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Navigating the High Seas of Adaptation: One Piece Live Action Insights
Bonus Episode28th March 2025 • Systematic Geekology • anazao ministries
00:00:00 00:31:52

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The focus of our discourse today is the live-action adaptation of "One Piece" on Netflix, which we shall examine in detail. This series has garnered significant attention for its portrayal of determination and adventure, capturing the essence of its characters while infusing a fresh perspective into the beloved narrative. We shall delve into the intricacies of the adaptation, exploring how it condenses the vast lore of the East Blue saga into a mere eight episodes, effectively encapsulating the original anime's spirit. Furthermore, we shall reflect on the performances of the cast, highlighting their ability to embody the multifaceted personalities of the characters, which has resonated deeply with both new viewers and long-time fans alike. Join us as we navigate through the triumphs and challenges presented by this adaptation, and consider the implications it holds for future installments of the series.

The fourth installment of our 'Flix Fridays' bonus series embarks upon an in-depth analysis of the live-action adaptation of 'One Piece' on Netflix, hosted by the dynamic duo of Elizabeth Clyde, affectionately known as Liz or Pang, and Christian Ashley. The hosts commence the discussion by reflecting on their personal experiences with the series, elucidating their initial apprehensions regarding the adaptation of such a beloved anime into live action. Liz recounts her anticipation for the release, fueled by her commitment to the source material, while Christian reveals his hesitance based on previous adaptations of anime that fell short of expectations. As they delve deeper into the series, they explore the character development, narrative choices, and visual fidelity to the original work. The hosts laud the casting choices, particularly highlighting how well the actors embody their characters, thus contributing to a rich and immersive viewing experience. They reflect on how the adaptation manages to preserve the whimsical essence of the original while infusing it with depth, ensuring that both newcomers and long-time fans can find enjoyment in the storytelling. Through thoughtful discourse, Liz and Christian dissect pivotal moments that resonate with the audience, demonstrating how the live-action series successfully translates the spirit of adventure and camaraderie that defines 'One Piece'.


  • This episode delves deeply into the live-action adaptation of One Piece on Netflix, highlighting its unique approach to character development.
  • The hosts express a profound appreciation for the casting choices, praising the actors' abilities to embody their respective roles authentically.
  • Listeners are informed that the adaptation condenses significant plot points from the original anime, effectively maintaining narrative coherence despite the compression.
  • The discussion emphasizes the importance of staying true to the source material while also embracing the creative liberties necessary for a live-action format.
  • The hosts reflect on their emotional connections to the characters, revealing how the portrayal affected their perceptions of the original story.
  • The episode culminates with a contemplation of future adaptations and the potential challenges they may face in meeting the expectations set by the first season.


We discuss all this and more in this one! Join in the conversation with us on Discord now!


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Systematic Geekology

Our show focuses around our favorite fandoms that we discuss from a Christian perspective. We do not try to put Jesus into all our favorite stories, but rather we try to ask the questions the IPs are asking, then addressing those questions from our perspective. We are not all ordained, but we are the Priests to the Geeks, in the sense that we try to serve as mediators between the cultures around our favorite fandoms and our faith communities.

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Speaker A:


Speaker A:

If the path to what I want seems too easy, I know I'm on the wrong path.

Speaker A:

And this perfectly captures what we are going to talk about today.

Speaker A:

We're going to talk about someone's determination.

Speaker A:

We're going to talk about their adventurous spirit.

Speaker A:

We're going to talk about staying true to his character while adding a fresh inspiration to the live action One piece.

Speaker A:

Because we've talked about this a little bit on the what's new.

Speaker A:

But we are deep diving into the live action One piece on Netflix.

Speaker A:

My name is Elizabeth Clyde.

Speaker A:

I am one of your hosts and with me is my favorite host.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I mean, yeah, I'm gonna say.

Speaker A:

I can't even just say enough words.

Speaker A:

My co leader of the rebellion, everyone who loves to complain know too, Christian, I just appreciate you so much.

Speaker A:

I like.

Speaker A:

Okay, guys, I'm not going to lie.

Speaker A:

I had a mini therapy session with Christian beforehand because I had a bad day at work.

Speaker A:

And so I'm just like super thankful for Christian right now.

Speaker A:

How are you today?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I'm doing well and I was happy to listen to what you had to say.

Speaker B:

It's always nice to have a sounding board, right?

Speaker A:

Well, I just had to get a lot of frustrations out before I hit record.

Speaker A:

So thank you, Christian, for being my co host, my therapist, the co leader of the rebellion.

Speaker B:

I've got a lot of things to do and I'm happy to do them all.

Speaker A:

Hey, there you go.

Speaker A:

So as we get into the media episode, did you watch the one piece live action like as soon as it came out or did you have to wait a little bit?

Speaker A:

Because we had high hopes.

Speaker A:

But a lot of live actions just do not live up to the anime.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I did not watch it immediately as it released because I was very wary.

Speaker B:

You know, they don't really have it.

Speaker B:

They didn't have a great track record of putting out the best material for anime.

Speaker B:

Bringing him in the live action.

Speaker B:

I'm very hesitant about doing that because there's a lot of stuff you lose in between the medium.

Speaker B:

And it's no fault of live action.

Speaker B:

It's just you can get away with things in art that you can't do.

Speaker B:

Same thing with comic book movies.

Speaker B:

Sometimes you can get away with, you know, showing bombastic scenes and great light spectacles of power blasts and stuff like that that don't happen in live action because they cost money.

Speaker B:

So I was like, I don't know.

Speaker B:

But then I kept hearing people praise it.

Speaker B:

I'm like, okay, is it because it's Bad.

Speaker B:

And they're memeing on it.

Speaker B:

Is it actually good?

Speaker B:

I have to figure it out for myself.

Speaker B:

So about a couple months after it released, I finally watched it.

Speaker B:

It's like, oh well, eight hours later, however.

Speaker B:

Yeah, eight episodes.

Speaker B:

I'd already finished it all.

Speaker B:

It's like, wow.

Speaker B:

This was for what they were doing pretty dang good.

Speaker A:

So I, I was opposite of you.

Speaker A:

We actually needed a new TV for quite a long time.

Speaker A:

Like all my like the T people was like kind of yellowish and it would randomly like flicker.

Speaker A:

So it's been a while and you know, I was avoiding buying a new TV for like two years.

Speaker A:

But then the live action was coming out.

Speaker A:

And so two days before the live action came, I went and bought a brand new 55 inch TV.

Speaker A:

And so.

Speaker A:

And then it was just, it was literally the perfect storm.

Speaker A:

Like literally the perfect storm.

Speaker A:

Because at the time I was a school teacher and there was a hurricane and so I had off of school the day it came out.

Speaker B:

Oh, perfect.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I woke up at 6am or something like that and I watched.

Speaker A:

Did not leave that couch.

Speaker A:

Eight hours straight.

Speaker A:

Every single episode, like an eight hour movie.

Speaker A:

And it was fantastic.

Speaker B:

Sounds wonderful.

Speaker A:

It was.

Speaker A:

So I like, I think back of that time and I just like this is going to sound really crazy, but I'm just, I see the goodness of God in that day.

Speaker A:

Like I'm just so thankful it worked out and like I got to enjoy it.

Speaker A:

And that happened at like a really stressful time in my life.

Speaker A:

So just to be able to have a mental pause for that day like and not have to like worry about like my like the what was going around me.

Speaker A:

And it was just literally like eight hours of pure bliss on my brand new tv.

Speaker B:

Hey, take those days when you can.

Speaker A:

And I've watched the live action.

Speaker A:

You said it's been out what, two, three years now?

Speaker B:

It's almost, it's about a year and a half.

Speaker A:

Year and a half.

Speaker B:

Okay, say two years.

Speaker A:

So in two years I've watched it three times.

Speaker A:

Okay, how many of you watched it just once?

Speaker B:

Only the once because there's just so much out there and I very rarely rewatch stuff unless I use it to help me fall asleep at night.

Speaker B:

Because I've already rewatched it so many times before.

Speaker A:

Well, that's me with baking.

Speaker A:

So the one time.

Speaker A:

So I rewatched it with my husband.

Speaker A:

That's the second time.

Speaker A:

And then one time it was a big baking time.

Speaker A:

So I just rewatched it in the background of my baking.

Speaker A:

But I was so impressed.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

And absolutely.

Speaker A:

So if you guys.

Speaker A:

If you guys are like super nerds like us and you really wanted to follow.

Speaker A:

I didn't read the manga.

Speaker A:

So Christian's kind of like a triple threat.

Speaker A:

He's watched the live action, read the manga, and have seen the anime.

Speaker A:

I'm just an anime girly in the live action, but pretty much it's the East Blue saga And in just eight episodes, they cover 50 episodes worth of anime.

Speaker A:

But if you think about it, an anime episode is like 20 minutes and then these were like 40ish minutes.

Speaker A:

So really it was like, you know, time length 16, you know, worth of time.

Speaker A:

Episode covered still 50 episodes, which is very, very condensed.

Speaker A:

But I do not recall missing anything.

Speaker A:

Does that make sense?

Speaker A:

I don't remember saying, like, man, I really wish they would have done X.

Speaker A:

Or man, I wish they wouldn't have this.

Speaker A:

Did you have that feeling?

Speaker B:

I mean, there's some things that are missing, obviously.

Speaker B:

I mean, you don't have like Usopp's little gang of kids and you know, they don't.

Speaker B:

They don't visit that one island with Gaimon.

Speaker B:

There's like some characters that are missing from like the mini boss fights or stuff like that, but at the end of the day it's fine.

Speaker B:

Like, would I have preferred, yeah, sure, throw more money at it and have more episodes to be done.

Speaker B:

But for what we have, it's okay.

Speaker B:

They, they adapted enough to keep the story as cohesive as possible.

Speaker B:

And that's a huge task to do when you're condensing no 50, 100 plus chapters and you know, however many episodes of the anime together to get all this done to cover as many arcs as we're doing.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I think for what they have here, they did a well enough job that I can't get angry at whatever they did.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And they did.

Speaker A:

So I think the biggest difference between that I noticed between the live action the anime is Luffy's grandpa Garp.

Speaker A:

He was introduced much quicker.

Speaker B:

Oh yes.

Speaker A:

Into the live action.

Speaker A:

And so in the anime, it didn't really show that he also Luffy was being pursued by his grandpa.

Speaker A:

So that came much later.

Speaker A:

So in the live action, we actually, I think, meet Garp right off the bat, maybe episode one or two.

Speaker A:

And we know that he is pursuing Luffy because he's trying to pretty much save Luffy before he goes to parody to off the deep end.

Speaker A:

And then if you haven't seen that this already now it's.

Speaker A:

You had a year and a half.

Speaker A:

So I apologize.

Speaker A:

There's going to be spoilers, so just stop listening now if that's going to bother you.

Speaker A:

But then it wasn't in the anime at all.

Speaker A:

Whenever Garp at one point courted Luffy and they pretty much.

Speaker A:

He pretty much got caught and then Garp let him go.

Speaker A:

So that was pretty.

Speaker A:

And then Colby was a little bit more in depth with how he interacted with the Marines when he first signed up.

Speaker A:

But I love.

Speaker A:

I appreciated the little extra time Colby had.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

He was very well casted.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I agree.

Speaker B:

They did a fantastic job for like expanding on those characters.

Speaker B:

Like Garp obviously does not show up until way later from now.

Speaker B:

But he brings.

Speaker B:

Can I remember actors for the life of my.

Speaker B:

But he brings such a presence to him with his acting.

Speaker B:

You can tell this is man who's like, gets the job done.

Speaker B:

He's got this wayward son figure who he wants to be on the straight and narrow and yet won't.

Speaker B:

And yet now he's leading Kobe and even.

Speaker B:

What is it?

Speaker B:

Hell Meppo.

Speaker B:

Was it at Morgan's Kid.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Who is also getting more characterization here too.

Speaker B:

Because they disappear for a very long time in the manga and anime too.

Speaker B:

So it's nice to see them be given a role.

Speaker B:

And it's a very pragmatic adaptation of bringing them back.

Speaker B:

Because, you know, some of these actors, you don't just hire them and then just not let them show back up again.

Speaker B:

You know, you want.

Speaker B:

You get your money's worth out of them.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

So I think they do it a very effective job there because we could see, you know, Garp's reasonings way early on for why he does what he does and why Luffy doesn't want to do the same.

Speaker B:

While working with Garb, we can see, you know, Kobe grow and even Helmet as well.

Speaker B:

Like as kind of friends in this weird situation where I tried to murder you earlier, but now.

Speaker B:

Now we're actually going to be working together and we're improving.

Speaker B:

I think they did a really great job.

Speaker B:

Me, I can't help praising it.

Speaker B:

It's not like a perfect 10 out of 10 show, but I think for what they're doing, they're doing it well.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I was nervous, but I fell in love with the characters so much.

Speaker A:

And I don't usually do this.

Speaker A:

I actually started watching all the actors like I did.

Speaker A:

I watched all their, like quirky little, like they would play games, you know, all like the PR stuff the actors would do to like promote the show.

Speaker A:

I kept up.

Speaker A:

And like, I was just obsessed with even the actors because I felt like everyone was so well casted and I wanted to be their friends.

Speaker A:

And I usually don't fangirl.

Speaker A:

Like, I'm obviously a fan girl, but like, it's usually binge anime.

Speaker A:

But like that I was like, wow.

Speaker A:

I follow them all on Instagram.

Speaker A:

Like, I was so invested in their life.

Speaker A:

And I like even watched like the clips of them watching the stuff for the first time and kind of seeing their reactions to it and how proud they were.

Speaker A:

So it's very rarely that I actually fall in love with the actors as people outside of what I'm actually watching.

Speaker A:

And I even did that.

Speaker A:

I mean, Usopp was casted so great.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

No, they did a fantastic job in the casting.

Speaker B:

Like, whoever did that job, that casting director deserves a raise because they pick people who care.

Speaker B:

I don't think there's anyone who's phoning it in.

Speaker B:

I mean, they know what they're dealing with.

Speaker B:

This is weird and wacky and wild.

Speaker B:

Like, just give in to the madness.

Speaker B:

It's pretty much.

Speaker B:

It's a manga brought to real life to a live action show.

Speaker B:

Like, Embrace it.

Speaker B:

As opposed to other shows.

Speaker B:

Like, I can't help but think of the cowboy bebop one they did.

Speaker B:

I didn't finish that one because I was really, really kind of let down by what they were doing.

Speaker B:

It just didn't feel like they were trying to adapt it from an anime into a live action show.

Speaker B:

It's just like, well, this is what it's built on, so I guess we'll have to show these things or whatever.

Speaker B:

And it was just.

Speaker B:

That's the fun.

Speaker B:

I don't want to watch something like that.

Speaker B:

I want to see something goofy like Luffy in live action.

Speaker B:

Shouldn't work.

Speaker B:

Like, you think of all the money that has to go into making him stretchy to make it look semi realistic, but also funny and bombastic at the same time.

Speaker B:

I think with the CG they had for him, they did a fantastic job because that's a.

Speaker B:

That of the main reasons I was like, there's no way they can pull this off.

Speaker B:

Because one thing Oda has always mentioned is that he had Luffy with his elastic powers, his stretchy powers from the beginning.

Speaker B:

So there would always be something goofy no matter how dark the story got.

Speaker B:

And they did perfect with them like that.

Speaker B:

That this guy is Luffy.

Speaker B:

Yeah, he looks a little older than what I would expect, but he did his job well.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And even then, like, I think because Some people had some issues with the ethnicity of some of the casting.

Speaker A:

But even when you think of One Piece in the anime, it's like every single island they went to, they had their own culture and their own, like, ethnic region and inspiration.

Speaker A:

So, like, to see Luffy being.

Speaker A:

I think he's not Brazilian, but like, he's from South America.

Speaker A:

I think maybe.

Speaker B:

I can't remember.

Speaker A:

I can't remember either.

Speaker A:

But I.

Speaker A:

If I remember correctly, even Oda had said before, like, if Luffy had to be from a region, it would be that region.

Speaker A:

And so some people, like, why aren't they all Japanese?

Speaker A:

Why are they all Asian?

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

It's like, it's because this.

Speaker A:

This anime is such a great diversity and they really brought that in translation to the live action as well.

Speaker B:

Okay, so I looked it up.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Luffy is Brazil.

Speaker A:

Oh, I.

Speaker A:

I wanted to say Brazil.

Speaker A:

I should have went with my first choice.

Speaker B:

Zorro is Japan.

Speaker B:

Makes sense.

Speaker B:

Nami's supposed to be like Sweden.

Speaker B:

Usopp is Africa and Sanji is France.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

So no, that makes perfect sense to me.

Speaker B:

Like, he had said that years ago.

Speaker B:

So when you're making actors for this, that made sense to me too, because when you go in an anime style, it's mu ku seki is kind of a catchall term in manga and anime for it literally means statelessness or nationlessness.

Speaker B:

So when they're drawing people, most of the time they do it in the mukoku seki kind of way of you can't really tell where they're from.

Speaker B:

Now some.

Speaker B:

There are always exceptions.

Speaker B:

You can tell, like, this guy's obviously Japanese, or this guy is actually, you know, African American or what have you.

Speaker B:

But Oda, like plenty of other manga artists, drew in that mukoku seki way and then later on developed.

Speaker B:

Oh, I actually think that Usopp is, you know, from Africa, which is a huge vague term for where it could actually be.

Speaker B:

But you know, I don't expect them to know African nation.

Speaker B:

So that makes perfect sense to me.

Speaker A:

And then I think this is a little.

Speaker A:

A little extra.

Speaker A:

I'm pretty sure they already started casting the second season.

Speaker A:

Have you seen that?

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

I haven't went super deep into it yet, but.

Speaker A:

Have you?

Speaker B:

Not yet.

Speaker B:

I remember there were a couple I really liked.

Speaker B:

It sounded like good choices, but I can't remember exactly the actors names or anything like that.

Speaker B:

My memory is not the best.

Speaker A:

I know.

Speaker A:

Well, like, Robin's gonna be Russian and like, we actually got this see her audition video.

Speaker A:

Like, I want to live which is always a fun thing to see.

Speaker A:

And then with the action, the live action, they did two scenes that I feel was just such a beauty to translate from the anime.

Speaker A:

And so my favorite one was of course, whenever Shanks had the tussle and stuff and the guy like shoots him in the head while eating the freaking thing of meat.

Speaker A:

It was just.

Speaker A:

It was like perfection.

Speaker A:

And I know that's a thing weird to say if someone like literally committing murder while eating a freaking chicken leg, but I just.

Speaker A:

I don't know, it was just so.

Speaker A:

I remember seeing that in the anime and kind of being a little jarred about it as a child and so to see it as an adult, like I still got that drawing feeling of like, oh junk.

Speaker A:

They are not messing like goofy pirates.

Speaker A:

They kept the spirit of the goofiness, but also the severity of they are pirates.

Speaker A:

So I feel like just the emotion translated so well.

Speaker A:

And then whenever Nami asked Luffy for help and Luffy puts his hat on Nami's head and like they go.

Speaker A:

He goes to walk away and then it's the whole crew kind of just like waiting for him and they all walked off together.

Speaker A:

That was sheer.

Speaker A:

I would give that moment a 10 out of 10 perfection.

Speaker A:

Like I.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

It just hypes me up.

Speaker A:

And you kind of just see how they are now.

Speaker A:

Like they're forming and they're being a real crew.

Speaker B:

Yeah, yeah, I agree with that completely.

Speaker B:

It's because, you know, we get to the buggy part.

Speaker B:

You know, there's still wackiness in there, but it's introducing the nastier seeds of the.

Speaker B:

The more evil side of piracy in the world.

Speaker B:

And then you actually get into and oh no, no wacky goofiness for me.

Speaker B:

I hate all humans.

Speaker B:

Imma kill all you and Nami.

Speaker B:

Everything you work for doesn't matter because I was always planning to betray you in the end.

Speaker B:

So when that scene does come, when Luffy, like just like in among it, just like in the anime, puts his hat on top for.

Speaker B:

So I got this.

Speaker B:

We got this.

Speaker B:

You know, it's going down.

Speaker B:

You know, it means something.

Speaker B:

It's not time to stop laughing.

Speaker B:

It's time to like get a little.

Speaker A:

More serious and serious.

Speaker A:

We got.

Speaker A:

I just.

Speaker A:

The arlong park.

Speaker A:

I feel like I was sketchy on the fish Man.

Speaker A:

Like when I heard about the.

Speaker A:

The live action coming on, I was afraid that it was just gonna look really cheesy, really just like computer generated.

Speaker A:

But I feel like the Fishman, they did a really good job.

Speaker A:

And I know A lot of people had complaints of Luffy's outfit because Luffy is, I guess, you know, he's a little bit more conservative in this one and.

Speaker A:

But a big thing I heard that people complained about was that he was wearing shoes and not sandals was like a big thing.

Speaker A:

Because in the anime, Luffy's like wearing his flip flops and they.

Speaker A:

He like has tennis shoes in the thing.

Speaker A:

Everyone's like, it looks weird.

Speaker A:

It's not Luffy.

Speaker A:

But it's just at the end of the day, you have to just think it makes sense.

Speaker A:

Like, he's doing a lot of running around.

Speaker A:

A lot of these, especially Sanji and Zoro, they're doing their own stunts.

Speaker A:

And then Sanji, I know they have real actors name, but they.

Speaker A:

I don't know them, but Sanji, he actually like would cook for the crew behind the scenes and stuff like that, because he practiced cooking.

Speaker A:

So he would actually cook for the.

Speaker A:

The crew and the production people and whatnot.

Speaker A:

And then of course, like, you know, with all their martial arts and stuff, they did their own stunts.

Speaker A:

And Zorro, his sword was actually fitted, like to hold into his teeth.

Speaker A:

And it was very well done.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Going to the Luffy thing, it's like.

Speaker B:

Well, of course they had to change that for live action a little bit.

Speaker B:

Some of the costume, maybe not, but the.

Speaker B:

The sandals alone, like, could you imagine running in those things or doing stunts and those things.

Speaker B:

It makes no sense.

Speaker B:

Like, it makes a lot of sense for a comedy character inside of a manga to do that.

Speaker B:

Because you can keep your sandals on your feet when you do that.

Speaker B:

You do that in real life, you're going to take someone's head off because they're just going to fly off your feet and hit someone else hard.

Speaker B:

Like, it's part of the pragmatic adaptation that they're doing here that I'm okay with.

Speaker B:

Because there's some things that just don't translate well from a comic medium into live action.

Speaker A:

Like Sanji's curly eyebrow.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I.

Speaker B:

I would love it to be there, but there's only so much you do.

Speaker B:

Like, they've embraced the goofiness, and there's some goofiness that goes on even with some serious negative, some of it.

Speaker B:

But there's stuff that would distract if you did stuff like that.

Speaker B:

So I.

Speaker B:

I prefer that they just did what they did.

Speaker B:

Let's work what we can.

Speaker B:

Let's get rid of what we can't.

Speaker A:

I do miss Sanji's eyebrow and his.

Speaker A:

I appreciate though, they took away his cigarette so depending on.

Speaker A:

It depends on which version of the anime you guys watch.

Speaker A:

If you did.

Speaker A:

I don't know if they changed it on the manga, but Sanji always had, like, a cigarette in his mouth.

Speaker A:

And then, yes, the Americanized anime, we changed it to a lollipop.

Speaker A:

And so they just kind of, yeah, no smoking.

Speaker A:

But then in the live action, they just got rid of it all together.

Speaker A:

So I was kind of like, I wish he.

Speaker A:

It would have been fun if he had, like, a toothpick or some, you know, something.

Speaker A:

But once again, you're doing your own stunt.

Speaker A:

Like, it's just not practical.

Speaker A:

It was like, it would have been a fun, like, thing that a few people would have appreciated.

Speaker A:

But, like, if you're truly.

Speaker A:

I'm always a fan of.

Speaker A:

If you are truly a fan, like, you're going to find.

Speaker A:

You have to.

Speaker A:

You're going to find reasons to love it.

Speaker B:

Yeah, something like that too.

Speaker B:

I mean, smoking has become way more charged over the years.

Speaker B:

And even when Sanji first showed up on the scene was around the time people were really shifting towards smoking evil, smoking bad.

Speaker B:

And I'm someone like, hey, you probably shouldn't smoke.

Speaker B:

I'm not going to legislate you not to do so, but I think for your health, probably for the best not to.

Speaker B:

So you run the risk of having a cool character doing something that inherently looks cool.

Speaker B:

Like, it doesn't matter if there's a guy who looks cool.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Smoking looks cool.

Speaker B:

And this is also intended primarily, even with this adaptation for children.

Speaker B:

So you have to worry about something like that.

Speaker B:

And, you know, Japan and us are very different.

Speaker B:

So those things came into mind.

Speaker B:

I'm sure that's something they were thinking about when they were making that change.

Speaker B:

I don't know if I.

Speaker B:

I don't think I heard anyone say anything about that.

Speaker B:

But knowing American sensibilities, that's probably a reason why it was changed.

Speaker A:

It makes sense.

Speaker A:

It's just crazy how, like, different countries will market different things.

Speaker A:

America would make everything look.

Speaker A:

Even if it's bad for you.

Speaker A:

Like, oh, look, it is colorful packaging.

Speaker A:

And then other countries, like in the Philippines, I remember seeing, like, the cigarette package is like, pretty much a deformed baby is on the COVID of it.

Speaker A:

It's like these.

Speaker A:

This is bad.

Speaker A:

No, no, lie.

Speaker A:

True, true story.

Speaker A:

Or they would have, like, these sick people on the.

Speaker A:

Because they wanted you to avoid buying them so they didn't make it look desirable versus us.

Speaker A:

We're like, here we go.

Speaker A:

It's pretty.

Speaker A:

There's a camel on it.

Speaker A:

I don't know.

Speaker A:

Yeah, whatever.

Speaker A:

Whatever floats our boat, I guess.

Speaker A:

But that's getting a little off topic.

Speaker A:

Is there?

Speaker A:

What's your favorite moment?

Speaker A:

I can already talked about my favorite moment with the translation of when the crew comes to rally around Nami.

Speaker A:

What's your favorite moment in the live.

Speaker B:

Action man, that's a good one because that's a great scene right there.

Speaker B:

It worked effectively in a manga anime.

Speaker B:

Works effectively here.

Speaker B:

I'm actually gonna go with Sanji's flashback with him and Zeff and how like I think they adapted that extremely well of this grittier old pirate kid who just wants to be a chef on this middle of nowhere bit of like coral or rock or whatever.

Speaker B:

No hope of actually being rescued.

Speaker B:

And it looks like Zeff is just keeping all the food for himself.

Speaker B:

But actually he gave like, if not all of it, the vast majority of it to Sanji so he could survive because he kept his treasure instead.

Speaker B:

And even if he didn't die, even if he died, then Sanji could have taken that treasure for himself because he cared more about the kid than he did for his own life.

Speaker B:

And you know, sawing off his own leg and that was very powerful.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Actors, once again, can't remember your names for life.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

You did your jobs, guys.

Speaker A:

I did love seeing the Barelli and the.

Speaker A:

The restaurant was captivated so well.

Speaker A:

I love like Shanti.

Speaker A:

Would you like water?

Speaker A:

Sparkling tap, Ice cube, mineral.

Speaker A:

It's like just.

Speaker A:

And we all know how I've talked about.

Speaker A:

I just love Sanji.

Speaker A:

I'm a fan of love.

Speaker A:

I just want him to find love.

Speaker A:

I think that would be the pinnacle of my life if.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Oda, if you're listening, can you please give Sanji and fantastic love story ending, please?

Speaker A:

Maybe that could be his, you know, his One Piece.

Speaker A:

When he finds the All Blue, he finds his true love too.

Speaker B:

Well, we haven't gotten there in the show proper as far as what we've discussed, but there's hope for a certain character, you know, might have tried to get married too.

Speaker A:

Oh yeah, well, that's.

Speaker A:

I was.

Speaker A:

I was rooting for that.

Speaker A:

But one.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Guys, if you enjoy us talking about One Piece, make sure you join us on.

Speaker A:

It's on our episode list.

Speaker A:

Christian could tell you how to get there, but we are actually going through arc by arc of One Piece and talking about it and so I am very excited for that arc.

Speaker A:

But yeah, we're not there yet.

Speaker A:

But there is hope for Sanji.

Speaker A:

But I just love him too.

Speaker A:

Yeah, if I wasn't married and Sanji and I, you know, met, I would want to marry Sanji, but I'm a one, you know, very like a one man type of gal.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Yeah, once again getting off topic.

Speaker A:

So, Christian, you interrupt me.

Speaker A:

Please make me stop talking.

Speaker A:

Tell me more about the One Piece live action.

Speaker B:

I also really appreciate what they do with Nami and enriching her backstory.

Speaker B:

Why can I remember her actress's name and no one else's?

Speaker B:

Emily Rudd.

Speaker B:

She did a fantastic job portraying her as the scoundrel with a heart of gold who has this very noble reason for what she's doing.

Speaker B:

Even if it means that everyone in her village hates her.

Speaker B:

She's gonna do what it takes to buy them out and save them from Arlong.

Speaker B:

And I think that her performance of like realizing everything she fought for was a lie.

Speaker B:

You could tell like, man, great emotional acting there before becoming a part of the crew.

Speaker B:

Just how much she's willing to like turn on them and mess with them and screw with them.

Speaker B:

That's pure Nami from the manga.

Speaker B:

What they did with her.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

His actor did really very fairly well.

Speaker B:

They don't give him a lot to work with, but we don't get a lot of Zoro early on anyway, so I'm okay with that.

Speaker A:

I like how they entered Bro's work a little early too, in the live action versus the anime.

Speaker B:

Yeah, Usopp.

Speaker B:

I think they did a great job with him too, of his relationship with Kaya, which is probably the only relationship we actually have in one piece without it actually being said out loud.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

And just the interplay between the two of them, both his actor and her actor were fantastic.

Speaker B:

And of course they.

Speaker B:

Oh, that's something else that they removed Django from that part.

Speaker B:

So you get a few of the comedic elements that arose from having a goofball like him involved in all this death and murder and what have you.

Speaker B:

But Kuro, great job.

Speaker B:

What they did with him, very menacing.

Speaker B:

I do think that's part of that arc is where it lost me a little bit with like the.

Speaker B:

The shenanigans in the Mansion with like the.

Speaker B:

The side characters and figuring out what was going on.

Speaker B:

That's not my favorite part.

Speaker B:

I would have definitely reshot some of those scenes or rewritten some of them, but for the most part they did really well there.

Speaker B:

But Arlong, that's where they hit it.

Speaker B:

Also, after dealing with Buggy before that, like, oh my gosh, once again, can I remember actor's name?

Speaker B:

For the life of me, he was so good.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Like, that is something that is impossible.

Speaker B:

You should not be able to adapt him, let alone adapting Luffy on the screen, which, by the way, his actor also does really well.

Speaker B:

But Puggy the Clown should not work in live action.

Speaker B:

But they care about the source material that much.

Speaker B:

They have Oda on set giving them direction on what to do.

Speaker B:

Man, I was blown away.

Speaker B:

I thought for sure I would hate what they did with Bucky.

Speaker B:

But no, he's like, why can't we have him on screen more often?

Speaker B:

They do such a great job with him.

Speaker A:

He was so good.

Speaker A:

And then just the goofiness of Luffy too.

Speaker A:

Like, I think Luffy's just cat.

Speaker A:

I can't.

Speaker A:

I have no complaints with how anyone is cast.

Speaker A:

Like, none.

Speaker B:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker B:

Luffy here, like, he loses a little bit of the wackiness of and dumbness of regular Luffy.

Speaker B:

But you know what?

Speaker B:

I think our actor, still great guy, still does his job well.

Speaker B:

Still makes me believe that this is Monkey D.

Speaker B:

Luffy brought to live action.

Speaker B:

Brought to assemble this crew of misfits to be, you know, pirates in a world filled with actual real pirates.

Speaker B:

But their view of what piracy is, is just what Luffy's crew is.

Speaker B:

Anyway, if we're going to do whatever we want to do, this is for freedom's sake.

Speaker B:

We're going to do this to even help people along the way, which is not what pirates typically do, but that's what we say pirates do.

Speaker B:

And I believe it when they say stuff like that.

Speaker A:

What are you, I guess, excited for with season two, but hesitant.

Speaker A:

So I'm hesitant that season one was just so good and like, exceeded expectation.

Speaker A:

So now the bar is raised.

Speaker A:

So it's not going to meet, you know, expectation.

Speaker A:

I'm very concerned for Chopper, how they're gonna.

Speaker A:

How they're gonna do that.

Speaker A:

But I mean, they did.

Speaker A:

They did great with Buggy.

Speaker A:

They did great with their pirates, like the gum gum fruit.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

But I.

Speaker A:

I feel like my expectations now are set too high.

Speaker A:

So I think.

Speaker B:

I think that's fair.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I am concerned.

Speaker B:

Are they gonna be able to do Chopper?

Speaker B:

Well, I mean, that they've proved me wrong with a lot of the other cgi.

Speaker B:

But if you're talking about a character that is permanently, you know, gonna have to be CGI'd, because, you know, there's not little reindeer men, very small and very cute, walking.

Speaker B:

Walking around the world today.

Speaker B:

Maybe they could even do a puppet.

Speaker B:

I mean, if they really wanted to, they could make it work.

Speaker B:

I mean, we had the technology But I'm concerned there.

Speaker B:

I'm trying to think of the arcs themselves.

Speaker B:

If there's anything.

Speaker B:

I mean, like, before, it's like, what do they take out?

Speaker B:

What did it keep in?

Speaker B:

Like, how much are they going to take out?

Speaker B:

How many episodes are we going to get?

Speaker B:

That does them justice because we have to build up to Alabasta, and that's going to be huge for their season three, it looks like.

Speaker B:

I think that's how they're setting it up.

Speaker A:

And I think Smoker is going to be fun, too.

Speaker A:

Just how they're going to do the CGI with the fall fog and the smoke and whatnot.

Speaker A:

So I'm looking forward to it.

Speaker A:

I'm not sure.

Speaker A:

Did they announce when season two is coming?

Speaker B:

I want to say I feel like it's.

Speaker A:

It's the end of this year, but I can't remember.

Speaker B:

Release date would be.

Speaker B:

It said:

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I just heard:

Speaker A:

Don't even, like, get excited yet because August is around the corner if you think about it.

Speaker A:

Yes, please consider rating and reviewing our show, if you guys don't mind.

Speaker A:

Like I said, it helps us extend our reach, get more listeners and just, you know, I need a little bit of affirmation sometimes.

Speaker A:

Like I said, I had a hard day at work and I just want to know I'm doing an okay job.

Speaker A:

Not even a good job.

Speaker A:

I'm okay with an okay job.

Speaker A:

So please consider rating, reviewing a commenting on our show.

Speaker A:

Thank you again for our Patreon supporter.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

You are the bomb dot com.

Speaker A:

Yes, I just showed my age and no, I do not care.

Speaker A:

So, guys, thank you so much.

Speaker A:

We appreciate you.

Speaker A:

We are all a chosen people, a geekdom of priests.



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190. Why isn't Luffy afraid of death?
bonus Can Joy exist without Sadness?
189. Can programs have free will?
188. How do we test our heroes?
bonus Who will possess the power of the Glow?
187. Why do we still love 90's cartoons?
186. Indiana Jones, Secret Invasion, and Strange New Worlds
bonus What is most holy in Jerusalem?
185. ONE SHOT: Why do we love SciFI videogames?
184. How are videogames political?
bonus Where have politics most gone amuck in our favorite videogames?
bonus Are you afraid of the Daywalker?
183. Are you a Mr. Meeseeks?
182. How can an infant defeat the dark lord?
bonus Should we say Voldemort's name?
bonus Could this all be just a dream?
181. What if Gandalf never returned and Captain America took his place?
bonus What if Red Skull went to Middle Earth?
180. Who is Darth Bane?
What was Bane's road to Damascus?
bonus Do you wanna play a (Drive-In) game?
179. Was "The Jungle Book" a sad movie?
bonus Manga Mustard - June, 2023
178. Who are the gods and celestials behind Marvel?
bonus Which cosmic entity do we identify with most?
177. What are our canon events?
176. Why do we still love Firefly?
175. Can we too become a hero?
174. (LIVE) Hmm... What else do we geek out on?
173. Who created the Pokémon world?
172. Jedi: Survivor, GOTG 3, The Little Mermaid, and From
171. (LIVE) How are Angels like Aliens?
170. How did the Land of Ooo come to be?
169. Guardians of the Galaxy, Dune, Hunters, and Star Wars: Visions
168. How long can "Star Wars: The Knights of the Old Republic" go on?
167. How does the Jedi Exile compare to Revan?
166. What is "My Hero Academia" all about?
bonus How do women take lead in a patriarchal, fantasy realm?
bonus Who will shepherd the trees now?
165. What are the religions of Westeros?
164. What if Jar Jar is a Sith?
bonus Can Vampires be sanctified?
163. Was "Rings of Power" actually a good show?
162. How did Star Fleet get its start?
bonus Does war band us together?
161. What if Family Guy did Star Trek?
160. Blood & Honey, Pokémon TCG, and Resident Evil 4
bonus Can you let it go, already?!
bonus ONE SHOT: Why do resurrections matter?
159. What does Bluey and Animal Crossing have in common?
158. Are the live-action Disney remakes good?
bonus Who watches the Watchmen?!
trailer Who are the Priests to the Geeks?
157. What if The Doctor visited Hogwarts?
156. Can you fly with child-like faith?
bonus How far would you go for peace?
155. Is it okay to brainwash a sith?
154. Batman, South Park, and Apex Legends
bonus Why did Blackbeard put up with Stede Bonnet?
153. What can we learn about mental health from "The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad"?
152. How did the Straw Hats get their start?
151. Space Pirates, Superheroery, and Fatherhoodery!
150. Who all could beat Goku?
bonus Have you ever wanted to "take care of" somebody?
bonus How do we celebrate "The Battle of Helm's Deep"?
149. Picard, The Last of Us, and The Mandalorian
148. What if there were Jedis from Krypton?
bonus Do the Titans believe in the doctrine of original sin?
bonus "The Winemaker" and "Deep Space 9"
147. How quantum are you feeling today?
146. What if an AI developed a soul?
bonus Is "The Witcher" an HBO series?
145. Why do we love Critical Role so much?
144. How controversial can "The Three Caballeros" REALLY be?
bonus What does "The Last of Us" reveal about our desires?
143. What is the Morphin Grid?
142. What is Cryptozoology?
bonus Is the House of Stark too cold?
bonus Who did the best cosplay at Matthews Comic Con?
bonus What was Matthews NC's first Comic Con like?
bonus How much HBO can Christians tolerate?
141. Should we do a repeat episode?
140. What if we REALLY did find life on another planet?
139. The Witch from Mercury, One Piece Odyssey, and The Last of Us
138. What makes Mortal Kombat great?
137. Bad Batch, One Piece Odyssey, and Chasing Waves
136. What do we love about Cronenberg?
135. Bad Batch S2, and 2023's movie lineup
134. Were Middle Earth and Narnia created the same?
bonus What else is possible for SG in 2023?
133. Avatar: The Way of Water, Tulsa King, and Bad Batch S2
132. Who are the Ood?
131. What if John Constantine was Hogwarts' professor of the Dark Arts?
130. James Gunn, Santa Clause, and J. K. Rowling
bonus Is Elf a good movie?
129. What is Christmas like in Narnia?
128. Did Netflix make the best Pinocchio?
bonus Is Tim Allen REALLY Santa?
127. Where is Perelandra?
126. Who is Ahsoka Tano?
bonus Is Kris really Santa?
125. Willow, Pokemon, Wednesday, and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
124. Why do geeks love podcasts?
bonus Can we still enjoy a secular Christmas story?
123. Would you like an alien for Christmas?
122. What if Sirius Black never went to Azkaban?
bonus What are your must-watch Christmas movies?
121. How do you geek out on Thanksgiving?
bonus Reflecting on Jason David Frank
120. Who were the inklings?
119. What are our top 5 cooking shows?
118. Was Pinocchio the perfect animated film?
117. Who will become the king of the pirates?
116. Is Black Adam DC's way back?
115. What will Wakanda be like after T'challa?
114. What can Christians learn from demons?
bonus How do we geek out on Halloween?
bonus Can you kill the boogie man?
113. What is your favorite rejected dwarf name?
112. What if Disney animated Les Misérables instead of The Hunchback of Notre-Dame?
bonus Are you un poco loco for Coco?
111. Who is your favorite Muppet?
110. What is your favorite book series?
bonus Should we have let Beetlejuice free?
109. What if there isn't a monster?
108. Should there be more Hocus Pocus films?
bonus How can we say thank you?
bonus Who could love a monster (movie)?
107. How much magic can there be in a card game?
106. What is THE best SciFi cartoon?
bonus What are your favorite magic words?
105. What if Qui Gon Jinn would've defeated Darth Maul?
104. What makes something canon?
bonus What can Christians learn from Halloween movies?
103. How logical is sacrifice?
102. What has Disney been preaching?
101. What is the real final battle?
100. Who is your favorite Star Wars character?
99. What signs has Aslan given you?
98. When should Christians hulk out?
bonus What does "The Crow" teach about vengeance?
97. How powerful is your jewelry?
96. What if Severus Snape raised Harry Potter?
bonus How do Wes Craven films expand our conversations?
95. How magical is a true work-life balance?
94. Does the Church overlook Wolverine?
bonus How can we choose our family, like Tarzan?
93. Are you a human with no class (heh, heh)?
92. How does Gen X geek out?
bonus How hard is it for Superman to choose to be human?
91. How can you mentor a god?
90. Why would 2 pastors recommend "Ozark"?
bonus Who are the "Alfreds" and "Selinas" in your life?
89. Why do we love D&D?
88. Is "Treasure Planet" perfect?
bonus What made "Batman (1989)" stand out?
87. Is there a label for Ms. Marvel?
86. How awesome is Mortal Kombat?
bonus What can "Phantom Menace" teach us about taxes?
85. What makes Harrison Ford films great?
84. How bad was "Thor: Love and Thunder"?
bonus What is the best Jack Ryan movie?
83. Who are the Doctor's best companions?
82. What can Star Trek teach us about the Kingdom of God?
bonus How dangerous are the patriot games?
81. Does God purr over you?
80. Has anyone ever heard of a podcast dedicated to Marvel's Thor?
bonus What would the Holy Grail really look like?
79. What's the best anime to start with?
78. Where is Buzz Lightyear of Star Command?
bonus Where is the lost ark, really?
77. What are geek devotions?
76. Should we let dinosaurs remain extinct?
bonus What did "The Godfather" teach us about family?
75. What is Gundam Wing?
74. Why did Disney try to hide "The Black Cauldron"?
bonus How did Jaws start the summer blockbuster?
73. What happens after Aslan's sacrifice?
72. Who's ready for the Ms. Marvel series!?
bonus Who's ready for the SG drive-in!?
71. Which mythical culture do you find most compelling?
70. If you could travel anywhere in time, where would you go?
69. Was the last ronin's path necessary?
68. Who is the Last Ronin?
67. Who threw off the emperor's groove?
bonus Could you be an avatar of Khonshu or YHWH?
66. How does "The Multiverse of Madness" compare to other Marvel films?
65. What makes Space Jam great?
64. Why do we love Godzilla?
63. Would clones have souls?
62. Do you find this episode Strange?
bonus Are we Groot?
61. Which superheroes are you made up of?
60. Are two hearts better than one?
bonus Who could bring pollution down to zero?
59. What's with Master Chief's head?
58. What's in your wardrobe?
bonus What if they celebrated Easter in the Shire?
57. Is Sonic 2 the best movie sequel?
56. TMNT: Is it cowabunga or booyakasha?
55. Does your Bible have enough pictures?
54. Does anyone care about Morbius?
bonus Have you ever read a Moon Knight comic?
53. What are the 5 greatest Green Lantern moments of all time?
52. What do you think about the MCU formula?
51. Are our souls hollowing?
bonus How does our theology prepare us for an age of robots? (w/ Joshua K Smith)
50. Who is the best Bat?
49. Should we seek revenge on demons?
48. Have you ever dropkicked a zombie?
47. Who is C. S. Lewis?
46. (The Batman) Who is vengeance?
45. What if Luke finished his training on Dagobah?
44. (Moon Knight) Is Religion a Result of Mental Disorder?
43. (NARNIA) Have You Ever Spoken to a Horse?
bonus The Book of Boba Fett: Our Final Thoughts
42. (Pokémon) Is Arceus a God of Time or of Space?
41. (Justice League) 10 Ways the Theatrical Cut Is *NOT* Better Than the Snyder Cut
40. (LOTR) What if Gandalf perished?
39. (HIMYM) What Are Your Comfort Shows?
38. (ENCANTO) What Does it Mean to be a Part of the Family?
37. (GROUNDHOG DAY) What One Day Would You Choose to Relive?
36. (NARNIA) What Did Creation Look Like?
35. What Does Your RPG Character Say About You?
34. What's Your Favorite Star Wars Planet?
33. What Gives Ultraman His Powers?
32. Whatcha Gonna Do, Brother, When Systematic Geekology Runs Wild All Over You!!??
31. (The Book of Boba Fett) How Can We Heal From Our Own Sarlacc Pitts?
30. Who is the Greatest NCAAF Coach of All Time?
29. Who is Cthulhu?
28. What Was the Best MCU Content in 2021?
27. (THE MATRIX) What is Real?
26. (NO WAY HOME) How Can Spider-Man Change His Identity?
25. What is the Greatest Christmas Movie of All Time?
24. What Are Our Favorite Classic Christmas Movies?
23. Can Gaming be Worship?
22. The Nightmare Before Christmas: Halloween or Christmas?
21. Who is Boba Fett?
20. What Can Pirates Teach us About Faith?
19. Who Exactly is Hawkeye?
17. What Geeky Stuff Are You Thankful For?
16. (BOB'S BURGERS) Why Does Bob Love Thanksgiving So Much?
15. How Does a Heart Become a Heartless?
14. What Does it Mean to be Human?
13. What Are Our Favorite Superheroes' Religions?
12. What If... We Weren't Christian?
11. Why Do Origins Matter?
10. Who are our Top 5 Comicbook Villains?
9. Why Should Christians Watch Horror Films?
8. What is Your Role in the Universe?
bonus What Makes Sci-Fi so Compelling?
7. Should Christians Cheer for Venom?
6. Who is 'The Doctor'?
5. How Does Reincarnation Work in 'Avatar: The Last Airbender'?
4. What's with the Fear of D&D and Anime?
3. Is "Revenge of the Sith" a Good Movie?
2. Why Do Christians Hate Harry Potter and Love LOTR?
1. Is Geeking Out the Same as Idol Worship?
bonus BONUS: Who Are the Priests to the Geeks?