Do you shy away from sharing you and your world in your marketing? If so, this chat with Alex McCann is for you.
Alex is a former journalist turned marketer and has been working in social media for 13 years at Altrincham HQ.
From MySpace to TikTok, he’s had to get his head round every platform for his own business and that of his clients.
He’s figured out what works and what doesn’t, and what he shares here is a really simple way to feel comfortable putting yourself out there.
It’s as easy as sharing what you’re passionate about and your personality, letting people into your world so the right people connect with you.
Your day to day life, behind the scenes, what you do each week, and the message is that it’s ok to talk about you!
If you’re looking to simplify your marketing and feel more confident sharing an insight into you, this episode is for you.
Key topics and timings in this episode:
2.30 - How I came to work with Alex in the first place and how he helped me back in 2016.
3.00 - Alex's background and how he came to start Altrincham HQ, a social media agency and training business.
4.00 - Alex’s mission to get people out and about and how he uses social media to do this.
5.33 - How the popularity of platforms has changed over the years, and how Alex has to adapt to what’s trendy!
7.45 - What it’s like for Alex as an introvert and switching to ‘putting myself out there’ mode.
8.12 - Creating boundaries around what you talk about and bringing the things you feel passionately about and your personality into your content.
12.43 - How to use your day to day life to feed your marketing, like Adrian Mole’s diary.
15.11 - Keeping your social media and marketing simple and why it doesn’t have to be hard work and regimented.
17.34 - Alex’s weekly round up post and how this can be a simple way to inspire people to want to work with you.
20.46 - The impact of sharing the behind the scenes on Alex and how it leads to inquiries for his business.
23.03 - How Alex is always mining ideas for social media by keeping a track of the questions that come up in conversation.
25.41 - Ways to keep up with the news and changes on social media.
28.03 - What to do if a platform you enjoy using changes the way it works and why you don’t have to do what everyone else is!
30.28 - Remembering that people buy from people and the fundamentals of marketing never really change.
32.17 - Alex’s thoughts on blogging and how having a bank of content can serve your clients.
35.37 - How to choose topics and the impact of blogging around what your audience is interested in.
38.25 - Why it’s important to just go for it and not worry about things!
40.30 - Where to find out more about Alex.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Head to Alex's website: Altrincham HQ Website
Read Alex’s Blog
Check out the book: They Ask, You Answer by Marcus Sheridan on Audible
Listen to Aileen's episode on Creating meaningful social media
How to pitch yourself as a podcast guest:
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27 ideas to promote your pet business:
Five steps to get your pet business in the press:
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