The Umbrella Academy, a Netflix series that has captivated audiences across its four seasons, serves as the focal point of our discussion in this episode. We delve into the intricacies of this narrative, which revolves around a dysfunctional family of adopted superheroes, each endowed with unique abilities, who are summoned to avert an impending apocalypse following the death of their enigmatic father. The series, originally conceived as a comic by Gerard Way, has garnered acclaim for its compelling character arcs and exploration of profound themes such as identity, trauma, and familial bonds. Throughout our dialogue, we reflect on our personal connections to the characters and the evolution of the storyline, as well as the series' ability to intertwine humor with poignant moments of introspection. Join us as we dissect the multifaceted layers of The Umbrella Academy, revealing both its triumphs and complexities.
A thorough exploration of Netflix's acclaimed series, 'The Umbrella Academy', is presented by Pastor Will Rose and Evan Garcia in this third episode of the 'Flix Fridays' bonus series. The discussion delves into the origins of the series, which initially began as a comic book created by Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance fame, and transitioned into a successful television adaptation. The hosts reflect on their personal connections to the material, with Evan recounting his initial exposure to the comics during the early 2010s, while Will discusses the show's significant impact during the pandemic, when it became a staple for many viewers confined to their homes. The episode meticulously examines the narrative structure of the show, highlighting its thematic depth, which revolves around familial dysfunction, identity crises, and the complexities of superhero dynamics.
Throughout the discourse, the hosts elucidate the intricate relationships between the characters, such as Luther, Diego, and Vanya, and the psychological challenges they face as a result of their extraordinary abilities and troubled upbringing. The conversation also touches upon the evolution of the story across its four seasons, addressing how the show tackles significant issues through its unique blend of humor and tragedy. As the hosts navigate the plot's convolutions, they emphasize the emotional resonance of the characters' journeys, which often mirror real-life familial struggles, making the show relatable on a human level. The episode concludes with a thoughtful consideration of the series' conclusion, pondering the implications of the characters' actions on their relationships and the world at large, and whether their existence is a net positive or negative.
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Will Rose:Who puts the function in your dysfunctional. Well, hello, friends. We hope to answer that question today on another episode of Systematic Geekology. We are your priest to the geeks.
And this is a part of our special bonus series, Bingeable Shows Flicks Fridays. We're coming to you hot and live here on Friday in your earbuds.
And we're talking about those shows that we love to binge on our streaming services, specifically Netflix. And so we, all of our hosts have gathered a list of things that we love to binge or things we loved to binge in the past.
And today, up next is the Umbrella Academy. Man. And I have a lot of thoughts about this particular series. And here with someone that I would. I would be on a superhero team.
No matter how dysfunctional it could be, I would choose him as a part of my superhero team. He may. He may be number 13 out there, but. But I think he's number one in your heart. And it's Evan. Evan, how are you doing today, buddy?
Evan Garcia:Hey, Will. I'm doing good, man. Thanks. Thanks the same. I would be your part of your. You instead of the Sparrow Academy. You'll be my. My Ben.
Will Rose:All right. I would be your Ben in the. Yeah, yeah.
If you don't know what we're referring to, we're going to get into that when it comes to whether it's the Umbrella Academy or the Sparrow Academy, man.
Evan Garcia:So.
Will Rose:So, yeah, so we're going to talk about the Umbrella Academy. And. But. And before it was a hit Netflix series that gave four seasons of it, it was a comic book from Dark Horse Comics.
buted at Dark horse comics in:And then, um, it, you know, back in the day, back in the before times when things like Walking Dead went from comics to your. Your TV screen and people were like, oh, man, look how much money that's making.
it became a Netflix series in: you remember what happened in: o North Carolina comic con in:There was a rumor that. That this show would become a Netflix series, and people were really excited about it. So that was kind of the hype around that.
And him on panels and getting to meet him was. Was pretty cool. We'll share more about his backstory here in a little bit. But, Evan, what's your.
What's your background with this story and the characters and Umbrella Academy? Did you see Netflix series first? Did you read the comic first? Did you do both? Did you do either? I'm curious. Share with me.
Evan Garcia: new about the comic probably,:The whole trivia about Gerard Way doing it. So I was like, oh, that's interesting. And the artwork looked very impressive. I really liked it, but I never read it. So. So then you. Then you.
You fast forward to the. To the Pandemic. And this was one of the shows that we. That we binge while we were locked up, you know.
Will Rose:Yeah.
Evan Garcia:So I think there were two seasons out or maybe the second season was about to drop or something. But we saw like the first season in like a night and a half. We were like, oh, wow. Yeah, cool. I love the whole.
The whole family part of it very much impressed me with the whole sci fi.
Will Rose:Yeah.
Evan Garcia:And I could totally see how that was a comic book. So.
Will Rose:Yeah. So have you ever gone back and seen the. You haven't read the. But you have.
You've watched all the way the series, all the way through all four seasons, Correct?
Evan Garcia:I saw the whole series.
Will Rose:Yeah, I. I definitely read the comic first, the graphic novel first, and loved it. So when it came out, I was very, very excited about it.
And I'll confess that I never finished the series. It was. It got real convoluted and they. In the same way with the comic. Like, I love the first two graphic novels of Umbrella Academy.
But then as it started going, Gerard Way is very creative. He's very artsy. He's very poetic. You can hear that in his music. He's a very big fan of, like Grant Morrison and Alan Moore and all those things.
And even with his graphic novels in the comics, it got really, I don't know, a convoluted is, I think, too degrading. I think it just got complicated and too Artsy and it just didn't stick with my personal attention and the way I read.
Com and art and I felt like the TV series kind of did the same for me. But I love that first and second season. I love the first two volumes of the graphic novel and it was glad to see that it made up there.
And so yeah, a little about Gerard Way. Like, yeah, he. So his story. He shared this at the panel at North Carolina Comic Con.
He was a kid that grew up in the northeast New Jersey and is a big fan of comic books and superheroes and X Men and all that stuff and went to New York to go to art school and wanted to create comics and was a writer for like cartoons on the Cartoon Network in New York City and things. And then 911 happened.
And when 911 happened and experienced that in New York, he was like, you know, I don't know if Joshua wants to put a beep in this, but he was like, beep this. I'm gonna go out and. And. And tour with. With a band and music and.
And just got real angsty and existential and said, nope, I'm not gonna put up with this anymore. I feel like we gotta. I didn't like the way the state of the world was happening. So he created a goth band and sang about it and went on tour.
But while he was on tour and while he was on his tour bus, he would continue to write scripts and doodle and draw and do sketches and concept art and out of that birth umbrella academy. And so he pitched it to Dark Horse Comics. They loved it.
And of course, having a big time rock star as an author on one of your comics is a big too shabby either. So made it into the comic single comics and the covers are awesome. The art I think is great.
And then eventually, of course, Netflix was like, let's scoop up some TV shows and some content here. And that's how it was made into a TV show. So yeah, Evan, why don't you. What is the summary of the plot? And I think it's similar.
I think they did a good job with the graphic novel and the TV show.
There are some differences there, but the characters and their power sets and this dysfunctional superhero family that was adopted share a little bit about kind of the. The plot line of kind of season one and how this adopted family of superheroes came together.
Evan Garcia:Sure, yeah, the. The season one was very loaded with exposition, but in a good way. And it explained their powers on these.
Like there's a handful of children that were born on the same day. And they all seem to have these quirky powers or. No, they did not have any labor. They were just. Boom, they just showed up.
They were just born that day. So. So that was a very. A particular event, of course. And then this gentleman, a very much. I don't know how you would call them, but Hargreaves, he.
He decided to come and collect all the kids and. And to raise them because they're so unique, you know, and they all have their unique powers.
And the season one picks up after the death of one of the characters of one of the children when they were like in their probably late teens, 20s. And how that brings them all back together because they were all separated for a time.
And that brings them back to their childhood home, to their pongo. Their.
Will Rose:Pongo.
Evan Garcia:The ape. Yeah, the monkey caretaker and their nanny. That was a robot. So there's your sci fi cool element there. And then they have.
And then you find out they're a very much a dysfunctional family. They all have different powers.
And with that they all have their little quirks and they bother each other and some of them find the other bothersome, or there's a lot of bickering, or there's. Or there's some friendships and there's a hierarchy, like who is the favorite. And.
And the show kind of gets into a plot where they have to save the world because it seems like there's an apocalypse coming and they all have powers and they need to use their powers to save the world.
Will Rose:Yeah, yeah. If you like superhero teams. Avengers, X Men, Justice League. This is kind of a dysfunctional family of those kinds of things.
Sir Reginald Hargraves, you know, on the day when 43 women simultaneously gave birth, just at this kind of like freak moment, he tried to collect all these kids up and only got seven of them and six are heroes. He holds Vanya, I guess that's how you say her name, Vanya back and tells her she's not special, she doesn't have any powers.
But eventually, you know, she writes an all tale book kind of disclosing the family secrets. And. But her power set emerges out of those things.
And Yeah, I mean, I think you get into this like, as you said, the family aspect of they're all adopted. So they have this kind of like, definitely daddy issues, family issues. Who am I? Identity issues.
But then among themselves and their relationships with each other, how they relate to each other, and even, you know, how do they love each other? How do they not love each other, how they annoyed by Each other. And the first season is 10 episodes. The second season is 10 episodes.
Even the third episode, third season is 10 episodes. They get to the final season, season four, there's six.
But they really take their time, kind of diving into each character and what they're wrestling with and who they are and all those kinds of things. I'm gonna read off some, some characters here. And Evan, you share. Which one is your favorite? What's your favorite power set?
So we have number one, space boy, Luther. Number two, the Kraken. Diego. You have number three, rumor. Allison, you have number four, seance Klaus.
And then you have number five, the Tom Hopper 10 year old boy who is displaced from time, aged 60 years and came back into a 10 year old body. So he's. He's 10 or a young teenager, but has the mindset of like a 65 year old or 70 year old.
Then you have Vanya, who, you know, so maybe doesn't have any powers or does she? And then you have number six, Ben, who, you know, you, you really don't know him because he d. Before they came back together as this reunion.
And, and as Evan said, the dad died. Hargrave, who pulled them all together as a superhero team as kids died. And so that's what brings this family back together.
And they reflect on their lives, they reflect on their dad, they reflect on what kind of house they were raised in. All, all the time, where there's this threat of an imminent apocalypse that's coming down the road.
That number, number five, the time Hopper knows about because he's been there, he's experienced it and come back. And so there's that kind of drama out of those characters. Evan, who do you connect with? Or what are some of your favorite power sets? What do you.
Who's your favorite out of this group?
Evan Garcia:I like the. There's three of them. Number one, because you don't really know his powers. He's just kind of strong like an ape. But he's quirky too. You know, he's.
He, he makes his way through life just. And he's space boy, right?
Will Rose:He's just a space. He's spacey. Yeah.
Evan Garcia:Yeah, but yet he's the quote, unquote, the leader of the group. And so I, so I thought that was funny. But who was the one with the knives?
Will Rose:Oh, that's Diego, the Kraken.
Evan Garcia:Diego. He was cool. I like how his, his arc throughout the season was very mature. He. He matured a lot. And, but, but, but my favorite was Klaus.
Klaus has the powers of kind of being immortal, that he, that he, that he could speak to the dead. And then you find out that when he dies he can, he. There are certain ways that he can come back and stuff like that.
Will Rose:Yeah.
Evan Garcia:And like what do you do? Like when your brother sends you back in time 60 years and, and, and into a life that you'd have no idea. It's like. Thought that was interesting.
Will Rose:So yeah, Klaus is, is really, you know, he's the most kind of animated and energetic and all over the place and, and he wrestles with addiction. I mean he's wrestling with his power.
Seeing the dead, it really goes hard into like he's in rehab, he's got drugs, you want to see him pull through and get a healthy lifestyle.
But he, as the seasons roll out, you see some heartbreak and grief when it comes to who he falls in love with and people that die and what he's doing with and how he's self medicating through this. So his heartbreak, he's comical, he's comedy relief. But he is also kind of heartbreaking to see.
Evan Garcia:Tragic.
Will Rose:Yeah. Cautionary tale to say like maybe we shouldn't met medicate like that. I have to say that I.
As far as the powers, I love all those characters too and I like all of them. But I think the coolest power set is Rumor because basically her power set is the power suggestion.
We just had a episode, I talked about the Purple man with Gilgrave, with Joshua. But Rumor has the power suggestion. When she says I heard a rumor and whatever she says next you have to do or is going to happen.
So she could whisper in your ear. I heard a rumor that you're going to hop on one leg for the next three days and that's what you're going to do.
And so this whole like I heard a rumor mind control is just so creative and so good. I've never seen that in comics before. And so whenever she used that and so in the storyline and in the comics, like how do you take Rumor out?
You take her voice out, you cut her throat, you do whatever to kind of dismantle her that way. And then they all have their backstories. When they broke up the team, they went off and did their own thing and had their own lifestyles.
And yes, Space boy went to the moon and hung out for a while. Rumor became like a pop star in Hollywood. Vanya wrote a book, all tale book about this family because of what's going on.
But yeah, they're brought back together, had this podcast, season one, you Know, wrapped up with them stopping an apocalypse. Spoiler.
s and they go back in time to: Evan Garcia:Yes, season two was great in the fact of like, if you like history and, and stuff like that. But it also continued the plot and the storyline from season one of a TVA of sorts.
Basically they're like these, this agency that modifies and controls the timelines and we find out that there are these suitcases that can help you do the time traveling. And it's kind of like the MacGuffin the first couple seasons and the way that they intertwined in season two.
s. Yeah, like from, from like:And they all had to play your part in, in, in, in the assassination for jfk, was it?
Will Rose:Right? Yep.
Evan Garcia:And they, they had to stop that. And there was a lot of that and there was a lot of, of the time travel that that number five came in handy with.
Will Rose:So yeah, you have these kind of displaced time and alternate timelines and, and I don't know if you've seen the, the Loki series on Disney plus and the Time Variant Authority.
I really feel like that the Umbrella Academy were there first before they did this sacred timeline thing because you have these time cops, you have these time assassins. They're trying to create, you know, these, the Umbrella Academy, at least number five is messing with the timeline.
And so they have these like timekeepers who are coming back to help to assassinate them or get to keep them from doing it. So I really feel like this kind of paved the way or Marvel kind of copied when it comes to time travel.
Everybody's copying each other when it comes to time travel, alternate timelines and multiverse stuff. And it was inevitable that Marvel was going to do that.
But I really feel like the Umbrella Academy, that was the most fascinating part for me were these agents who would come to try and stop alternate timelines from happening. And we have Mary J. Blige, R and B. Mary J. Blige. Mary J. Blige shows up as a time assassin and she's so good.
When she popped up in this, I was like, what is that? Mary J. Blige? And then C and I were both like, yeah, that's Mary J. Blige. And she does great. She's a great actor.
. I mean, you think of, like,:Where the nation was at that time. It was a simpler time, but also it was really hard, especially for minorities. And you had JFK assassination. You had, like, the threat of nuclear war.
So. So again, season two ramps up this apocalyptic threat in season two as well. With season one, and I did get through all of season two. I.
eline. So they return back to:Callback to Evan earlier in this episode. Not the Umbrella Academy, but the Spare Academy. And you have to kind of reset their universe in season three.
I will confess that it is this time that I bowed out. It either got a little convoluted or I got busy and I just didn't finish this series in the same way with the comics.
Like, I got the first two volumes, I got some of those things, but it just got a little confusing, a little convoluted for me. So I was like, nope, nope. I'm moving on to other things. But in terms of season three, how wrap up for you, Evan?
Evan Garcia:Like you said, it's very convoluted. It was a blur. I don't remember too much of it, but I remember it was the Sparrow Academy and there was a hotel and there was another apocalypse.
But there were. But there was a lot of. There was. There was a lot of dramatic moments, very heavy, dark moments. Very much like.
It was like the Empire Strikes Back of the series. It was. Every character went through something very hard, and we found out there was some.
Some shady deals with some of the family members that were very selfish and that caused a lot of tension in the group and. And resulted in the loss of one of the characters. Oh, well, two of them. Two. Two of the characters. They both died and they were. That. That part was.
The emotion was very high, but also the convolutedness. The plot was very high, too. I was like, I'm scratching my head, trying to follow it. I'm like, this kind of hurts my head.
Yeah, because you're not wrong. Like, it got very thick there for a second, and it never lost me because I was. I was invested with the characters.
I just wanted to know what was going to happen to them? So I was able to stick it out, me and my wife, with some. With some.
With some help from the YouTube channels where they do, like, the breakdown recaps. Yeah, yeah, that. That helped, but, yeah.
Will Rose:Did they lose their powers in season three, too? Is that something that happened at the end?
Evan Garcia:Yes, at the end, they rescued everybody. They all had a unhappy moment. There was a wedding and super funniness in the wedding.
There was a lot of drama, but they all came together and then boom. I think they get sent back in time, and when they get back in time, they realize that they don't have their powers anymore.
Will Rose:Gotcha.
Evan Garcia:And that. And, And. And. And every character takes that differently. Like, some are relieved, some are frustrated, some trying to get it back. Yeah.
So, yeah, someday you just kind of move on with it. Yeah.
Will Rose:That's interesting that, like, yeah, you have the. The heavy. The heaviness of the responsibility that come with superpowers.
Like, oh, we'd love to have superpowers, but the response that comes with it. And then to be relieved when they. That's taken away, you're like, wow, you know, the fresh breath of that.
And I do think this series does go deep into characters, and whether it's childhood trauma or the identity, any superhero comics or TV shows hopefully can go into that a little bit in terms of how they see themselves and how others perceive them, and then the relationships that they're a part of, what the choices they make make a difference on and their relationships that are around them and try and take care of each other and those kinds of things, I think that's the gift of the show, and they do a really good job of that. And then there's season four, six episodes.
I think they, as I was reading up, that they reconnect to stop the cleanse and they regain their powers and they save the timeline. But then in terms of the question of would the world be better without them around, wiping out their existence is kind of the.
The big question when it comes to season four. And, you know, not sure if the six episodes were just, that's all they got or they're longer episodes, but you finished it.
Did it stick the landing there at the end? Is it worth it to stick it all the way through to the end?
Evan Garcia:I think it very much did stick the landing. It was up there in maybe my top 10 of, like, series nice finales. I was just like, wow, they set up kind of their gimmick again.
It's the end of the world, all that again. Still works. Yeah, it still worked. And they brought back Ben and they had these. They. They were.
They were even able to bring in a whole cast of characters, but still feel like they all had a point to the story.
Will Rose:Nice.
Evan Garcia:And twists and turns. And in the inter. Like, there's stuff that you just, you know, you don't do. The family. There's.
There's a bunch of things, you know, that if you love your family, you just don't do these things. But those things were done. There were lines crossed and there were big divisions with a couple of the family members and. And the way they. They.
They dealt with that domestic interactions and with the backdrop of the world ending. Again, because we are here. We are the ones causing it, pretty much. That was fascinating. That made the time blow by fast.
I think they were longer episodes. We split it up over, like two or three nights, but it was worth it.
Will Rose:Nice.
Evan Garcia:Everyone had their beats. And my interpretation of it, like you said, like, tease the world better without them.
I saw it as kind of similar to what Loki ended up doing, where they had to remove themselves from the world. Like, in the sense of they don't need to be controlling everything. They don't need to save the day every time.
They just need to be who they are with each other, and that's what's important. And they are. They are still. They might be gone, quote, unquote, but they're still there as a force in the world.
And that's all that matters is as long as you're together and you are moving the world forward, then I think that's how that ended. And I think it was very satisfying. They all came to that. They all came to that realization, and they all treated it differently.
Some weren't excited and some weren't. And there was a monster. Like, there were two characters, Ben and some other character that had a relationship to them from season one.
But that was the plot twist that we didn't see coming. They fused together and they make this, like, this, like this abomination character almost. It was very visceral.
Like, I almost had to look between my fingers because it was just so gross and, like, grotesque and. And very viol. And they. And they had to fight the monster. Yeah.
Will Rose:Nice.
Evan Garcia:I think it was a great season. Great season.
Will Rose:Yeah. And if every season has, like, the threat of apocalypse every end, you're kind of like, how can they keep ramping up the intensity?
But they do, you know, and so hearing you talk about season four, that's luring me to go back and finish it kind of complete it. I am a completist when it comes to, like, comics and shows and things, so maybe I'll go back and. And do that. So, yeah, what a good series.
And part of our final question here as we kind of wrap up is think about if you were to binge a show after this one, what would it be? And my initial reaction would be like, I don't want to binge a show. I just want to go and read this graphic novel.
I think Apocalypse, Apocalypse Suite, the Umbrella Academy, the first run, Volume one is so good. The art is good, the writing is good, it's quippy, it's smart. You know, I've just never read a superhero comic like that before, and so I can't.
I can't recommend that graphic novel enough in terms of. If you like graphic novels, if you like that, that way of storytelling, man, go get it.
You could probably find it somewhere under 20 bucks somewhere and. Or rent it from the library. It is. It is absolutely fantastic. So, yeah.
So, Evan, I'm just going to assume you're going to say that if we're going to recommend the show or rank the show, you're going to recommend it and you're going to rank it pretty high for our friends out there.
Evan Garcia:I am going to rent it pretty high. It was a surprise. I did not expect to be so invested in the characters, and I was very satisfied with how they closed it.
And they didn't let it go for 20 seasons. They just like, okay, they closed it with a bow and now we can watch it whenever.
Will Rose:Nice, nice. Yeah. So I definitely recommend season one. I recommend reading the graphic novel before, after.
Have you read books or if you read books before the movie or after the movie, if you like the movie. You know, some people have those kinds of ways of doing things. Yeah. Read the graphic novel. Watch first season.
And then I'll take Evans Lee and keep going this through and maybe I'll go check out that final season here pretty soon. Cool, cool. Lots of fun. All right, so, yeah, if you were to binge a show after this one, where do you hop into next?
I guess I don't know if it's just for Netflix or not, but if you're just going to binge a show after this one, what are you going to binge? What's on the list?
Evan Garcia:Well, I'm going to show. I'm going to recommend the show that we literally did watch during the pandemic right after we finished the first season was the Stars series that.
That premieres On Netflix also. But it's. It's. It is the. The time traveling love story of the show Outlander.
Will Rose:Ah, nice.
Evan Garcia:Okay, man. It's a drama. It's very much your soapy drama. Very, very good things. Fifty Shades of Gray. But it has. It's very smart time travel. It's very smart.
Like, very top tiered.
Will Rose:I've. I've heard good things about Outlander and people talk about it, but never dived in. So. Okay, you got me. You got me there.
Evan Garcia:You know, we didn't finish it, but we. We have, like, one more season left.
Will Rose:Nice. So cool. Yeah. If. If I'm gonna recommend something on Netflix to Binge, I.
I would say I'm gonna hop right over and watch the TV show Lost again, because it's back on Netflix and watch it all the way through. So my favorite shows of all time. And then Beef. I don't know if you've seen Beef. It's about.
Evan Garcia:I saw the first episode.
Will Rose:Yeah, Somebody, they get a kind of road rage incident and then. And then it all devolves from there. Like it is. Is. It is a crazy show. But I really loved it. So.
Beef, on Netflix, I tend to have road rage, especially those who drive too slow in the left hand lane. Pastor Will, yes, he loses his temper in traffic for some reason. There's something that happens there with me.
I'm such a wimp when it comes to picking fights in the real world, I would probably run scared from any fight. But something about traffic, I feel like I emboldened. It's. It's really bad. So the TV show Beef on Netflix was definitely a cautionary tale.
I was like, maybe I should watch my actions and. And check myself. Check myself before I wreck myself. Lots of fun, y'all. Evan, always fun. Hanging and geeking out with you, man.
And our friends out there support the show. If you could hop over Patreon and give a couple bucks so that we can all hang out with each other and keep the lights on.
There's some comic cons coming down the road in North Carolina and other places, and we would love to go. And your support helps all those, like, review. Do all those things that podcasters would love for you to do because we appreciate you.
We can't do without you. And as always, y'all, share the faith. Share the geek. Peace.