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42. (S2E6) From Chaos to Peace in 5 Simple Steps
Episode 4210th February 2022 • FINE is a 4-Letter Word • Lori Saitz
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Today's episode is a solo one. I've been hearing from a lot of people that they're running around like hair on fire, stressed out, and wanting to feel more calm and grounded. So the question becomes, are you willing to do the things that will take you from chaos to peace? That's what we're going to talk about today. Five simple steps to go from chaos to peace.

If you have another way of going from chaos to peace, that involves not doing any of these five steps, I would love to hear it. Email me or find me through my website.

I'd also love to hear from you if you do implement anyone or all of these steps, because I want to hear what's happened, how did it change your outlook? How did it change how you feel as you move through your day?

If you find value in what I shared today, please share this episode with three friends or colleagues or coworkers or networking associates.

Here's a link to Nicole BZ's episode, reference in today's episode.

And here's the link to Brene Brown's values assessment tool.


Today's episode is a solo one. I've been hearing from a lot of people that they're running around like hair on fire, stressed out, and wanting to feel more calm and grounded. So the question becomes, are you willing to do the things that will take you from chaos to peace? That's what we're going to talk about today. Five simple steps to go from chaos to peace. Are you ready?

All right, before we get into that, if you enjoy this show, please tell three other people about it. The more listeners, the more publicity. And that means these stories get in front of more people who can benefit from hearing them so they can know they're not alone and there's nothing wrong with them. And they, too, can go from chaos to peace. It's about building connection and community. We need that now more than ever.

If after listening to this, you would like some more personal attention on adding peace and groundedness to your life, I can help you with that, too. Pop over to the Zen web page and sign up for my VIP list. That way, you'll be the first to get all the tools and tips on finding calm amidst the chaos of life.

All right, so let's get into the five simple steps to go from chaos to peace.

Number one, drink more water. What? How is this possibly related to going from chaos to peace? Interesting thing. In the past several weeks, I've been having so many conversations with people about drinking enough water. This has long been an epidemic in our society. Like people just don't drink enough water. I'll take my dad as an example. So he knows that he doesn't drink enough water and he has health issues because of it, and he knows that. But he still doesn't drink more water because he doesn't want to have to go use the bathroom more. Okay, so you're willing to be in a state of illness because you don't want to go use the bathroom. Great.

My friend Tracy is another great example. She has spent plenty of time calling me, saying, I'm so tired, I'm so stressed out all of these things. And I have turned it around now and said, hey, did you drink enough water today? No, I didn't really drink any water.

This blows my mind. Start tracking how much water you're drinking, because I'm willing to bet that you are not drinking enough water. We are made of energy. We are electromagnetic beings, and we need water to run properly. This is like not putting oil in your car and expecting it to run properly, not putting fuel in your car and expecting it to run properly. The body needs water to create fuel to clean out all the toxins. Of course, you're going to be tired if you're not drinking enough water because your body isn't able to flush out all the toxins and it's weighing you down and it's causing you fatigue.

What is enough water? The common amount of water you've probably heard is eight glasses. Eight ounce glasses of water a day. That's 64oz. That is a minimum. Like if you're not drinking enough water, start with that. However, and I will say because I don't have a medical degree. So, yeah, sure, you don't have to listen to me. But I have had my personal training certification, so it's not like I'm just making this stuff up. I have studied health and fitness for many years. Personally, I think a better amount of water is about three quarters of an ounce to 1oz of water per pound of body weight.

So if you weigh 120 pounds, that would be 120oz of water a day. A gallon of water. Almost a gallon of water. That might be too much, but you have to experiment to see. Personally, a gallon of water is too much for me. I weigh a little bit more than that. But a gallon of water is too much for me. If I drink about 100oz, that's about right for me. But again, you need to experiment, but you need to have at least 64 to 75oz of water to get enough.

All right, fight me on this. Give me your comments. Let me hear them.

Let's go to number two. Number two, turn off social media or all media. You're not going to miss out on important world news. So I don't even have a TV. I haven't had one for several years. And again, I laugh at my dad. He can't believe I don't have a TV because he's always like, well, how do you know what's going on? Because we don't live in a bubble. You are going to hear when things happen. Somebody will tell you, your friends will make sure you know, you'll see it somewhere. You will not miss out on important world news. You will get it. Don't worry. Try it. Try staying off social media for an entire weekend. Try not turning on the TV news for an entire weekend because it is filling your brain with useless and potentially harmful information. And we're talking about going from chaos to peace. Okay? So if that is truly the goal that you want, you want to have peace of mind, turn off the media and give your brain a break.

Number three, sleep. Are you getting enough sleep? It's crazy to me that the productivity experts, the people who talk about creating the mindful mornings and the morning routines will tell you to get up a half an hour or an hour earlier than you already do. To fit in your workout. To fit in your gratitude journaling. To fit in meditation. Okay. You know, I talk about meditation and how important it is, but I'm not going to recommend that you sacrifice sleep to do it. There's a way that you can fit it all in. But I would never recommend sacrificing sleep. There are so many studies that show what not getting enough sleep does to your body, to your mind, and it's people who drive when they are sleepy are just as dangerous as people who are driving with alcohol in their system. Again, your body needs to rejuvenate itself, your cells need to replenish, and the only way that can happen is when you're getting enough sleep.

Number four, get clarity on your values. We've talked about this in previous episodes. I'm thinking of the episode that was with Nicole BZ and I'll put a link to that specific episode in the show notes. She and I talked about getting clear on your values and using Brene Brown's PDF on values and I can put a link to that in the show notes as well.

Getting clarity on your values and what you truly want in your life and being honest with yourself about it, because we might be looking at some things and saying, well, this is one of my values and I'm not honoring it right now and then trying to justify why you're not honoring it. Be honest with yourself. Because once you get clarity on your values and what you truly want, it makes it so much easier to make decisions. And I'm going to do an entire episode on this a little bit later in the season on making decisions, but it makes it so much easier to know what to say yes to and what to say no to and how to set boundaries. This can only happen when you have clarity around what is important to you. Does that make sense?

All right, number five, I feel like the count from Sesame Street. Five. Get quiet enough to hear your inner voice. You knew this had to come in somewhere, right in the five steps to go from chaos to peace. The five simple steps. Meditation is always going to come up because that's how you quiet your mind. You quiet all of the systems in your body, your nervous system. Meditation helps you sink your heart and your mind into heart. Coherence you've heard me talk about that before. Meditation can be as simple as just stopping for two minutes, 120 seconds, putting your hand on your heart and taking several deep breaths.

Let's just do it right now. Like, just put your hand on your heart and breathe in. Close your eyes. Breathe out. Alright, keep your eyes closed. Breathe in all the way down to your abdomen and let it go. Breathe out. Out through your mouth one more time. Breathe in. Breathe in. Breathe in and let it go. Okay, that wasn't even two minutes. That was less than that. And how do you feel by just taking those three deep breaths and reconnecting your heart and your mind and syncing up the systems in your body. It's calming your nervous system. Just calm everything down and you can do that no matter where you are.

And no matter what's going on around you, when you implement these five steps, Your stress level is going to decrease tremendously.

And now I said five steps, but we got to go with a bonus step. I like to always deliver more value than promised. Gratitude, right. Okay. Meditation and gratitude. That's my jam. Of course I'm going to throw gratitude in here. All right, here's a quick exercise for finding more gratitude in your life. It's called five. Five, five. Think of five things you can see that you're grateful for, five things you can hear that you're grateful for and five things you can feel that you're grateful for that takes hardly any time to just look around, stop and get present for a moment to listen to what are you hearing and look at what is in your immediate vicinity that you're feeling. The chair you're sitting on the table, you're sitting at the computer, you're working on five things you see.

Five things you hear, five things you feel that you can be grateful for. And then you know, if you want to add in five more that are things that are not immediately in your vicinity that you're seeing, hearing, or feeling, go right ahead.

I'm guessing right about now is when you bring on all the excuses as to why you can't do these things I don't want to hear I can't drink any more water. I can't get any more sleep. If you truly want to go from chaos to peace, you want more peace and calm and groundedness in your life, you can implement these five steps. They're not difficult, they don't take a lot of time. And if you have another way of going from chaos to peace, that involves not doing any of these five steps, I would love to hear it. Please share it with me. Email me. You can find me through my website. I'm very accessible and I want to hear it.

I also would love to hear from you if you do implement anyone or all of these steps, because I want to hear what's happened, how did it change your outlook? How did it change how you feel as you move through your day? Once again, if you found value in what I shared with you today, Please share this episode with three friends or colleagues or coworkers or networking associates. Just share it. Share it with three people. Totally appreciate that. Appreciate having you as a listener. Take good care and we'll see you next time on Fine is a 4-Letter Word.




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