient with myself has been something that I've
DWJ:dealt with this year. And now I'm getting frustrated when I
DWJ:can't do the things I want to do, because there's so many
DWJ:things that I can do now that I couldn't do six months ago.
Mia Hobbs:Yeah. So you're really focusing on the process
Mia Hobbs:of recovery and trying to give yourself time for that.
DWJ:And sometimes you have to remind yourself of that, like,
DWJ:Yeah, we had to travel and do things and I was exhausted. But
DWJ:I was like, but you know what, two months ago, I would not have
DWJ:been able to walk up that hill.
Mia Hobbs:Hmm.
DWJ:And so let's be happy that I walked up that hill today.
DWJ:And, and me and my husband is great at reminding me of those
DWJ:little things and being like, Oh, you've done so much better
DWJ:like, because I think he knows me so intimately and has seen me
DWJ:at the absolute lowest in the hospital. So he knows like, this
DWJ:is progress. So eventually, like I was hospitalised early May. I
DWJ:think I started knitting again. About six weeks out so mid June
DWJ:into July. So that was, that was a while.
Mia Hobbs:Yeah.
DWJ:I was like, okay, yeah, do it. And then I will go. Let me
DWJ:read the instructions. Let me just read it through. And now
DWJ:still doesn't make sense yet. So me give myself time. So it's
DWJ:about it's been about patience for me.
Mia Hobbs:Yeah. And I guess one of the things that when we talk
Mia Hobbs:about therapeutic knitting one of the I think the reasons we
Mia Hobbs:think knitting is helpful is because you can break it down
Mia Hobbs:into quite small steps. And it kind of makes it more
Mia Hobbs:accessible, I think, in some ways. So for example, if
Mia Hobbs:someone's feeling really low, or like you, when you were
Mia Hobbs:struggling to get back in, that you could do a teeny tiny
Mia Hobbs:amount, I suppose. Unlike other, it might be hard to start, I
Mia Hobbs:don't know much about painting, but to start painting and only
Mia Hobbs:paint a tiny piece of a canvas or something. Whereas knitting,
Mia Hobbs:like if you're doing a couple of stitches, or like winding a ball
Mia Hobbs:of yarn, you are still making progress towards the end thing,
Mia Hobbs:even if it's in a very small increment of what you can manage
Mia Hobbs:in a given day, I suppose.
DWJ:Yeah, I mean, even for me, when I wasn't on pre embolisms.
DWJ:Even if I could just do a row at night, I will be like, I feel
DWJ:accomplished. Like I got at least I got in a couple stitches
DWJ:tonight. Before I went to bed, like it was a long day, I just
DWJ:want to let something go. Let me just get a couple rows in and
DWJ:then I'll feel a little bit better. Yeah. So I do think that
DWJ:is part of the beauty of it is that you kind of constantly
DWJ:working on this thing. And to me, I think it's all still like,
DWJ:it's all a little bit of being an artist and a work of art. I
DWJ:definitely think of knitting is an art form. And
Mia Hobbs:I was gonna ask you about that as somebody who has
Mia Hobbs:an art kind of background about whether knitting is an art form
Mia Hobbs:for you, because I never quite know for myself?
DWJ:No, I think it is I think we all you and I can pick the
DWJ:exact same pattern.
Mia Hobbs:Yeah.
DWJ:And interpret in so many different ways. From the yarn
DWJ:choices to maybe you make your sweater with long sleeves, and
DWJ:I'm going to go short, maybe you decided you want to in some
DWJ:waist shaping, or some bust darts. Or I'm like now I want to
DWJ:make it oversized, or you're like I want this to be really
DWJ:fitted. I think
DWJ:it is such an individual thing. And we each get to put our own
DWJ:spin on it. Like I love I love because people always like oh,
DWJ:do you should design patterns? No, I love other people writing
DWJ:patterns and their designs and the vision in the ideas that
DWJ:they have. And then how I get to interpret that from
Mia Hobbs:Yeah. And without doing the maths.
DWJ:Without doing all that I don't want to do grading one of
DWJ:my girlfriends to do that. And I'm like no, and I'm and we made
DWJ:her make us design a pattern for us for Rhinebeck with you. Like
DWJ:make us a sweater. Thank you. And she did all the work.
Mia Hobbs:Yeah, the closest I've ever got was actually this
Mia Hobbs:sweater that I'm wearing now, which is a like, you know, Tin
Mia Hobbs:Can knits Strange Brew.
DWJ:Oh, yeah,
Mia Hobbs:but I just added these kind of like snowflakes to
Mia Hobbs:make it a bit more, you know,
DWJ:I like it though
Mia Hobbs:Christmassy, thank you. But there was quite a lot
Mia Hobbs:of maths involved. And that was a sense of achievement. I got a
Mia Hobbs:bit different than the way I normally get a sense of
Mia Hobbs:achievement from knitting. But that was probably enough as it
Mia Hobbs:happened. For me.
DWJ:I have some books and some formulas. So sometimes I will. I
DWJ:love saddle, shoulders. Okay. Yeah. Not a bunch of people make
DWJ:patterns like that. So I will often do that for myself. And
DWJ:like I have kind of a standard pattern and again, and so people
DWJ:are like, oh, you should and I'm like I'm going off of bits and
DWJ:pieces from a book and slicing things together. Yeah. I'm not
DWJ:designing this. Like I can make anything from my bust size.
DWJ:Yeah. You want to ask me to make it for somebody else? No, but
DWJ:it's my bust size. I got you.
Mia Hobbs:Yeah. Yeah. Fair enough. I'm interested in the
Mia Hobbs:thing you said about patience. Because I think I certainly I
Mia Hobbs:don't know whether you do people, lots of people say
Mia Hobbs:you're you're much more patient than I am. I couldn't wouldn't
Mia Hobbs:ever have the patience for knitting, and associate patience
Mia Hobbs:with knitting. And it sounds like you've felt like you've had
Mia Hobbs:to use a lot of patience in your recovery. I wonder whether you
Mia Hobbs:feel like patience is something knitters have, did you get more
Mia Hobbs:patient through knitting or is that just something people say?
DWJ:Something people say because I think if you want
DWJ:something you will be patient for it. A lot of things that you
DWJ:want or need don't aren't instantaneous. I also think and
DWJ:because I deal with students that we're in a culture right
DWJ:now, instant gratification and immediacy, you know, students
DWJ:are always asking like, Well, how did you all do such as that
DWJ:for you and your undergrad? I'm like, well, first of all, we
DWJ:didn't have Ubers. I couldn't call a con man, like, I had to
DWJ:make a plan. We had to figure these things out. We didn't all
DWJ:have cell phones. Um, so I think I am patient in that respect.
DWJ:I've always kind of been a patient person when it comes to
DWJ:things that I want. And so I think when people see other
DWJ:knitters and are, like, oh, I can never do it. I think people
DWJ:are just intimidated. It seems like it's this really complex
DWJ:thing, because I remember seeing it for the first time, like, how
DWJ:long do people get it to do that, and it become this thing,
DWJ:but, um, I mean, it just takes a little bit of practice. And then
DWJ:I'll have to tell my students that do. I wasn't a sweater
DWJ:knitter on day one, everybody makes a crappy potholder or a
DWJ:scarf with really big holes in it. Yeah. And you have to accept
DWJ:that, um, and especially like, I'm, I am a person that's very
DWJ:much a perfectionist. I can be a little bit anal about things.
DWJ:And so I had to let that go in knitting,
Mia Hobbs:okay.
DWJ:And that that took a little bit for me, but to realise like,
DWJ:the perfection is in the practice. And then I'm better
DWJ:now. Because I know how I have more confidence, I can fix a
DWJ:dropped stitch, I can see my mistakes and frog back. And I
DWJ:think the beauty in it is that if I really really mess it up, I
DWJ:just unravel it. Yeah. And sometimes I think it's people
DWJ:like, it's just such a waste of time. But it isn't, if you learn
DWJ:from it and like, again, I go back to like, I like learning.
DWJ:Yeah. And so as long as I'm learning and getting something
DWJ:out of it, then there's joy to be had at that. And I think we
DWJ:missed that. Sometimes I have a class that I teach students, and
DWJ:I'm like, the goal is for you to make mistakes, and learn from
DWJ:the mistake that you make. Because it's the problem solving
DWJ:class so I'm, like, you all are so afraid that you're gonna give
DWJ:me the wrong answer that you just don't do it. Like you won't
DWJ:show me the work you want. And the goal is, I want to see
DWJ:multiple tries, I want to see how you attempted to do it the
DWJ:first time to then figure out where you went wrong. And if you
DWJ:don't make the mistake, I can't help you like I can't. And so I
DWJ:often have to, and I had a really good semester with them
DWJ:this year, because I really kept pressing like, no, no, I want to
DWJ:see the mistakes. Like I want to see the mistakes, I need to see
DWJ:all the work. But I think that's the really hard part for people
DWJ:that to kind of get to them mistakes or how we learn like
DWJ:it's okay, you don't have to be perfect. And because we're in
DWJ:such a social media perfection, ultra filtered world. Um, it
DWJ:makes it hard for people to understand or process that and
DWJ:I'm like, that's how you grow. It's ok.
Mia Hobbs:And I think certainly, that's something that
Mia Hobbs:knitting has helped me with. And I think in the therapeutic
Mia Hobbs:knitting groups I've been running we have been focusing on
Mia Hobbs:like, the worst thing that can happen, but you still got unless
Mia Hobbs:you get the scissors out, you still got what you started with,
Mia Hobbs:which is a ball of yarn and the needles. And, and that is a kind
Mia Hobbs:of, in a way, a place for making safe mistakes. Like because how
Mia Hobbs:wrong can it possibly go with knitting?
DWJ:My husband is really good. Because he knows me and I'm
DWJ:anxious and I will be like, when we first got a dog, and like
DWJ:we'd be late or stuck in traffic, and he'll be like,
DWJ:Okay, what is what's the worst thing that can happen? Now, like
DWJ:what should poop in the house? And he goes, Okay, so how do we
DWJ:how do you fix them? Like, why me? I would just clean it up
DWJ:like that. Okay, so let that go. And understand that. If we're
DWJ:late, she might have accident, but we have the tools and means
DWJ:to clean it up. Yeah, and she'll still be fine. Like, she's not
DWJ:gonna starve to death. We're 30 minutes late coming home. Um,
DWJ:he's like, she'll probably be even more excited when you walk
DWJ:in the door. So he, he is very good at refocusing me and saying
DWJ:like, Okay, tell me the worst thing that can happen. And how
DWJ:then, do you have how do you overcome that hurdle once you
DWJ:get there, which is one of the things I did do a lot with, like
DWJ:before school started after having kind of been out of the
DWJ:game for three months. He was like, tell me all the things
DWJ:that you're afraid of. And then let's figure out how we resolve
DWJ:Those fears. Um, and that was a great exercise for him to sit
DWJ:down and be like, well, these are the things that make me
DWJ:nervous. Okay. Think about solutions and how we make it
DWJ:better. Or maybe only the practice if he things before
DWJ:school starts. So you feel more comfortable like that. And so I
DWJ:think that's how I feel to a knitting is that. Alright, this
DWJ:cable looks insane. And I'm a little nervous. Let me practice.
DWJ:Yeah, let me let me try this out. You know, that's what I
DWJ:tell people too with swatches like, that's why swatches are
DWJ:helpful. Yeah, give you a chance to see how something's gonna
DWJ:react or respond. And then you can figure out if thats the
DWJ:right needle, if that's the right technique, or maybe it's
DWJ:not the project for you at that time.
Mia Hobbs:Yeah. And do you have more than one thing on the go at
Mia Hobbs:once if you got projects for different?
Mia Hobbs:And are they different, for different I don't
Mia Hobbs:know, moods or different situations in your life where
Mia Hobbs:you need a different type of project.
DWJ:I'm usually I have multiple sweaters going on at once.
DWJ:Because they require different things at different times. So I
DWJ:like a sweater will have like, a lot of stockinette in the body
DWJ:where I don't have to really look that great for just some
DWJ:mindless knitting. Whereas if I'm just starting a sweater,
DWJ:maybe I have to pay a little bit more attention to my increases,
DWJ:I'm building out the yoke. Two colour brioche when I'm really
DWJ:stressed, because it makes me take my mind off of whatever it
DWJ:is that I was thinking about and makes me focus on the project at
Mia Hobbs:So you'll gravitate towards something more
Mia Hobbs:complicated if you're really stressed, and you need to kind
Mia Hobbs:of Yeah, same
DWJ:yeah, it helps me recenter and say like, I need to not
DWJ:think about this for 30 minutes. Let me pick this up. Because
DWJ:then I'm gonna have to really look at this because I don't
DWJ:want to mess this up. Yeah.
Mia Hobbs:Yeah. It's kind of a bit of an escape from stress.
DWJ:Yeah, and then just have stuff like I get. I get in the
DWJ:mood. I'm like, I just really wanted to knit a colourwork
DWJ:sweater. Yeah. Or I just really want to use the yarn. Um, and
DWJ:I've had moments where like, yarn will arrive and I'm like,
DWJ:well, casting on something else immediately. Um, I actually got
DWJ:some, some boucle yarn yesterday. And I'm like, Well,
DWJ:I'm gonna make a hat.it's cold,
Mia Hobbs:yeah. Yeah. I always ask about a significant knitting
Mia Hobbs:project.
DWJ:Um, I always love. I always love for my mom
Mia Hobbs:for your mom.
DWJ:She always, always always gets excited. No, it can be a
DWJ:wrap can be a sweater, it doesn't matter.
Mia Hobbs:She's not a knitter.
DWJ:No, no, no one else in my family is, um, so anytime I make
DWJ:her something, there is this level of joy and excitement from
DWJ:my mother that is so genuine and so. So pure. And it's that it's
DWJ:that thing where you're like, This is why you make something
DWJ:for other people because they genuinely like get it and love
DWJ:it. And she wants to tell everyone that her daughter made
DWJ:it for her. So I made her a sweater called a. simmetrie that
DWJ:I love. That was a little bit complex for me. And she wore it
DWJ:the first time she had to travel out of town after my dad passed
DWJ:away. And a woman she was sitting eating in a hotel bar by
DWJ:herself. And a woman came up to her and asked her if she had
DWJ:knit that sweater. And she said no but my daughter did. And
DWJ:turns out the woman was like a knitting instructor and Blah
DWJ:blah and she ended up sitting down having lunch with my mom
DWJ:and my mom made a friend. And it was just one of those things
DWJ:where it's like something that you knit that brings my mom
DWJ:comfort and excitement but then also found find a way to like,
DWJ:connect her to other people. Um, she's also notorious for talking
DWJ:to people in public when she sees other people knitting like,
DWJ:well my daughter knits and then I'll get like Instagram message
DWJ:like I met your mom today. Um, and so that that 100% Makes me
DWJ:feel incredibly special and that I understand that she
DWJ:appreciates what I make her so she's probably my favourite
DWJ:person to knit for and she's hilarious because like I'll wear
DWJ:a sweater I was FaceTiming her the other day. And I had on a
DWJ:new sweater that I made for myself. And like we're in the
DWJ:middle of talking about something else and she goes. And
DWJ:that sweater you're wearing is real cute.
Mia Hobbs:is that her way of placing an order
DWJ:That was her hint so I too would like that sweater w'm
DWJ:like, What do I have? in my stash As can I make this exact
DWJ:sweater But yeah, so anything for my mom, I think is my actual
DWJ:favourite thing. And then I have a former grad student who's
DWJ:like a little brother to me, who, whenever he helps me out,
DWJ:he always askes me for this very specific hat, asked for in a
DWJ:different colour. Hmm. Um, and apparently, like, everybody
DWJ:always tries to take this hat. Everybody loves his hat. His dad
DWJ:was like, I mean, I've never heard that said like, can she
DWJ:make me one of these? Like, no, you don't know her. And she has,
DWJ:like, you have no relationship like, this is my special thing.
DWJ:But it's this special moment. I think any knit is special, you
DWJ:give it away, and then you see it in use. Like, I've seen him
DWJ:post pictures, and it's winter time he forever has on one of
DWJ:the hats. And for that, that always makes me happy to hear
DWJ:that, like, you see a baby wearing something made, or a
DWJ:blanket that you made like that, to know that it's being used in
DWJ:love that makes me happy
Mia Hobbs:yeah, that actually happened to me. Last weekend, I
Mia Hobbs:met up with my best friend who lives a few hours away. And she
Mia Hobbs:was wearing the do you know, the scout shawl. And so I had knit
Mia Hobbs:that when my dog was quite a small puppy and had like, so
Mia Hobbs:it's intarsia and colour works that have like six balls of yarn
Mia Hobbs:at once and I made it for my best friend's 40th. And we met
Mia Hobbs:up in a different town and she was wearing it with this like
Mia Hobbs:new yellow coat that just matched the which since she said
Mia Hobbs:she hadn't bought especially because it matched the scarf,
Mia Hobbs:but it looked great. And I happened to be wearing a
Mia Hobbs:cardigan in the same yellow yarn that I'd used in her shawl. We
Mia Hobbs:were like, looked like we were on a weird hen do or something
Mia Hobbs:but it was. But it was so special to see her wearing that
Mia Hobbs:I'd made her for her 40th which was in July. She's not a knitter
Mia Hobbs:so, it was a slightly random gift. You know, you never quite,
Mia Hobbs:I'm never quite sure if somebody who's not a knitter is gonna
Mia Hobbs:appreciate you know, appreciate it.
DWJ:I know. Yeah, I don't knit for everybody. And sometimes
DWJ:I've been like pressured and i'm, like, just make it and then
DWJ:And I've probably got to be what you feel like making at that
DWJ:I'm like, I didn't need to make this person this because I will
DWJ:never ever see evidence of this thing ever again. Um, well, my
DWJ:knitting circle is incredibly small. And, and I do that so
DWJ:that I can make whatever I want whenever I want. I don't
DWJ:necessarily want people to put demands on what I choose to create.
DWJ:particular time? Like what floats your boat just then.
DWJ:Yeah, like sometimes I'm like, I like I have a friend who I know
DWJ:really wants a sweater from me. And I know what sweater I want
DWJ:to make him. But I have no interest in making this sweater
DWJ:right now. Yeah, like January will hit and and i'll be like
DWJ:now's the time lets make this sweater? Yeah. But um, and
DWJ:that's I tell people you might get a sweater from me in July.
DWJ:You might get a sweater from me in February. Like it just
DWJ:depends on what the mood is and how I feel at the time.
Mia Hobbs:Yeah, and it's difficult to know how long these
Mia Hobbs:things take. Also, people are saying how long does it take to
Mia Hobbs:knit a sweater? I don't know.
DWJ:I'm like It depends. Like especially now um, I was
DWJ:supposed to knit. I'm usually a fast knitter but I'm not this
DWJ:year. And I'm my best friend comes with me to all yarn
DWJ:related events. And she was coming to Rhinebeck and so I
DWJ:knit her Rhinebeck sweater before. And I didn't have it in
DWJ:me. I barely got through making mine in time for Rhinebeck but
DWJ:my girlfriends in my little knitting group. Were like we'll
DWJ:knit it for her because they love her too. And so I think for
DWJ:me, that has also been like, one of the best things this year is
DWJ:that I have a really good small circle of girlfriends who, when
DWJ:I couldn't knit did stuff for me. And when I haven't had the
DWJ:energy or the enthusiasm, they be like that, don't worry, we'll
DWJ:handle it. Um, and so like they knit it, but then I ended up her
DWJ:sleeves need to be a little bit longer. So I frogged back her
DWJ:cuffs and made it a little bit longer for her so that there was
DWJ:still a little bit of me in there. Yeah. But yeah, I just I
DWJ:you know, I tell people like you get one when I feel like it
DWJ:there have been some sweaters where I've loved the process.
DWJ:And so I'll just spend a little bit of time and and put it away.
DWJ:And so, I've had a sweater that took me like three months where
DWJ:I'm like, Yeah, I'm probably gonna sat down and done this a
DWJ:couple weeks, but I enjoyed it. So I would savour it and be
DWJ:like, I'll come back to this. Like, I'll pick this back up
Mia Hobbs:Yeah, so it's a lot about the process for you than
Mia Hobbs:the end result Oh, And you've mentioned the idea of knitting,
Mia Hobbs:making you feel calmer, and you've mentioned the kind of joy
Mia Hobbs:and the colour, are there any other ways you think knitting
Mia Hobbs:kind of helps you in terms of your well being, or
DWJ:I think I have met amazing people. Um, and so like I, you
DWJ:know, I'd said before and 2020, when the pandemic started, if I
DWJ:didn't have my, the group of five of us, I didn't have those
DWJ:four women in my life, I don't know how I would have made it
DWJ:through 2020. And I really don't know how I would have made it
DWJ:through this year after getting sick and, and what connects us
DWJ:is yarn. And it, you know, we incurred Look, we all bought
DWJ:yarn, advent calendars this year. So that we could all open.
DWJ:And so like, when I log off with you, I'm sure my text messages
DWJ:will be full of pictures of what was in each person advent,
DWJ:because we all got different ones,
Mia Hobbs:you know, go get different ones, okay.
DWJ:And so that we talked about and ooh and ahh over what each
DWJ:person got, and, you know, we encourage our own purchases and
DWJ:get excited and ooh and ahh over what each other's making and do
DWJ:knit alongs amongst ourselves. So I think for me, knitting has
DWJ:also brought amazing relationships into my life. And
DWJ:even at my old job, like, I have a friend who I worked with, and
DWJ:we had the same birthday, but years apart. And it turns out,
DWJ:she was in there too. And so that was a way we kind of bonded
DWJ:at work. Like she was a person where I probably we she and I,
DWJ:we didn't really have anything in common. And then when
DWJ:someone's like, oh, you know, this person knits and so does
DWJ:Dana. And then we started talking and then created, had a
DWJ:friendship, like and would bring yarn and pass stuff back and
DWJ:forth at work. So I think knitting has also brought me
DWJ:some amazing people into my life which i am thankful for.
Mia Hobbs:That's amazing. Has knitting ever been unhelpful? Do
Mia Hobbs:you think?
Mia Hobbs:No, um, I mean, you get tired of people being like, make me this.
Mia Hobbs:Yeah, they don't understand what all goes into it. You know, when
Mia Hobbs:my dad was sick, my dad had cancer. And I was at the
Mia Hobbs:hospital a lot. I knit a lot at the hospital. And the nurses
Mia Hobbs:would come and talk to me about stuff or bring their projects
Mia Hobbs:and show me things that they were working on. Now I think it
Mia Hobbs:I think it is only brought good things into my life, and good
Mia Hobbs:things and memories and things.
Mia Hobbs:And I was interested you said when you're talking about your
Mia Hobbs:mum wearing a sweater, that when she went out for the first time
Mia Hobbs:after your dad had died, and it was like her wearing, I don't
Mia Hobbs:know, superpower or like an added confidence when she wore
Mia Hobbs:that sweater. I don't know whether you feel that
Mia Hobbs:relationship with your sweaters that you or other garments that
Mia Hobbs:you make when you wear them.
DWJ:What I remember, like the first time I did this sweater,
DWJ:and it was it was done in like a Hemp yarn so I could wear it in
DWJ:the summer because I did it in like May. Yeah, the very first
DWJ:time I was like, please don't let this whole for some reason.
DWJ:I was like, please don't let this whole thing like unravel.
DWJ:And just be naked at work.
Mia Hobbs:Did it stay together?
DWJ:It stayed together?I don't know why I thought but like, in
DWJ:my head. I was like, this whole thing might just collapse. I
DWJ:don't know what's gonna happen. Um, but I do feel better. When I
DWJ:wear my own stuff. And then people like, Oh, what did you
DWJ:make? And I'm like, yeah, yes, I did. Um,
Mia Hobbs:I always say I feel 20% happier when I'm wearing
Mia Hobbs:something I made. And I used to also I don't know, i This
Mia Hobbs:probably has happened to you as well. But once you're an
Mia Hobbs:established, you know, have a reputation as a knitter, you
Mia Hobbs:know, in your place of work or whatever. Then whatever you
Mia Hobbs:wear, people say, oh, did you knit that? And then it's so
Mia Hobbs:annoying. If you wear something that you bought in a shop and
Mia Hobbs:you're like, No, I totally could have made this it would be so
Mia Hobbs:easy. But I didn't
DWJ:I haven't bought a sweater. I bought Actually no, I bought a
DWJ:sweater for the first time in the store the other day. And I
DWJ:told my husband the only reason I bought it because it's in some
DWJ:neutral colours that I would not. I wouldn't find joy in
DWJ:knitting this for myself. So I'm just going to buy this because I
DWJ:know I would be like, No, I'm not knitting this and I would
DWJ:change it but I needed like a neutral to go with something
DWJ:else. But I my students get the most excited about it. And I had
DWJ:a student every day would come in. I will walk in and he's like
DWJ:professor. Did you make it and I say Nate? I tell you every week
DWJ:Yep. Yes, I made that like he was. So it is especially the
DWJ:young man he was so like, amazed that I could make clothes.
DWJ:Because they see me knitting. And so my students probably
DWJ:asked me the most like, thing and you'll see the look on their
DWJ:face might come in and like what's going on with them? Like,
DWJ:did you make that one I'm Like, yeah, I made this one. Yeah. all
DWJ:my sweaters I make all of them.
Mia Hobbs:I have one from when the dog was in the terrible like
Mia Hobbs:shark teeth phase or if the kids are sick and you don't want them
Mia Hobbs:to vomit on a handknit jumper that I keep in the back of the
Mia Hobbs:wardrobe, but the others are all handmade now. Yeah, I was going
Mia Hobbs:to ask about knitting high end and knitting low. If you've got
Mia Hobbs:any in mind.
DWJ:Knitting High. Probably the first time I figured out how to
DWJ:adapt a sweater for Jelly Bean's size.
Mia Hobbs:Oh, yeah. And can you remember what that was.
DWJ:Uh huh. It was an Angelina pullover. Um, and I knit it for
DWJ:myself first. And she was an had been a new rescue. And so we
DWJ:hadn't had her for long. But the whole time I've been knitting
DWJ:mine, she had been using the ball of yarn as a pillow. And
DWJ:she's so little, because she's just five pounds. And sometimes
DWJ:you buy some of the store bought stuff. It's a little too big.
DWJ:And I was like, You know what? I bought her stuff. And I paid too
DWJ:much money for things. I need you to sit down. I've already
DWJ:knit this. So I just need to do the math to shrink it down. And
DWJ:I did it. And it was the most adorable, ridiculous thing I
DWJ:ever knit.
Mia Hobbs:and she loves wearing them.
Mia Hobbs:She loves I mean, she wears clothes every day. Because yeah,
Mia Hobbs:they're cold. Yeah. And it just was one of those things where
Mia Hobbs:you know, cuz, like, why would you do that? Or that? Cuz it
Mia Hobbs:made me happy. Like, that's literally the reason. um so that
Mia Hobbs:is a really good high, can you think of a low? Oh, I can tell
Mia Hobbs:you low, I really there was just beautiful cardigan that I really
Mia Hobbs:wanted to make. And I got halfway through it. But it was
Mia Hobbs:fishermen's rib and it was killing my hands. Okay, and it
Mia Hobbs:took me a year and a half to Frog it.
Mia Hobbs:Oh!
Mia Hobbs:I finally like I have to let you go. Because I'm never gonna
Mia Hobbs:finish you. Because every time I pick you up, like I feel the
Mia Hobbs:ache in my hand. And it wasn't even small yarn. It was just the
Mia Hobbs:stitch and the positioning of the hand. Like it just was too
Mia Hobbs:much. Um, and someone else saw it was like You're like halfway
Mia Hobbs:through. And I was like, Yeah, but I'm never there. I can't, I
Mia Hobbs:can't do that was sad. But in frogging it. I ended up using
Mia Hobbs:the yarn and making something with an amazing rainbow. Like
Mia Hobbs:something else. I'm not too sad anymore. Like, yeah, it had a
Mia Hobbs:better life. So I think probably the low would be in realising
Mia Hobbs:like what those limitations are. And I think this year, I've not
Mia Hobbs:knit as much as I would love to. Yeah. Okay. I've still made some
Mia Hobbs:really great things that I'm excited about. Just in my head
Mia Hobbs:has all these things that I want to make sure. And I always end
Mia Hobbs:need to be an octopus with multiple arms. Yeah, and knit
Mia Hobbs:way more than I do.
Mia Hobbs:Yeah. Yeah. So you're full of ideas. And is that part of the
Mia Hobbs:joy of the knitting? Like the planning the next project and
Mia Hobbs:what colours or yarn you're going to use? And?
DWJ:100% 100% Yeah, yeah, I love like, especially if I'm
DWJ:knitting for someone else. I love that moment. When I know
DWJ:the person I figure out the yarn and the pattern, it all clicks,
DWJ:and it's so perfect. And you're like, like, my husband wanted
DWJ:some sweater and I realised I knit this version of this
DWJ:sweater for my sister the year before. And I realised I had the
DWJ:perfect combination of yarn to make it for him a colourwork
DWJ:sweater. And he never pays attention. So like I've been
DWJ:knitting it. And then finally I was like, Okay, I need to try
DWJ:this on. He's like, why? And I was like, I've been knitting a
DWJ:sweater. Right? Like that's for me. I'm I guess, I mean,
Mia Hobbs:I saw someone on Instagram. do you know. I think
Mia Hobbs:drunk knitter I think is their Instagram and she was had a, she
Mia Hobbs:was knitting next to her husband. And then she got him to
Mia Hobbs:take a picture of her knitting something for him. And I was
Mia Hobbs:thinking, I so could do that.
DWJ:My husband, we went, we went to New Orleans on a trip
DWJ:one year, and we're in a store and he held up a scarf and he
DWJ:was like, if you could make me something like this, I would
DWJ:love it. So while we're there, I took him into the yarn shop like
DWJ:we'll pick the Colour yarn you want. So he knew the yarn. And
DWJ:we used to commute together in the car, and I knit that scarf
DWJ:for him in the car in front of him for Christmas. And he never
DWJ:noticed. He never noticed I pulled that scarf out every
DWJ:morning and every evening in our commute, and I made it in the
DWJ:car in front of that man. And he never noticed. So I realised if
DWJ:I don't talk about what it is that I'm making. Yeah, he pays
Mia Hobbs:screened it out.
DWJ:Because I'm always knitting. Yeah, why would he
DWJ:think it's for him? Yeah. So it wasn't until I said them the
DWJ:other day, like, you know, this what it is for you? He's like,
Mia Hobbs:I was wondering whether you could get him a
Mia Hobbs:surprise. Clearly you can. Yeah, yeah.
DWJ:All the time. And then I'm like, he's, like, yes, yes. paid
DWJ:zero attention.
Mia Hobbs:But he's delighted for the outcome.
Mia Hobbs:Oh, no, he's not. I know. It's like, there's certain certain
Mia Hobbs:things that make like there are hats. I haven't even gotten to
Mia Hobbs:block because as soon as I show him, like, I just finished your
Mia Hobbs:hat. And the next day, I'm like, where did it go? And then he
Mia Hobbs:comes home, and it's on his head. The process not over it
Mia Hobbs:needs to be blocked. Um, so there's something that he
Mia Hobbs:absolutely like. And he is very, He's usually very specific. He
Mia Hobbs:is very specific in his request, and will like, show you a
Mia Hobbs:picture or give you an example and then tell you what colour
Mia Hobbs:okay. And he usually only asked for one thing a year, and I
Mia Hobbs:can't so I always make it for him. So I made him a sweater
Mia Hobbs:this year because I wanted to. But he has asked for a scarf and
Mia Hobbs:a specific yarn, which I got for him. So I'll be working on that
Mia Hobbs:mindlessly, for him garter stitch scarf, it's really more
Mia Hobbs:about the yarn. He thought. He saw a speckled yarn in a sweater
Mia Hobbs:that I made. He's like, I want yarn like that. But it like
Mia Hobbs:blue, red and white. And so like, oh, he just wants
Mia Hobbs:speckles. Okay.
Mia Hobbs:He didn't know he wanted speckles,
DWJ:he didn't know. He kept looking at my sweater. I like I
DWJ:like, like this effect. And so i'm like, you like the yarn?
DWJ:Okay. That's what you're telling me is you'd like the speckled
DWJ:yarn. Got it? I got it.
Mia Hobbs:So you just have to translate that. Yeah. For him.
Mia Hobbs:It
DWJ:He usually gives me the visuals are enough thing. Yeah.
DWJ:Where I can figure out and I'll ask questions like, Is it the
DWJ:texture? Or is it the colour or how it's arranged? And he'll be
DWJ:like, no, no, it's this and I'm like, oh, that I can do.
Mia Hobbs:Okay. Yeah. Yeah. And I always end the podcast with
Mia Hobbs:asking, what's the greatest gift that knitting has given you for
Mia Hobbs:the rest of your life?
DWJ:Creative expression, probably. I've always been a
DWJ:really creative, artistic person. And I think it has
DWJ:helped me find ways to express myself even like, embroidering
DWJ:on my knits now. Hmm. So like, as I go through some quotes and
DWJ:things I pull in grad school, and I was like, You know what, I
DWJ:just need to start embroidering some of these things onto like
DWJ:simple sweaters because these are like things that I live by
DWJ:are things that are kind of what guide me in my research and my
DWJ:academic work or like, things that I love. And so it has given
DWJ:me another way to kind of have a creative outlet and express
DWJ:myself, which I'm very thankful for. And isn't necessarily
DWJ:something that we get all the time or, you know, I was raised,
DWJ:where my parents really encouraged my creativity and for
DWJ:me to express myself in those kinds of ways. So to find a way
DWJ:as an adult to have an outlet, I think so often we get caught up
DWJ:in work. Yeah, allow that to take over our lives and my dad
DWJ:was always like, I do not live to work I work so that I can
DWJ:live the life that I want to live and so I always tried to
DWJ:find a balance and to find moments of joy for myself and
DWJ:things that like that come outside of work when I leave my
DWJ:my when I used to leave with nine to five job, I had other
DWJ:things I wanted to do and enjoy and I told my students like it's
DWJ:a little different for me as a professor, but like, I told him,
DWJ:you know, my, my winter break is about Yes, I have some research
DWJ:work I had to do, but also I'm gonna knit and I'm gonna play
DWJ:video games. And I'm gonna give myself that mental break that I
DWJ:need. Because I also think it rejuvenates me and it makes me a
DWJ:better educator, a better person because I have creativity and
DWJ:things that are exciting outside of just doing every day.
Mia Hobbs:That's great. I often like I often see young people
Mia Hobbs:for therapy Who are in exam years and I find, they often end
Mia Hobbs:up giving up their hobbies for those exam years, because
Mia Hobbs:they're trying to focus on passing exams. And I'm like, No,
Mia Hobbs:this is the time you need those things even more.
DWJ:This is when you need it. And I for me, you know, I just
DWJ:sat for comps, so two days, for 12 hours total of writing. And I
DWJ:just my in between hours and my in between days, I was knitting
DWJ:as a way to say, I have all this stuff that I've stored in my
DWJ:brain. So I need to just give myself a moment to not just
DWJ:focus on what it is that I've been writing and working on
DWJ:thinking about theories and methodology and, like, let's
DWJ:work on this hat. Because
Mia Hobbs:I find sometimes that the ideas percolate a bit when
Mia Hobbs:I'm knitting, like, I'm not trying to access thinking about
Mia Hobbs:work or having ideas about things, but somehow they arrive.
Mia Hobbs:When I'm knitting.
DWJ:Sometimes I have that verse. And so I scribble notes
DWJ:on my patterns. Okay. Um, and then also for me, because a lot
DWJ:of my research goes into the knitting community. Sometimes it
DWJ:makes me think about or see things in different ways. So I
DWJ:have time to kind of process that information. Yeah. No, I
DWJ:always make my my best friend has a really stressful job. And
DWJ:I'm like, You need to pick up crocheting or weaving. Because
DWJ:they are stressing you out. And I want you to find a way to
DWJ:disconnect and reconnect with yourself so that they don't pull
DWJ:all of the creativity out of you just for this job that you get
DWJ:to save a little bit for yourself.
Mia Hobbs:Dana, thank you so much for agreeing to be on the
Mia Hobbs:podcast. It's been an absolute pleasure hearing your
Mia Hobbs:experiences and all your ideas.
DWJ:Thank you for having me.
Mia Hobbs:Thank you so much for listening to series, one of the
Mia Hobbs:why I knit podcast. I've really enjoyed having these
Mia Hobbs:conversations and sharing them with you. If you've enjoyed the
Mia Hobbs:podcast, please subscribe so that you're notified when series
Mia Hobbs:two begins at the beginning of March. Thank you